
ぷりんせすARMY, ぷりんせすARMY, 公主军团
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. One day she played a trick on a drunk and made him angry. The drunk was going to hurt her, until a boy appeared and saved her. It's been eleven years since that incident, but Nonoka is still looking for the "prince" who saved her.This manga's got a love triangle and lots of judo!
プリンセスシンドローム, プリンセス症候群, Princess Syndrome
A cute short series about friendship and magical adventures.
From Wingtip Cafe: A cute collection of short stories about friendship and magical adventures.
Princess Version 1 -  Version 1 Princess -  putri versi 1(Indonesia)
Marino, a 15 year old girl runs away from home due to an arrange marriage, finds her self in a male dormitory by accident, there she meets... Who will she end up with?
プロミス, 愛的承諾
Kanno is the oldest sister in the family of 6. Kanno and her sister live in a haunted house!!Kanno is supposed to go to her date but she got struck with exorcism a ghost!!Will she finish and go on her date?? Read and find out!!
Ashina Tomo is your average school girl who somehow constantly has terrible images of a train accident. One day, on her crush’s birthday, her best friend brings her to an isolated print club machine which is rumored to allow prayers to come true. What would happen when your prayers come true, but not the way you want them to be? By a cursed print club machine nonetheless. Present as a side-story in Fairy Cube.
純愛ラビリンス -  纯爱迷宫 -  純愛迷宮 -  Junai Labyrinth -  Jun-ai Labyrinth
Ogiwara Umi is an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl with an extraordinary older brother. Ogiwara Haruto is an up-and-coming star actor, and everywhere he goes girls call his name. This would be difficult for any little sister, but Umi has it particularly hard ~ she not only has a brother complex, but she’s actually in love with her brother! But perhaps the more important question is ~ does Haruto feel the same?
天使机器娃娃 -  PURE まりおねーしょん
Pure Marionation is the story of Anon, a "marionette" or android cute girl. Ostensibly, she is enrolled in Waffle High (no, seriously, that's the name) to test out her AI, codenamed ALIS. Immediately, Anon's secret is discovered by classmate Miamo, who is sworn to secrecy and determines to protect Anon from...I'm not sure what. Taken from ozaku
ロケット・プリンセス, R・PRINCESS, Rocket Princess
Rocket Princess was written by Nobuyuki Anzai before he started his work on Flame of Recca.Basically, we follow Ishibashi Kango through his days as he interacts with a cyborg by the name of Oozora Kohime.If you liked Flame of Recca, then I'm pretty sure you'll find something to like in this one, too.
Very few people know that one of the country’s leading erotic novel author is 15 year old Akutagawa Taketo that has just entered as a freshman at Hirameki Academy. Unlike regular high schools, this school only accepts those who are accomplished or geniuses in their particular field, ranging from authors like Taketo to mathematicians or musicians. Taketo feels comfortable being in the presence of other brilliant minds but is afraid that his talent might project as him being perverted. Is Taketo going to be able to keep his secret?

Rabu Yome

らぶ♥よめ -  Love Bride -  Love Wife -  Love♥Bride -  Love♥Yome
Mon professeur principal est également mon mari, qu'y a-t-il de plus à dire ?
Rappa - Rannami, RAPPA -乱波-
In the thick fog that drowns out all sounds and smells, Arama and her brother have the bad luck of running into a group of infamous bounty hunters. These men have gathered in order to hunt an outlaw with a bounty of one hundred million gold on his head. But, who is this man? And can he really be hunted so easily?
Read or Dream, also called Shin Read or Die, is the sequal to the Read or Die four volume manga. It does not feature Yomiko Readman as the main character, but rather new characters from the Division of Special Operations of the Royal British Library. From Viz: Michelle is a romantic daydreamer and hardcore book collector. Maggie is a soft-spoken bookworm who always gets mistaken for a boy. Anita is an athletic tomboy who doesn't have time for reading. Together, they're the Paper Sisters, three very different siblings united by a strange power--the ability to control paper in any way they desire! And from their Hong Kong detective agency, they solve any and all cases involving books! p/s slight shoujo-ai

