
SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth's Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race. However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who's privileged to live and who's not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future. Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.
My Daughters, S-Rank Adventurers, Have a Severe Obsession With Their Father -  Sランク冒険者である俺の娘たちは重度のファザコンでした -  Мои дочери, которые являются искателями приключений S-ранга, очень сильно увлеклись -  身为S级冒险者的我,女儿却是重度父控
My Daughters The S-Rank Adventurers Had Severe Father-Con -  Sランク冒険者である俺の娘たちは重度のファザコンでした -  身为S级冒险者的我,女儿却是重度父控 - 
The youngest A-rank adventurer, child prodigy Kaiser, finds three babies who were the only survivor of a destroyed village. Then he decided to give up his job as an adventurer and raise them. Over time, the girls grow brightly and show exceptional talents in fencing, magic and management. However, these girls also seem to love their father, Kaiser!
Aria est une fille elfe aventurière.Elle rencontre dans le labyrinthite un chaton blessé, après l'avoir soigné elle décide de le garder comme un animal de compagnie et le nomme "Tama". A première vue, c'est juste un chat moyen, mais Aria n'a pas encore remarqué que Tama est un ancien être humain et que son identité n'est pas un chat, mais un jeune monstre de la classe la plus forte "Behemoth".
密約の血 裁きの血 -  Blood of Judgement -  Matsuyaku no Chi -  Sabaki no Chi 2 ~Matsuyaku no Chi~
In the castle, a poor boy, Biskyu Cris, tries to steal a medicinal herb which can extend the life span of the Castral people who only live for 25 years. Biskyu is saved by a tall beautiful, person completely covered by a long coat. After a lengthy period of sword training, Biskyu returns to the castle to become a knight and guard the person who originally saved him. Biskyu believed the person was a woman and wanted to sacrifice his life for her. However, his savior was a *king* of Castral, Erudora, who's 700 years old. (Erudora contracted with the Gyokuto people who have magical powers to cure any diseases. In return for his blood, Erudora received eternal life and awful blue blood which grows the medicinal herb.) Biskyu has the opportunity to become a knight Erudora's daughter, but instead falls in love with Erudora again. Biskyu, learning of the conspiracy by the Minister of Justice to try and kill Erudora, escapes with Erudora to release him from his accursed fate...
砂漠の民 -  Desert Tribe -  People of the Desert
Is a manga which Miyazaki wrote for a newspaper targeted for children. It is more of a graphic novel than a manga, since most of the text are written outside of the frames and there are very few dialogue bubbles (though towards the end of the story, it moved closer to the traditional manga style). The surprisingly dark story deals with the devastation of war, betrayal, and the ugliness of the human nature under desperate situations, including deaths of several characters. One can see the influence of TEZUKA Osamu in the art style of this manga (as in most of the manga written in this time).
Warm and deadly winds blow through the most dangerous region on the continent, known as Sabaku Sandã, the lawless desert. No sane person decides to cross the desert that is dominated by the most dangerous types of pirates and monsters. However Clouds, the troublemaker and Umma, the crybaby, are tasked with an important mission given by the mad scientist, Dr. More: Cross the desert to search for some of the scarce technological pieces in the city of Divisionbell. But fulfilling this mission will be a real challenge for both.
Martial Arts In Space And Stuff
From Tokyopop: On a world with no women, the surviving men have reintroduced the female in the form of an android. Called Marionettes, they are built to serve men and are limited in their interactions with humans. That is until a poor boy named Otaru Mamiya encounters a Marionette named Lime. Lime is a Saber model with a special circuit that gives her emotions. When Otaru awakens two more Saber Marionettes, his life as an 'average' man quickly becomes as extraordinary as the lives of his eager, busty new friends.

Saber Tiger

サーベル・タイガー -  Sabertooth Tiger -  Sergeant -  Adamas Diamonds -  Quo Vadis -  Asphaltic Trap -  The Planet of Winter
Sabel tiger est une compilation de 7 histoires fantastiques issues de l'imagination de Yukinobu Hoshino. Chacune de ces histoires nous plonge dans un aspect différent de la SF: altération spatiotemporelle, déterminisme génétique, civilisations perdues,... mais toutes ramènent l'humanité à sa place insignifiante face aux mystères de l'univers."

