The Ninth-Rank Sword Master: Conquering the Sword Forms - 클래스 소드 마스터 : 검의 구도자 - 9th Class Sword Master: The Guardian of the Sword 9 - 9th Class Sword Master: Sword Seeker
Le monde est-il revenu à la normale il y a six mois ? C'est une chance ? Ou une répétition du désespoir ? Une catastrophe, un virus zombie qui a frappé la Terre. Trois ans pour survivre à une vie dévastatrice et désespérée à travers des dizaines de crises de mort sur une planète en ruine. Finalement, je n'en pouvais plus, et j'ai été frappé par une horde de zombies .... quand j'ai ouvert les yeux à nouveau ... J'étais de retour dans le passé, juste six mois avant que le virus zombie ne vienne au monde ! Dans les six prochains mois, ce monde pacifique va périr (Source : MangaDex)
Il avait disparu depuis huit ans. Mais personne ne pensait qu'il avait voyagé dans un autre monde et cultivé pendant huit mille ans ! Après son retour sur terre, il chercha sa sœur, mais personne ne pensa qu'il avait renversé toutes les forces majeures de la terre en même temps en cherchant sa sœur ! Il pouvait faire de l'alchimie et se battre, et si quelqu'un le provoquait, il serait mort !
Revery Earth presents you with three meanings, one per each volume. Eric is on a journey to revenge his brother's death, Jurd. He saves a prince who identified himself as Sion. Giving Eric an awkward reason, Sion helps Eric on his journey.Eric and Sion come across a town where reports of a strange light in a forest nearby. Eric and Sion seek out the light and ended up finding out the lights were fairies. One of the fairies, Rem, joins Eric and Sion. [Taken from JanimeS]
“I’m good at support skill but, still could you put me into your party!?”The explorer boy Ragdishart from 1 out of 100 ordinary man, whom choosing the well-known and weakest occupation support art type [Enhancer].Although he didn’t have party and lonely, but in fact he have special talent.[Multitasking] which simultaneously controls 10 or more arts.A superhuman concentration ability was added to this, and if it was only 3 minutes he was able to strengthen his physical ability to [1024 times].Hence—“weakest” and “strongest”This is an adventurous story of that boy grows slowly, making friends, and noticing his talent.A ruin of tower that extends to the moon “Lunatic Babel”.When the boy and a deity girl meet, the story begins.
300 years ago, a powerful warlord rebelled against the Heavenly Emperor. After killing the Emperor, the warlord crowned himself as the new Emperor, starting a cruel reign. But there is a prophecy: Six Stars will one day assemble and overthrow his tyrannical rule ... Now, the ruler of the Yasha Clan has found Ashura, the last of the Ashura Clan, and together they set out to find the Six Stars and fulfill the prophecy.
Acting pretentious is his hobby! Being the ultimate rich player, he’s used to spending “expenses” around others on the down-low, having the most extravagant equipment and armour. In the gaming world, there's nothing that can't be solved with money!Original Webtoon
In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, 21, finds himself in jail.Set in the near future, at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Like the chilling wind of the end of a century, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist entered the pen.Saiga Riki-Oh--serving a term of three years, due to assault, his first offense. Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners that control the prison and keep the rest of the inmates in line.----There's a oneshot at the end of volume 11 & 12, Kirinji and NY Dust respectively. The NY Dust oneshot is the pilot for the series The Hard.
Une planète semblable à la Terre, d'une taille égale à un quart de celle de la Terre, a frappé cette dernière, déclenchant une catastrophe mondiale qui a entraîné une réduction de plus de la moitié de la population de la Terre. Cette planète semblable à la Terre a également apporté une autre race bien plus puissante que les humains, "la race des démons". La civilisation humaine a été poussée au bord de l'extinction, et à la fin, les humains ont à peine réussi à conserver les cinq derniers peuplements forestiers, et la race démoniaque est devenue le nouveau maître de la Terre.
Le jeune Xiao Lang s'éveilla avec un Esprit Divin, mais les autres le croyaient inutile. Il a été ridiculisé par tout le monde et certains ont même envoyé des assassins à sa poursuite, le forçant ainsi à quitter son clan. Dès lors, il a dépassé ses limites et atteint une force inimaginable ! "Si les cieux me restreignent, je briserai les cieux !"
