
白鸟恋语, 羽衣ミシン, The Swan Robe
Civil engineering student and reknowned bridge otaku Youichi helps a swan stuck on the scaffolding for a bridge under construction, only to be visited that night by Miwa, a beautiful woman claiming to be the same swan Youichi rescued. Miwa stays with Youichi in order to pay back her debt, but he is, understandably, less than convinced that she is what she says she is. But, Youichi not being one to look a gift swan in the beak, or more importantly not one to leave a woman in need hanging, things soon develop in the way you might imagine.(Then again, maybe not exactly like you imagine...)
Bát Khuyển Sĩ Phương Đông -  Hakkenden -  Hakkenden - The Eight Dogs of the East -  Hakkenden - The Strange Story of the Eight Dogs of the East -  八犬伝 東方八犬異聞 - 
Il y a cinq ans, tous les habitants du village d'Ootsuka, sauf un, ont péri à cause de la peste... Et l'unique survivante ne souhaitait que suivre ses deux chers amis dans la tombe. Pour empêcher la mort de ceux qui étaient comme une famille pour lui, l'un des garçons mourants a utilisé son dernier souffle pour accepter une proposition que lui a faite un mystérieux homme aux cheveux blonds. Miraculeusement rétabli, le trio se réfugie dans l'église du village voisin.L'histoire commence lorsque l'Église impériale commence à manifester son intérêt pour la possession de Murasame, la lame démoniaque dont on dit qu'elle "contient la vie". Mais quel lien existe-t-il entre cette épée légendaire et les trois survivants de cette épidémie dévastatrice ?
伯爵カイン, Count Cain, Double (YUKI Kaori), Earl Cain, Ellie in Summer Clothes, Erie's Summer Dress, The Boys Who Stopped Time, The Cain Saga, Wasureraret
Delve into the tortured past of Earl Cain C. Hargreaves, charismatic heir to a wealthy family full of secrets, lies and unthinkable crimes. Follow the young Cain as he attempts to unravel the secrets of his birth, all the while solving each new mystery that comes his way.----In the Hakushaku Cain Series:1) Wasurerareta Juliet Includes 2 oneshots* The Boys Who Stopped Time -England, year 1918. Rupert enrolls to his new school just a few days after the murder of a maid called Noelle. He's the type that just can't sit still, so when he meets Noelle's sister, he's determined to help her find out who murdered her sister... * Double -When they were children, Ren helped his friend Emilio start his career as an actor. But when Ren didn't have any news from Emilio for two years, he decided to go to New York to look for his friend...2) Shounen no Fukasuru Oto 3) KafkaIncludes 1 oneshot* Ellie in Summer Clothes4) Akai Hitsuji no Kokuin 5) God Child
In this world, there are people known as "Minimum Holders" who are capable of specific "small miracles." A government funded elite academy trains these Minimum Holders in order for them to reach their maximum potential and serve national interests. Once, a student, of great potential named Nice, dropped out. He started a private investigator team with an assistant named Hajime and seemed content solving cases for his clients (which often involve Minimum Holders). A top student of the academy, Murasaki, has been tasked with bringing Nice back. Murasaki bristles at the claim that Nice has a higher potential than he does, but he ends up involved in Nice's detective activities...
ハマトラ THE COMIC -  Hamatora -  Hamatora the Comic
In this world, there are people known as "Minimum Holders" who are capable of specific "small miracles." A government funded elite academy trains these Minimum Holders in order for them to reach their maximum potential and serve national interests. Once, a student, of great potential named Nice, dropped out. He started a private investigator team with an assistant named Hajime and seemed content solving cases for his clients (which often involve Minimum Holders). A top student of the academy, Murasaki, has been tasked with bringing Nice back. Murasaki bristles at the claim that Nice has a higher potential than he does, but he ends up involved in Nice's detective activities...
Dans la fourgonnette qui les mène à la prison, un yakuza fait la connaissance d'un jeune arnaqueur au visage d'ange. Soudain, la fourgonnette est prise dans un accident, et ils en profitent pour s'enfuir. Pour échapper à la police, ils se réfugient dans un collège en pleine montagne.Bientôt repérés par le directeur, ils se voient déjà derrière les barreaux... Mais à la surprise générale, le directeur propose au jeune escroc de devenir professeur dans son collège !Tout en cachant sa véritable identité, il devra donner des "Hammer Sessions", sorte de cours "chocs", afin de remettre les élèves dans le droit chemin. Ce prof hors norme va-t-il réussir à ramener l'ordre dans ce collège où les élèves ne croient plus en rien ? !
