
Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days.


Arata a 21 ans et est actuellement étudiant à l'université. C'est un étudiant moyen, vivant par lui-même dans un studio et faisant plein de petits boulots. Hatsume a 20 ans et fréquente la même université. C'est la fille d'une grande famille. Elle n'achète que des vêtements qui dépassent le milliers d'euros et est promise à un mariage arrangé. Rien ne les destinait à se parler ni même à vivre sous le même toit, mais voilà le destin en a decidé autrement et nos deux héros se retrouvent mêlés à une drôle d'expérience. L'un de leur professeur leur a attaché une montre B-shock qui explose si la distance des deux montres excède une certaines limite (ici elle est de 1 mètre). Hirota et Hatsume vont alors devoir vivre sous le même toit, travailler ensemble et faire face à la multitude de questions des gens, sans parler du plus important.... ils doivent se SUPPORTER nuit et jour
ちさ×ポン, 青春初体验
Ponta anxiously awaits the first big event in his high school life that will give him the opportunity to lose his virginity. A trip to the beach with his friends Taro and Jiro, in the company of three girls, Emi, Rumi, and Chisa. Coupling is done by janken and Ponta ends up with Chisa, the girl of his preference. His plans fail miserably though, when it turns out that Chisa is not so willing as he thought she would be. So, at the end of the trip, unlike his friends who tease him about this failure, he still remains a virgin. To his friends' surprise though, Chisa turns around and asks him to keep in touch.Thus begins the romance between the two. Their friendship evolves into love, and like in any relationship, there are a few hurdles to overcome. For starters, Chisa is still very innocent and has good reasons not to hurry their physical relationship as much as Ponta would want to. Ponta, who has hopelessly fallen for her, decides to endure this and help Chisa uncover her womanhood.
ヘタコイ, Bad at Love
For his twentieth birthday, Shizuka chooses to go to a hot springs alone. To his surprise, he also ends up seeing his first naked woman... a passed out drunk girl. Soon afterward he enters college, and his friend from high school convinces him to join the female dominated travel and hot springs club. Amazingly, the girl he saw naked, Ruka, is also a member of the club! Now he must interact with his club more or less normally, and pretend he doesn't imagine Ruka naked every time he sees her. He is determined that his embarrassing secret never be made public!