Ryan était un être humain moyen. Au cours d'un événement accidentel, il a reçu un pouvoir appelé "bénédiction". Depuis lors, sa vision du monde a radicalement changé. Cela a été un grand choc pour lui. Il poursuit des rêves de justice, confrontant la réalité de son monde dans cette fantaisie Shounen. C'est là que ce manhua vous transportera dans un nouveau monde de danger, d'action et de fantaisie !
Shijou Saikyou no Mahou Kenshi, F Rank Boukensha ni Tensei Suru ~ Kensei to Matei, 2 Tsu no Zense o motta Otoko no Eiyuutan Shijou Saikyou no Mahou Ke - The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Reborn as an F-Rank Adventurer.
Aizawa Yuri s'est réincarné deux fois maintenant et il est très fatigué d'être l'empereur de ceci et de cela. Grâce à ses compétences, il a acquis un artefact de réincarnation, et commence sa vie dans un tout nouveau monde !
The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Reborn as an F-Rank Adventurer - 史上最強の魔法剣士、Fランク冒険者に転生する ~剣聖と魔帝、2つの前世を持った男の英雄譚~ - 最强之人转生成F级冒险者 - 사상 최강의 마법검사, F랭크 모험자로 전생한다~검성과 마제, 2개의 전생을 가진 남자들의 영웅담~
La Divertida Vida Del Orco MÁS Poderoso De La Historia, Creando Un Harem En Un Mundo Alternativo. - The fun life of the most powerful orc in history, creating a harem in an alternative world. - 史上最強オークさんの楽しい異世界ハーレム作り
Notre protagoniste, Ork, est le fils d'une femme chevalier et d'un orc. En raison de son apparence ressemblant plus à sa mère, il a été harcelé et intimidé par les orcs de son village. Après avoir rencontré une belle elfe et d'autres filles demi-humaines, et avoir été rejeté pour sa lignée, la force de son sang se réveille et élabore un plan pour devenir le guerrier le plus fort de l'histoire afin de se constituer un harem de belles femmes.
History's strongest Orc-san Fun Harem Building - La divertida vida del orco más poderoso de la historia, creando un harem en un mundo alternativo. - La vie amusante du plus puissant Orc de l'histoire, à la recherche d'un harem dans un autre monde - The fun
Our protagonist Oroku, is the son of a female knight and an orc. Due to his appearance taking more after his mother, he was harassed and bullied by the orcs of his village. After meeting a beautiful elf and other demi-human girls, and being rejected for his lineage, the strength of his blood awakens and plots a plan to become the strongest warrior in history in order to make a harem of beautiful women.[hr]ESPAÑOL: [spoiler]Nuestro protagonista Oroku, es el hijo de una mujer caballero y un orco. Debido a que su apariencia se acerca más a la de su madre, fue acosado y molestado por los orcos de su aldea. Después de conocer a una bella elfa y a otras chicas demi-humanas, y ser rechazado por su linaje, la fuerza de su sangre despierta y trama un plan para convertirse en el guerrero más fuerte de la historia y hacerse con ello un harem de hermosas mujeres.[/spoiler]
Cela fait 10 ans que la mère d'Hiromu a disparu.Elle décide de se rendre dans le dernier endroit où elle l'a vu : La forêt interdite. Elle y fait la rencontre d'un garçon qui aurait une requête à lui faire...
July 2005. There is a series of mysterious homicides happening in the blazing city, Tokyo. All the victims were women and the cause of their death was traumatic shocks. Judging from abnormality of these incidents, there are reasons to believe that they have something to do with the occult.In order to make clear the direction they should take, the metropolitan police department decided to carry out their investigations by engaging the help of those influential figures of the occult world.July 21st – the metropolitan police department officially labeled this incident as the No. 568 Specific Crime…
Dans un certain monde, vivait un homme qui excellait dans les combats magiques, les gens l'appelaient [Sage]. Cherchant la plus puissante magie de combat, il dévoua sa vie à rechercher toutes les magies et arts du combat existants. Mais la conclusion à laquelle il parvint fut cruelle, [Mon corps n'est pas fait pour la magie de combat]. Pourtant il n'abandonna pas. Il scella son âme grâce à un art magique, et se réincarna à une lointaine époque. Les connaissances magiques de ce monde complètement différentes étaient à ses yeux incroyablement faibles.
