
夜は別の顔 -  Amber by Night
Amelia is a typical bookworm librarian. But she has a secret. At night, she works as a provocatively dressed waitress named Amber. One night as she's working as usual, she spots Tyler, the town's most sexy man, and the guy Amelia has been admiring for sometime. As soon as he sees her, he approaches her, not realizing that she is, in fact, Amelia...!
Bunk Beds -  이층 침대
シェフと泥棒 -  Passionate Fantasy
Kitty has an ulterior motive for applying to work as a live-in chef for Darius Speed, a world-famous movie director... Darius is a thief! He is planning to make a film based on a script he stole from Caro, an elderly woman who helped Kitty in her time of need. But Caro has no evidence, which is why Kitty decides to infiltrate Darius's home to get the script back. But looking into Darius's beautiful eyes, Kitty finds it hard to believe this man is capable of such a thing....
永遠をさがして, 永遠を探して, Eien wo Sagashite, Honor's Promise
After her beloved mother's death, Honor faced a lifetime of loneliness... In the presence of others, she holds back her tears and strives to keep her mother's restaurant going, but her tears won't stop flowing when she is alone. "Are you alright?" a kind voice asks. The voice belongs to a man named Trace. Even though they have never met, Honor is comforted by his gentle eyes and warm hands. She is quickly drawn to this man, until she finds out the brutal truth. Trace befriended her for a purpose. Not only that, Honor begins to discover the secret behind her own birth...
I Am Not Healthy, 건강이 없습니다, 건강이없습니다
Je suis entré dans le corps de " Ninaina ", le personnage le plus faible, qui était destiné à mourir une fois l'hiver venu ! Avec une endurance si faible qu'il est même difficile de se promener, de manger ou de se tenir debout, sans parler de faire de l'exercice, j'ai une vie si tragique que je dois même endurer des tentatives d'assassinat de mon grand-père... " Je vais certainement recouvrer la santé ! " " Kaiser " qui vient aux côtés de Ninaina avec un regard froid. Recevant l'ordre qu'il doit garder Ninaina en vie, il vient à ses côtés et la protège. "Vous ne mourrez pas. Pour le moment.
情熱の果てに -  Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby!
Seduced by Matteo, a world-famous actor, the once-innocent Jennifer marries the superstar and starts her own acting career. But at the height of their popularity, their busy lives tear them apart and they go their separate ways. They thought it was over, until they bump into each other on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. Although at first tempers flare, in a moment of passion in the elevator they make love once more. A few weeks later, Jennifer starts to notice changes happening within her body...