Trace Flowers to Your Fingertip, 花をたどれば君の指先
Dix ans plus tard, Mayuki revoit son premier amour et découvre qu'il n'a pas pris une ride. Il révèle à Mayuki qu'il est un "dieu", son amour pour lui surmonte sa confusion face à la situation. Et c'est ainsi que commence sa vie avec "dieu"...
Shinyaku Kyojin No Hoshi Hanagata, Shinyaku [kyojin No Hoshi] Hanagata
Hyuma Hoshi is an aspiring pitcher who wants to be a star like his father. The commitment of the pair to their sport and to one another is almost unbearable in its intensity. The down-to-earth realism of this series with its insights into baseball strategy has delighted generations of adults and children alike.
ハンド×レッド -  ハンドXレッド -  Hand x Red -  HandxRed
Summary from iskultrip Scans: Jim is a young boy bound by a curse which seals him in the darkness of purgatory for 100 years. Bound by a curse, half of his heart is held by his best friend Luca. Due to Luca’s betrayal, Jim lost both his “best friend” and his “heart”. Once every 100 years, Jim is allowed to roam free for only 10 days and search for Luca whom he must defeat! Hatred replaces friendship and friends become enemies, now, who will be the one left alive?
ハッスルで行こう -  Handsome Go! Go! Go! -  Hustle de Ikou
From AtoZ: Three hot bishies, three pretty girls, all working in the same Italian restaurant. Can life get any better with pretty boys to watch and delicious food to eat?
ハピネス-happy nest-
A venir.
Valentine themed oneshot from 2008.Full colored and 8 pages.

Haru Koi

Spring love
Recueil de One shots
It's spring, which means a new school, new semester, and new challenges for high school student Riko Kurosawa, who is not looking forward to this troublesome period of time. That is, until one day, a boy hands her a "magical" train ticket, and suddenly, Riko's mornings are a lot brighter. And at the center of it all is the boy who shares her train rides...
Working! A Night Parade of a Hundred Demons -  はたらく! 百鬼夜行
初恋の花が咲くのはキミのなか -  初恋之花绽放于你的心中 -  初戀之花綻放於你的心中
두근 두근 공략기 - 
Réservé par _TheFlowressMegami _J'ai ouvert les yeux, mais où suis-je ?! Da-Eun a instinctivement réalisé qu'elle est tombée dans le monde de "Handsome Boy's Love Simulation" en tant que Diana. En regardant autour d'elle, elle voit des cœurs au-dessus de la tête des autres ! Les hommes, les femmes et même les animaux de passage sont tous des cibles ! Diana, pensant que tout cela n'est qu'un rêve, crée un plan pour démarrer un harem inversé ...
HEAVENカンパニー -  HEAVEN事务所
Marika Fujisawa is a crazy plant lady who is deeply passionate about anything green and growing. While training to become a plant coordinator, Marika is hired by "HEAVEN", a prestigious plant rental service dedicated to high quality decorative vegetation for special events. There, she meets stern Tetsuya. At first he seems dull, but then Marika comes across his rose arrangements and wonders how such a blunt man can create such heavenly decorations... On top of that, Marika has to stay on top of work! How will a wedding turn out under her expertise?
 ―HEAVEN’S PRISON― -  Tengoku
From AnimeWaves: Touko's life seemed so ordinary, until she got that call... At the scene of the accident, by the puddle of blood, a young maid appeared... could no one else see her? And then, around the corner, a cry for help from a silver-haired boy... The veils are being lifted and the truth is being revealed!
H-ero逆境の斗牌, Hero (MAEDA Jiro), Hero (MAEDA Jirou), HERO -逆境の闘牌, HERO -逆境の闘牌-, HERO -Gyakkyou no Touhai-
Set in 2002, three years after the death of Akagi Shigeru, this sequel to Ten - Tenna Toori no Kaidanjichronicles Hiroyuki's quest to follow the late Akagi's advice and live life freely even if it means complete failure.