Sable Prince

Résumé à venir prochainement
Saguri-san Tankentai ; Saguri-chan Expedition Party ; Saguri-chan Exploration Party ; Saguri-chan Tankentai ; さぐりさん探検隊 ; さぐりちゃん探検隊
Du fait d'une santé fragile, Saguri a passé son enfance enfermée dans sa chambre à regarder et lire bouquins et albums photos sur le monde extérieur. Désormais guérie, elle ne rêve que d'une chose : explorer et découvrir les paysages de ses propres yeux. Et pour cela elle va entraîner son ami Tsumugu dans ses aventures....
The Faraway Paladin
Dans la cité des morts depuis longtemps en ruines, loin de la civilisation humaine, vit un seul enfant humain. Son nom est Will et il y est élevé par trois morts-vivants : le guerrier squelettique, Vlad; la gracieuse prêtresse momifiée, Mary; et le sorcier fantôme, Gus. Les trois mort-vivants déversent tout leur amour dans le garçon et lui enseignent tout ce qu’ils savent. Mais un jour, Will commence à se demander: «Qui suis-je ?». Will doit percer les mystères de ce lointain pays et découvrir le passé secret des morts-vivants. Il doit apprendre l’amour et la miséricorde des bons dieux, ainsi que le fanatisme et la folie des méchants. Et quand il en apprendra plus, le garçon fera son premier pas pour devenir un paladin. « Je t’ai promis. Ça va prendre un moment, mais je vais tout te dire. C’est l’histoire des sacrifices de nombreux héros. C’est l’histoire de notre propre mort, et c’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons grandi ici. »
Penjinak terlemah mulai berkelana untuk memungut sampah -  Saijaku Teima wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. -  The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick up Trash -  The Weakest Tamer Started a Garbage-Picking Journey -  最弱テイマーはゴミ拾いの旅を始めました。 -  最弱的驯养师开启的捡垃圾的旅途
Quand Ivy est née dans ce monde, elle s'est souvenue de sa vie passée. Se souvenant de sa pré-incarnation, elle s'est efforcée d'éviter les conflits. Mais le sort s'est acharné sur elle lors de la vérification du statut, lorsque les enfants apprennent qui ils sont. Car elle n'avait qu'une seule compétence - l'apprivoisement - et pas une seule étoile. Ivy était faible dès le départ - au mieux, elle pouvait apprivoiser un slime. Et dans son monde, la plupart des gens n'accordaient pas leur temps aux faibles. Seule une femme dans son village la traitait comme sa propre fille. Mais après sa mort, Ivy a compris et s'est enfuie de chez elle. Alors qu'elle était en fuite, elle a rencontré une petite bave et a donné son nom à Sora. Et c'est ainsi que commence l'histoire réconfortante de la survie d'une petite fille qui peut s'apprivoiser.- [Original Web Novel] (
Penjinak terlemah mulai berkelana untuk memungut sampah -  Saijaku Teima wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. -  The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick up Trash -  The Weakest Tamer Started a Garbage-Picking Journey -  最弱テイマーはゴミ拾いの旅を始めました。 -  最 -  Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi o Hajimemashita.
The Ultimate Middle-Aged Hunter Travels to Another World ~This Time, He Wants to Live a Slow and Peaceful Life~
Reincarnation of Sherman -  Saikyou Juzoku Tensei: Majutsu Otaku no Utopia -  Strongest Curse Clan Reincarnation: A Magic User's Utopia -  Реинкарнация сильнейшего проклятого клана -  最強呪族転生~魔術オタクの理想郷~
I, who should have died after being hit by a car, was born again in another world. However, I was born in a shady minor family that used magic and controlled wooden puppets called the Marren Clan. Possessing a strong interest in magic since my previous life, I spend my time zealously studying magic to the point where even the people in the vicinity draw back. One day, I heard I was to be married to my little sister when I turned 16 in accordance with the traditions of the Marren Clan and decided to flee to the city. For now, since I have the strongest magic, I guess I should idle around making only enough money so that I don’t have to work for my whole life.[hr]
The Greatest Magicmaster's Retirement Plan 最強魔法師の隠遁計画
From The Strongest Dark Knight ♂, Changed Job Into Combat Maid ♀ 最強の黒騎士♂、戦闘メイド♀に転職しました
The Ultimate Middle-Aged Hunter Travels to Another World - This Time, He Wants to Live a Slow and Peaceful Life The Ultimate Middle-Aged Hunter Travel
It Seems the Strongest Job is Not Hero nor Sage -  but Inspector -  最強の職業は勇者でも賢者でもなく鑑定士(仮)らしいですよ?
Un étudiant moyen a été convoqué dans un autre monde et a obtenu l'emploi le plus fort.Non, pas Hero, pas Sage non plus.C'est l'inspecteur.Avec la capacité d'inspecter n'importe quoi et de recueillir des informations avec précision, c'est sûrement le travail le plus solide qui soit !
Humans are the Strongest Race ~Starting a Slow Life with an Elf Wife in a Different World~关于人类是最强种族这件事最強の種族が人間だった件
Elfe ? Nain ? Non ! Les humains sont les plus forts ! J'ai été appelé dans un monde différent où les humains sont les êtres vivants les plus forts. Dans mon monde précédent, j'étais un employé ordinaire, mais dans ce nouveau monde, je semble être devenu une existence rare. Moi, qui ai obtenu le pouvoir le plus fort à travers ma race, j'ai décidé de profiter pleinement de cette vie apparemment sans stress.
The Labyrinth Raids of the Ultimate Tank ~The Tank Possessing a Rare 9 -  999 Endurance Skill was Expelled from the Hero Party~最強タンクの迷宮攻略最強タンクの迷宮攻略 ~体力9999のレアスキル持ちタンク、勇者パーティーを追放される~최강 탱커의 미궁공략 ~체력 9999의 레어스킬을 가진 탱커 -  용사 파티에서 추방당하다~
Rude est un tank, connu comme le plus fort de l'histoire. Cependant, le héros a décidé que ses compétences ne valaient rien parce qu'il ne pouvait rien faire d'autre que de subir des dommages, et l'a jeté hors de la partie. Son ami clerc qui lui faisait confiance l'a suivi jusqu'au village reculé où Rude a été forcé de retourner.
From Mightiest Hero to Demon King 最強勇者はお払い箱→魔王になったらずっと俺の無双ターン

