The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirou Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryouko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Dans un monde fantastique, avec un léger « soupçon » de RPG, le roi démon a été ranimé et c'est au rôle d'un Subjugator de le trouver et de l'assassiner avant que ce ne soit trop tard.Suivez Truza, jeune subjugator, sur son voyage pour assassiner le roi des démons avec ses coéquipiers qu'il s'est fait en chemin. Cependant, il y a un lourd secret que ses coéquipiers ne doivent jamais savoir a propos de la classe des « Subjugators ».
First story: "Kunoichi Kokihei"This story begins the year before the Battle of Sekihagara, in the pleasure quarters of the capital.Kagerou, a real beauty who is a child of the Ootani family, meets five of the most powerful men of the Uesugi clan while serving at a brothel.
Ye Fen est devenu le Yama, Roi des Enfers, il doit accomplir des missions pour améliorer cet endroit. En résolvant un par un les événements étranges, Ye Fan est devenu de plus en plus un vrai Yama, dans le but d'améliorer le monde souterrain. Mais il semble que cet endroit cache encore un secret mystérieux....
Though it was a bit strange, three people ended up meeting. One, who looks younger than her age and able to see the supernatural. Another who is possessed by a "Yamanko" which refers to "Yama no ko", or a mountain child. She was possessed due to her bloodline and due to the possession, she has superhuman abilities which she can call upon. Finally, an awkward person who enjoys writing poems. Coincidentally, the three are also classmates.
Shion est un jeune garçon à la solde de l'union des Omyou. Ses missions consiste à assassiner afin de détruire des nations.Sa vie basculera lorsqu'il deviendra le garde du corps de l'impératrice Iyo alors qu'il a reçu l'ordre de la tuer.
Kyou is the last of the Puppet Masters, with the power to defeat the Dark Demons that feed on negative emotions. He travels with his two guardian Light Spirits to rid the world of the Dark Demons, knowing that only then will time resume for him. Yet, overshadowing every victory lies the truth behind the slaughter of his clan and the fate of his best friend...
Everyone in the world is born with two things: the ability to collect Life's Light and a Light Vessel in which to collect and hold it. Most people use their vessels to assist them in doing various tasks, but occasionally someone is born with a vessel that allows them to do battle. The protagonist, Ruyu, stumbles upon the end of a battle only to find one survivor. Could the young boy she saved be connected to the king's men who entered the town with the intent of killing everyone?
The shogunate installed by the Tokugawa is abiding order, the people live in peace and in a relative prosperity.However, the dark part of the human heart does not cease to arouse their cupidity : it is the ideal doorway for all demons that, by possessing humans, seek to pass into their world.Exorcising these demons is Jonosuke's mission, the master of keys. Known for being the best locksmith of Edo, Jonosuke uses particular locks to put the wicked spirits under lock and key. With the help of the bewitching O-kin, a divine who uses unorthodox methods, Jonosuke is going to meet during his demon hunt some notables of his time, who will prove to be precious allies when he faces a plot aimed at the upper spheres of State.
Un nouvel étudiant du nom de Masato Takasaka est transféré dans une école pleine de délinquants qui est actuellement ravagée par une bataille entre les divers comités d'activités étudiantes, ses attentes éphémères d'écolières délicates et aimantes et une vie scolaire paisible s'envole. Il rencontre la reine déclarée de l'école Onizuka en se promenant dans un couloir, qu'adviendra-t-il de la vie scolaire dont il rêve ?
Figurine otaku Hitsuji Yamashita gets bullied. Tough girl Sakura Sakurai beats the [email protected]#* out of anyone that pisses her off and in ch.1 she ends up beating the hell out of the bullies because they were disturbing her sleep. Anyway when she turns to Hitsuji, she ends up putting him in a leg lock because he forgot to thank her. She stops and then realizes who he was. A black cat passes by and grins and suddenly there's a puff of smoke and in the smoke the goddess of destruction Sakura Sakurai has shrunk to the size of a doll. There is more than enough ecchi that takes advantage of Sakura's new size. And with her having to keep this tragedy from spreading to people's ears, she has to keep it a secret and Hitsuji helps.
16 years ago, in an alternate Japan was swept by a series of natural disasters that destroyed all modern society. Momoka lives with her grandmother who makes a living selling pieces of the old technology. It's Momoka's job to dig up the "treasure" from the junk yard. But, things get harder since some punk mutant(?) oni claim the junk yard as their own. The battle is on as Momoka battles the oni for a piece of the action with her friends Monkey, Dog, and pet bird, Kiji.
In this fantasy world, humans and phantoms live side by side. One represents Yang and the other represents Yin.A long time ago, when the world faced apocalypse, the King of the phantoms helped the Queen of the humans and made a promise to his beloved Queen that whenever her descendants faced a similar crisis, his descendants would come and help…Fast-forward to present time. An apocalypse is coming again due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang. A determined phantom King comes to the human world to fulfill his ancestor’s promise. He meets a beautiful Holy Knight by a random twist of fate, and so begins the adventure…
C'était en l'an 2800 du calendrier de Midgard. À l'époque, il y avait un Overlord qui régnait autrefois et qui était au bord de la soumission du monde. Son nom était Ruphas Mafahl, une grande femme redoutée en tant que Overlord à ailes noires. Elle était trop forte, trop rapide et trop belle ... Cependant, elle a été vaincue par Heroes qui a opposé sa férocité, et son ambition a été arrêtée...
In a country very much like present-day Japan, governed by an emperor who rules with an iron fist, a dark disease known as "BT" is spreading out-of-control...all those infected will be overtaken by an insatiable desire to kill. The emperor charges a group of skilled men with the responsibility of eliminating all "BT carriers." Among them are two brothers with cursed blood running through their veins. Though they appear fearless, there is one thing even they seem to dread; the "yomizakura" - a mark of death which serves as a chain binding them to their traumatic childhoods...
Easo est le pouvoir obligatoire, une unité de Easo est indiqué a la naissance, puis l'unité est grand plus l'utilisateur est fort, Yazika a reçue l'infinie, donné par Zerow
Gô et Taki sont des intercepteurs de drogue. Leur QG est le bar "Roost" où ils reçoivent leurs ordres par Shigeyuki, un ancien détective.Depuis un an, ils travaillent ensemble et ils font une bonne équipe. Jusque là, il n'y avait aucun de soucis.Sauf que Gô est tombé amoureux de son partenaire.Là, l'histoire se complique, car si Gô est homosexuel, Taki est ce qu'il y a de plus hétéro, un vrai tombeur de ses dames.
Straight and macho Taki partners with feminine and gay Goh to form an expert team of bandits hired by the police to steal from the mafia. In July of 2005, DMP introduced one of the most popular creator & ground-breaking series: YELLOW to the yaoi industry, cementing Tateno as a yaoi fan favorite. Finally, Makoto Tateno has created a mini sequel series starring her two beloved characters, which have never been published in print, until now! _________________________________________________ After a 2 year break from their job as "Snatchers" they are suddenly called back to solve another case.