Dans un lointain archipel du sud se trouve un paysage luxuriant et calme au milieu d’un océan de corail. Voici l'histoire d'un magnifique île baignée dans le soleil, ses habitants et une fille qui a été élevée par l'océan.
The new shocking movie Naruto fans from all over the world have been waiting for. MOVIE 9: ROAD TO NARUTO THE MOVIE A special one-shot connected to the movie!? Read the manga, watch the movie and find the connections!!
C'est l'histoire d'un jeune gladiateur esclave dans une arène souterraine. Un jour, il tue le patron et s'échappe de l'arène, rejoignant une bande de mercenaires comme nouvelle recrue. Au cours d'une mission, ils rencontrent la vampire Lucy, qui massacre le groupe avec sa force inhumaine. Deux ans plus tard, le jour du départ d'Aegir, ils s'échangent la promesse que si Aegir devient roi et possède la terre de la forêt de l'Erg, il pourra venir la prendre comme femme. Faisant de cette promesse son but dans la vie, Aegir s'est mis en route pour devenir un héros, un roi, et a fondé son propre royaume.
A grim reaper without any fail. Westernburg city's best hunter, Roi, known as 'Roar Scyther' for his trademark gun Roar Scyther goes on another mission for money!
Lorsque la guerre menace de détruire le mode de vie de sa nation, un jeune écuyer nommé Rob sait exactement ce qu'il doit faire : voler une arme à l'Armurerie intemporelle. La seule chose qui se dresse entre lui et la victoire, ce sont des milliers de kilomètres, des chevaliers sinistres, des élites véreuses et des assassins ennemis. Arrivera-t-il à temps pour arrêter les envahisseurs, ou sera-t-il vaincu en cours de route ?
Angels (KINUTANI Yuu) - Angels at the Planetarium - Biting Summer Play - Carogna - Clash! Revenge of Hunk Kung Fu vs. Ugly Kung Fu! Find a Groom! - Dragon'
K, a robot detective, joins the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force’s Science Division and is partnered with human partner, Shinjo Go much to the chagrin of Chief Inspector Shiba Daizo, who distrusts the Robot. Together they battle the crimes perpetrated by the renegade conglomerate R.R.K.K. “BADO” (Robot Rental Kabushiki Kaisha – Robot Rental Company)
ロック・リーの青春フルパワー忍伝 - Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals - Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden - Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth - Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth F
Story about ninjia Rock Lee. Lee is a ninja affiliated with the village of Konohagakure, and is a member of Team Guy, which consists of himself, Neji Hyuga, Tenten, and Might Guy—the team's leader. Unable to use most ninja techniques, Lee dedicates himself to using solely taijutsu, ninja techniques similar to martial arts. Lee dreams of becoming a "splendid ninja" despite his inabilities.
After taking down Dr. Wily's previous attempt at conquering the world, he's back to his old tricks and yet again, it's up to Rockman to foil his plans!
After his defeat in [i]Rockman 3[/i], Dr. Wily has gone into hiding. The world is peaceful until one day... Dr. Cossack attacks?!Rockman must defeat all 8 of the Robot Masters and restore peace to humanity!Note: [spoiler]Ikehara Shigeto never actually worked on a manga adaptation of [i]Rockman 3 (Famicom/NES)[/i],[b]not[/b] to be confused with his manga adaptation of [i]Rockman World 3 (Game Boy)[/i].[/spoiler]
Synopsis (MTL):Vance, the guardian knight of the female emperor of the Celestial Empire, one of the Seven Empires, swore to be the Emperor guard in the next life as well, and ended his first life by performing the Reincarnation Ceremony with his sovereign, who died in order to end the war.A thousand years later, after the war has died down, Vance is reborn in a world where he and Lloyd have been reincarnated. Vance is reincarnated and named Lloyd, and he is adopted by the Count family of the Celestial Empire and raised by them.When he turns fifteen, Lloyd decides to enter a magical academy where students from all over the world gather to search for his master, who should have been reincarnated just like him.「Let's see how well you can work with the level of magic you can handle as an escort,」He thought that if he joined the Academy of Magic, there would be many better wizards than him, but as the Celestial Emperor's bodyguard, he was also well versed in the martial arts and all kinds of magic, and in some cases even more powerful than the Celestial Emperor.The bodyguard, who has surpassed humanity and stepped into the realm of the gods, begins his life at the school in order to find the person he wants to protect, and this time, protect her until the end.
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