Sailor Moon

美少女戦士 -  美少女戦士セーラームーン -  Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon -  Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon -  Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon -  Czarodziejka z Księżyca -  Pretty Guardian Sai
Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets up with Luna, a talking cat, who tells her that she is Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon, Usagi must fight evils and enforce justice, in the name of the Moon and the mysterious Moon Princess. She meets other girls destined to be Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts), and together, they fight the forces of evil! Note: The anime is LOOSELY based on the manga, so that might be why the story might seem unrecognizable. Also, Naoko Takeuchi released a re-illustrated version of Sailor Moon a few years after the series had been finished after she had dropped Love Witch. This manga won the Kodansha Manga Award in 1993 for shōjo.
圣心小龙女 -  聖・ドラゴンガール -  聖龍小公主 -  Saint ♡ Dragon Girl -  Sei Dragon Girl -  St. Dragon Girl
Momoka is the 15 year old daughter of a dojo that teaches martial arts. She has this thing for pandas that she just cant stop collecting the stuffed toys!! And now, we have Kou Ryuuga, he is a summoner who saved a stuffed panda from when it dropped in a lake....that panda was Momoka's!! Since then, she and Ryuuga have become childhood friends and the panda that she has treasured was her symbol of her love for him but even though she has feelings for Ryuuga, how does he act especially when he has to do his job as a summoner? This story is about Momoka and Ryuuga, even though Ryuuga and Momoka can't be honest with each other......