Hero (MAEDA Jiro) -  Hero (MAEDA Jirou) -  HERO -逆境の闘牌 -  HERO -逆境の闘牌- -  HERO -Gyakkyou no Touhai-
The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desperately searching for work. He (literally) stumbles across fellow student Kouhei while on a job hunt, and is incredibly enticed by the delicious bento Kouhei has in hand. However, something seems a bit off about Kouhei–and when Taichi consults his friends about it, he gets an answer he really wasn’t expecting: Kouhei is severely hearing impaired
Naisho no Yuusha-kun -  陽だまりの月
Hina est une lycéenne, et vit avec sa mère, son beau-père et sa petite sœur. Néanmoins, la famille n'est pas au complet, car le fils de son beau-père, qui a le même âge qu'elle, refuse catégoriquement ce remariage et de vivre avec eux. Hina va essayer à tout prix de modifier la situation, afin de redevenir "une famille complète, et parfaite".
学校妖怪纪行 -  On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms -  The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms -  The Un
Marie est de retour pour le meilleur, mais surtout le pire! La pauvre petite espère toujours se venger. Toutefois, de nombreuses embuches l'attendent : la fin n'est pas pour tout de suite! Ses souffrances ne partiront pas de si tôt...
Marie est emprisonnée dans une situation horrible. Elle est constamment tourmenté par ses camarades de classe et régulièrement molestés par son professeur. Ne trouvant nulle part y aller, elle décide de demander de l'aide à l'un des sept démons des sept mystères de son école. Tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est la mort de ses camarades de classe et de ses enseignants. Jusqu'où Marie sera prêt à y aller pour atteindre son objectif et ainsi se libérer de l'enfer?
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – Arc 4 : Pour tuer le temps -  Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - Himatsubushi -  Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Himatsubushi-hen -  Higurashi When They Cry: Time Killing Arc -  When They Cry - Himatsubushi-hen -  When They Cry - Time Wasting
De Yen Press : Lorsque le petit-fils du ministre de la construction disparaît au milieu des protestations contre le projet de barrage à Hinamizawa, l'inspecteur Akasaka est envoyé par la police de Tokyo pour enquêter. Se faisant passer pour un touriste, Akasaka se lie rapidement d'amitié avec Rika Furude, et la petite fille lui fait presque oublier qu'il est en mission pour retrouver un kidnappeur ! Mais la visite touristique prend un tournant soudain lorsque Rika lance un sérieux avertissement : L'histoire de Higurashi no Naku Koro ni est divisée en huit chapitres : quatre arcs de "questions" et quatre arcs de "réponses". Chaque chapitre conserve les mêmes personnages principaux, mais se termine d'une manière différente. Cependant, chaque chapitre donne des réponses, des indices et des pistes de valeur au chapitre précédent, tout en apportant encore plus de mystères.
ひぐらしのなく頃に 語咄し編, 寒蝉鸣泣之时之 语咄篇, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kataribanashi Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kataribanashihen
In Minagoroshi-hen, the mastermind of the murders was revealed. This time, all the pieces of the puzzle are in place. The last step for the characters to take is putting the pieces together in order to defeat the culprit, obtain the miracle, and break through the barrier of June 1983. Matsuribayashi-hen is a "Good End" in which no major deaths occur. 
ひぐらしのなく頃に 鬼隠し編, 秋蝉鸣泣之时 鬼隐篇, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushi, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushi-hen, When They C
Keiichi Maebara has just moved to a seemingly peaceful new town. He’s making friends and generally enjoying his life until one day he learns of a grisly murder that took place in the little village. His friends won’t give him any details which only adds to Keiichi’s uneasiness. After learning at the town’s annual festival that a death has occurred on that night every year for the past four years, Keiichi is drawn into a web of intrigue to help unravel the mystery of these murders. Things only get more dangerous when he learns that some of his new friends may be involved!The story of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is divided into a total of eight chapters: four "Question" arcs and four"Answer" arcs. Each chapter keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each chapter gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: 1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onikakushihen2. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Watanagashihen 3. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Tatarigoroshihen4. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - HimatsubushihenThe answer arcs are:5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Meakashihen6. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Tsumihoroboshihen7. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Minagoroshihen 8. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Matsuribayashi-henThe side story arcs are:- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Onisarashihen - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Yoigoshihen- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Utsutsukowashi-hen - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Kokoro Iyashihen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Arc 1: Enlevés par les démons ; ひぐらしのなく頃に鬼隠し編
Maebara Keiichi et sa famille déménagent de la ville bruyante et animée pour aller s'installer dans le petit village tranquille de Hinamizawa pendant l'été 1983. Keiichi découvre le village et rencontre des filles qui deviennent rapidement ses ferventes amies : Hôjô Satoko, Furude Rika, Ryûgû Rena et Sonozali Mion. Alors qu'ils mènent une vie insouciante, Keiichi découvre que des choses à Hinamizawa ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent être.