
Yashiro Tenshuu killed 4 people, and is now on death row. However, a secret government organization is willing to take him off death row if he allows himself to become a test subject to an experiment that requires a killer's intent.
爆音列岛 -  爆音列島 -  Detonation Islands -  Sonic Boom Islands


Black Box
A venir...
The world�s largest luxury ship 'Blue Heaven' saves a wrecked ship out at sea. At the captain�s command, the ship is searched, and 2 male survivors are rescued. On the ship, there are signs of horrible bloodshed. One of the rescued men, of unknown nationality, loses himself among the ship�s passengers and starts randomly slaughtering the patrons and staff. What is his motive?!
Une jeune femme fuit ses responsabilités sur sa moto. Un enfant fuit la réalité en collectionnant les sons et les tentatives de suicide. Que peut leur apporter leur rencontre ?
After the body dies, the soul lives on. Many spirits progress toward the world of light, through the levels of the spirit world where they study how to improve their souls. These spirits are sometimes reincarnated into the physical world, and sometimes they are sent back as guardian spirits for other living people. Guardian spirits must protect their charges souls from the blackness that oozes up from the world of darkness below.Riyon is a very laid-back spirit, who often skips her spirit classes to fool around. To train her further, she is sent back to the physical world as a guardian spirit. Instead of following a human from birth, she is helping a beleaguered man, the Japanese Prime Minister Kasuga Soichiro, in the last year and a half of his life. After an unexpected close call with death, Kasuga gains some unusual talents, including the ability to see Riyon. Will Riyon and Kasuga together be able to protect his battered soul? [tethysdust]
地雷震, Ice Blade
Kyoya Ida is a hard-nosed detective from the Shinjuku Police precient. He is known in the force as an unreasonable type who would use lethal force to solve cases, making him unpopular with the enlisted and high-ranking officers in the National Police Agency. Despite this fact, there are some in the force that admire Ida for his bravery and cleverness in using lethal force to solve criminal cases whenever legal means are met in a dead end.


1940, Allemagne Nazie. Heinrich Himmler lance une opération secrète sous ordre du führer visant à assassiner 13 enfants conçus à l'origine pour maintenir la pérennité de la dictature du Reich. Neun prend la fuite avec Theo, son tuteur, et vont tout deux tenter de rejoindre l'Angleterre, poursuivie par une horde de SS. Tsutomu Takahashi nous livre ici une histoire des plus étranges, en accord avec son style bien atypique.


Au cours des bouleversements politiques et des conflits sociaux qui ont suivi la fin du shogunat Tokugawa au Japon (1855), deux frères sans parents, Yukimura Shoutarou et Yukimura Gentarou, luttent pour survivre en cette période de turbulences. Avec comme unique possession l’épée de leur père décédé et l’accrochant à la sagesse des dernières paroles de leur mère, les frères cherchent à s’embarquer sur le Sentier du guerrier: Sidooh!
A serial-murderer is on the loose who just so happens to also be removing the hearts of his victims and taking them with him. His victims however, are not merely random humans as thought by the police. They are in fact, the past and present guardians of the gateway of the afterlife.On the day he is to be married, Detective Kanzaki, who happens to be on the case, discovers that his fiancé Mina has been murdered with her heart also missing. He also learns that the killers are Kudo, a geneticist, and his evil secretary Rei. The two are trying to obtain six hearts from the guardians so that they may call forth a horde of demons from the Gate of Rage and have their every desire granted. Only problem is, once they open the gate the entire world will be covered in darkness.Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Mina encounters Izuko, the Guardian of the Gate. Izuko gives her three options: Mina can choose to ascend to heaven and be reborn, she can choose to forever walk the earth as a ghost or she can choose to curse one of the living to death and as a result be cursed to descend to hell. Mina has 12 days to make her choice.- Wikipedia.
スカイハイ4 -  Skyhigh IV -  Skyhigh4
New installment of the Skyhigh series.
スカイハイ・カルマ, Skyhigh: Karma
Life, death, it is all the same. Think you've heard this before? Skyhigh is back again with this sequel.
スカイハイ・新章 -  Skyhigh New Chapter
From Evil Flowers: Similar the Skyhigh 1, Skyhigh Shinshou presents the stories of those souls who get to the Gate of Grudges. Izuko, keeper of the Gate of Grudges presents each soul with three choices: pass through the Gate of Grudges to heaven and be reborn, refuse to admit death and remain as a ghost on earth, or haunt and kill one person and then proceed to hell and eternal suffering. What does each soul choose and why? A collection of various stories done by Takahashi Tsutomu.
Iron Arm Girl -  鉄腕ガール - 
Nous sommes en 1949. Le Japon a été vaincu lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et est occupé par les forces alliées composées de troupes américaines, australiennes, britanniques, indiennes et néo-zélandaises.Une jeune femme rencontre un jeune homme. Tous deux ont tout perdu à cause de la guerre. Tome Kano, une barmaid, et Katsuya Ranzaki, un riche investisseur. Tous deux en ont assez de leur vie et veulent vivre une "vraie vie" pour une fois. La création par Katsuya d'une équipe de baseball exclusivement féminine, avec Tome dans l'équipe, leur permet d'y parvenir. Dans cette histoire dramatique, les rêves d'une nation prennent vie. Grâce à la détermination et à la force de Katsuya et de Tome, le baseball féminin devient une sensation, et Tome une superstar.


残响; 残響; Reverberation -  Resonance
Satoru passe ses jours indifféremment dans un village ouvrier.Le vieux Segawa, un ancien Yakuza, vit dans la pièce juste à côté de son pauvre appartement.Un jour, Segawa dit à Satoru : « Je te donne 5 millions de yens pour mettre fin à mes jours ».Satoru hésite, et Segawa voit en lui la démence qui le ronge de l’intérieur et commence à avoir des changements de coeur, et encore… !?Une histoire sur la pourriture de la société et la voie obscure qu’emprunte Satoru, au bord de la santé mentale avec un flingue et 5 millions de yens.