Dans le pays de Hinomoto, il y a une secte appelée Lunar dont la croyance "La mort est bonheur". Dans cette secte, il y a un professeur, Momo, qui pense le contraire. Un jour, elle fera la connaissance de Ten, un jeune homme curieux qui est tombé du ciel. Ensemble, ils partent à l'aventure.
After Daa! Daa! Daa!, Ruu is now a cheerful youth living in his home, Planet Otto. Then, a confused girl named Miu arrives through a wormhole from Earth. Ruu joins up with her and promises to take her home. Unknown to Ruu, Miu is the daughter of the same people who took good care of him in his stay on Earth.
Episode Zero - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Episode Zero - New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: 新機動戦記ガンダムW EPISODE ZERO - Episode Zero - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Ep
Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left
I Was Kicked out of the Hero’s Party Because I Wasn’t a True Companion so I Decided to Have a Slow Life at the Frontier - Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Slow Life Frontier - 真の仲間じゃ
Red, who was a member of the Hero's party acting as a scout, strategist and negotiator, is the elder brother of a young girl that has the Divine Protection of the Hero and that battles against the Demon Lord. He has the Divine Protection of the Guide, which grants him a high initial level. As this Protection only grants him that and nothing else - no magic, martial arts prowess, or supernatural ability - he gradually becomes unable to keep up with the battle. As a consequence, one of his companions, a Sage, accuses him of not being a true companion, snatches all his equipment and kicks him out of the party leaving him just a copper sword.Having his heart completely shattered, Red distances himself from the battle against the Demon Lord’s army despite knowing that the fate of the world rests on it, aiming to live an inconspicuous life alone at the frontier town of Zoltan as he earns money to open a herbalist shop by utilizing the knowledge he acquired throughout his journey.Together with the Half-Elf Carpenter living downtown and the Princess who couldn’t become the Hero’s companion, he aims to live a slow life in the frontier of the world governed by a person’s inborn Divine Protection!
From Turtle Paradise: After being shipwrecked on a remote southern island, Lina and Co. protect its townspeople from an attack by pirates…. But the island holds a deep, dark secret - and powerful magical forces are at work trying desperately to hide its past. The fate of the world once again rests in the hands of the over-bearing Lina Inverse… For better or worse! Join Lina, Gourry Gabriev, Zelgadiss Greywords, Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, and introducing Luke and Millena on a brand new adventure!
The manga that made Tezuka famous. It is an action-adventure drama inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's book. One day a boy named Pete finds a map of "Treasure Island" that his deceased father left behind. He starts on a voyage to find it together with "Captain," who was a friend of his father. But his ship is attacked by pirates, led by Bowarl, and the two are caught. When a storm hits the pirate ship, the two are thrown into the sea and washed up on the shore of a solitary island in the southern ocean. To their surprise, this island is the one they have been looking for.... The Western-style art and fast-paced storyline attracted much attention, and it became a best seller with 400,000 copies sold, laying the groundwork for the manga craze and its modern style. The original version of "New Treasure Island" was based on Tezuka Osamu's manuscript, but substantial modifications were made by Sasaki Shichima, who cut nearly 60 pages and also changed some of the lines. When publishing "The Complete Works of Tezuka Osamu," Tezuka Osamu remade it based on his memory to make it closer to his original. Was adapted into animation.
In the previous "Kung-Fu Boy" series, Chinmi became the master of Kempo at Dairin temple, where he trained disciples. When they lose contact with Kyorinji, a temple of the same sect, Chinmi is dispatched to the Kanan Autonomous region to investigate.He tries to enter Kanan with Pushin, a swordmaster whom he met traveling to Kanan. But they are attacked after trying to enter Kanan and pursued by the Border Police who chase them into a waterfall. A fisherman saves them and aids their entrance into Kanan. The people of Kanan are forcibly oppressed by the government. Chinmi befriends the people and makes the big decision to free them with his Kempo. Sorabi Boru, Lieutenant of the Border Police and Jirai, the evil king of Kanan attack Chinmi...
"Shinbuki" or the true weapon, is the art of channeling inner energy into your sorroundings and materializing it into a weapon. A shinbuki is much stronger than normal weapons, so this technique is widely taught. Souma Kenichi is a wandering young man who hasn't learned this technique, but can summon shinbuki himself.While he is hunted by an organization with an unknown reason, he encounters a famous teacher of Miyazaki School, there he finds out he's one of the prodigy children called "Tensaiji'.
Akito wants the stereotypical isekai experience and so he summons himself to another world, however things don't quite go as planned. He's the same unskilled loser that he was before. He can barely scrape together enough money to eat. One day a cute girl approaches him with a contract to join her party. He can't read what it says, but ends up being forced to sign it anyway. What's the worst that could happen?
The tyrannical rule, foolish king and greedy nobles cause the powerless citizens nothing but misfortune. In this ruined land, Sion Astal, the son of King Roland and an ordinary woman is faced with the difficult destiny of rescuing the country...and his friend!
Voici Sefiria. Elle n'est peut-être plus qu'un bébé maintenant, mais elle a un secret dangereux : elle a des souvenirs de sa vie antérieure de salariée japonaise. Elle est morte et s'est fait réincarnée, regardez-la dans cette aventure mignonne où elle fait de son mieux pour maîtriser la magie.Maintenant, la viande et les pommes de terre des choses. Après avoir vécu l'enfer de vivre dans une société aussi rigide que le Japon auparavant, Sefiria veut éviter de faire la même erreur dans sa seconde vie. C'est alors qu'elle se souvint d'un célèbre dicton de sa vie antérieure :"A dix ans, tu peux être un prodige. A quinze ans, on peut être un génie. A vingt ans, tu seras une personne normale."Alors que le nouveau monde dans lequel elle est née considère que l'âge adulte commence à l'âge de 15 ans, Sefiria dispose d'un réservoir de connaissances de son ancienne vie pour l'aider à se reconstruire. Peut-elle devenir une prodige dès son plus jeune âge, révolutionner son monde et s'assurer une vie lente dans laquelle tout lecteur japonais aimerait s'insérer ?
Après avoir vaincu le Roi Démon et sauvé le monde, Shion a été exilé à la frontière. Ici, le héros le plus fort a profité de sa vie tranquille avec 4 jeunes filles compétentes.
深淵の魔術師~反逆者として幽閉された俺は不死の体と最強の力を手に入れ冒険者として成り上がる~ - Magician of the Abyss: I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer
Makoto est un reclus (hikikomori) qui est invoqué dans un autre monde. Il a reçu de la déesse Liana l'Oeil de Vérité, c'est-à-dire l'Oeil de Dieu. Makoto est maintenant capable de voir différentes choses, y compris le passé et l'avenir, en utilisant cette capacité qui lui permet de vivre comme un aventurier dans un monde différent.
Mistarcia is a magical world where humans, gods, and demons mingle together. In the past, the black-and-silver winged Bahamut has threatened to destroy the land, but humans, gods, and demons overcame their differences to fight together and seal its power. The key to that seal was split in two, one half given to the gods and the other to demons, so that they would never be united and Bahamut never released. Now, two thousand years later, the world is in an era of peace - until the day a human woman steals the gods' half of the key.
Deathbound Duke's Daughter and Seven Noblemen - Deathbound Duke's Daughter - Duke's Daughter Who is Liable to Die and Seven Nobles - Dying Daughter and Seven Noble Children - 死にやすい公爵令嬢と七人の貴公子 -
Un soir du début du printemps, Erica Aurelia, huit ans, se rend compte qu'elle est la détestable petite vilaine d'un jeu otome appelé Liber Monstrorum ~Les bêtes fantômes et la princesse d'hiver~. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas déjà, le rôle d'Erica dans le jeu est d'embêter le personnage principal... puis de mourir afin de lancer une mystérieuse série d'événements ! Ces incidents sont différents dans le parcours de chaque amour, et sept parcours signifient sept morts à éviter. N'étant pas du genre à jeter l'éponge, Erica sait qu'elle doit agir pour détruire ses drapeaux de la mort - et puisque sa vie est en jeu, il n'y a pas de temps à perdre !