Real PG

リアルピージー -  RealPG
Motoba Hitachi est un lycéen qui trouve sa vie terriblement ennuyeuse, jusqu'à ce que l'une de ses camarades ne l'invite à participer à un event-IRL du célèbre MMORPG "Incubate Castle". Le jeu devient alors réalité, et notre héros est contraint de se battre jusqu'au sang pour espérer survivre.
Bath Girl ,ふろガール
The story follows the daily life of Sayoko Nanami, a 25-year-old woman that loves hot baths and wants to try and visit many different types of baths.
Kô est un collégien en pleine crise d’adolescence. Et il revient à Kaiya de lui préparer ses repas, car Kô est le fils de la femme à qui il doit beaucoup. Mais derrière une gentillesse de façade se cache le cœur d’un pervers de la pire espèce. Tandis qu’il soumet le pauvre et innocent Kô à l’humiliation la plus totale, Kaiya commence à « éduquer » Kô selon ses goûts.Le jeune et innocent Kô sera-t-il un jour dévoré par l’impitoyable Kaiya ?!
The month is February, but it hasn’t snowed all winter. Kanon’s father is often away on business trips and might be getting a little too friendly with his pretty young female subordinate; which Kanon doesn’t approve of so soon after her mother’s death. Her little brother collects insects, but they’re dying off.It turns out that these deaths are the first of many a plague to come down. First it’s the insects, inexplicably dropping dead everywhere. Then it’s the rats, looking for a new food source. And things just keep getting worse…
At the Time When the Love Harem Game's End Announcement Arrives -  Harem Royale ~When the Game Ends -  Renai Harem Game Shuuryou no Oshirase ga kuru Koro ni -  When the End of the Love Harem Game is Announced -  When the Game Ends -  When the Harem Game Ends -  Когда
Kohinata Asunaro is your ordinary perverted high-school student who likes light novels and romance games. He has no interest in having a "3D" girlfriend and is content just fantasizing on the pretty girls of his school to create his own imaginary harem. But one day he accidentally releases Zepfur, a demon who promises to make his fantasies a reality.The day after, one of those girls, Furuwada Serika, is summoned by Zepfur and explained the rules of a game: the girls of Asunaro's "harem" must earn points by competing for his affection. The winner will be the one whom Asunaro chooses as his sole girlfriend… and the losers will experience an infinite loop of horrible deaths in Hell. For Asunaro, it's just a romcom fantasy coming true. For Serika and the others, it's a battle for survival. Published in Monthly Shonen Sirius.


Le seigneur Masaki sent sa famille en danger. Il fait appel à Renka, un hitokiri renommé pour protéger sa fille . Mais cet homme mystérieux cache un secret , qu'y a -t-il derrière son bras bandé,Qui est-il vraiment ?
Revery Earth presents you with three meanings, one per each volume. Eric is on a journey to revenge his brother's death, Jurd. He saves a prince who identified himself as Sion. Giving Eric an awkward reason, Sion helps Eric on his journey.Eric and Sion come across a town where reports of a strange light in a forest nearby. Eric and Sion seek out the light and ended up finding out the lights were fairies. One of the fairies, Rem, joins Eric and Sion. [Taken from JanimeS]
りんごは恋ずっぱい -  酸甜蘋果戀
If I would meet the me when I was in middle school, I would've hit her! At that time, I was always in conflict with my friends. We were fighting but we still loved each others. I loved both of them but, we went in different school. We finally manage to meet us two years after that. but that day, I start falling in love and I couldn't stop that...
The government has been conducting experiments to genetically engineer a human. Its first creation is a girl named Rizel, and the experiment is a success--sort of.While healthy and cheerful, 12-year-old Rizel also possesses the uncanny need for love to further her development. Saddened by this emptiness in her life, she sheds tears that can end up destroying a city block.So what's a girl to do ... except get married! Enter Iwaki Tomonori, your average 15-year-old boy. His world is turned upside-down the day he arrives home to find that the government has just announced that he's a married man!
Black Dress -  Woman In Mourning and the Neighbor -  喪服を着た女性と隣人女性の話
Un One Shot sur une femme en deuil et sa voisine...
ロケット・プリンセス -  R・PRINCESS  -  R Princess
Rocket Princess was written by Nobuyuki Anzai before he started his work on Flame of Recca. Basically, we follow Ishibashi Kango through his days as he interacts with a cyborg by the name of Oozora Kohime. If you liked Flame of Recca, then I'm pretty sure you'll find something to like in this one, too.
六百頁のミステリー, 六百页的不思议文学, 600 Page Mystery, Roppyaku Page no Mystery
Asami is a girl who adores reading books in an old library in her hometown, almost as much as the person who works there. That person is the librarian Mizushima-Sensei, who is quite unusual, but also very popular because of his young age. When someone begins to write graffiti in the books Asami loves most, it seems there’s trouble within the small library. Can their love of books and the dream of a wonderful library bring these two characters closer together?
Rose Guns Days - Season 1
Le 1er avril 1944, un désastre naturel sans précédent frappe le Japon, mettant brutalement fin à la guerre. Suite à cela, les États-Unis et la Chine se lancent dans une compétition pour la reconstruction et le contrôle du Japon, amenant avec eux des millions d'immigrés. Rapatrié après trois ans, un vétéran beau parleur mais un brin désabusé retrouve une ville de Tōkyō méconnaissable, où les Japonais désormais minoritaires ont tous adopté un prénom occidental - lui-même adopte celui de "Leo". Il y rencontre par hasard Rose Haibara, Madame du Club Primavera, un... établissement pour femmes de la nuit convoité par la mafia d'Alfred Akagi. Bientôt engagé comme garde du corps, Leo commence ainsi son combat pour soutenir Rose, qui rêve de restaurer l'entraide entre les compatriotes japonais dans cette époque morose.
L'histoire commence avec une jeune fille poursuivie par des proxénètes qui veulent l'attraper pour la revendre comme prostituée. En s'enfuyant, elle heurte une voiture, celle de Wayne ; celui-ci, accompagné de Rose, protège la jeune fille inconsciente et l'emmène dans un hôpital. Là, elle y fait la rencontre de Charles, Nina et Oliver, des personnes sous les ordres de Wayne. La jeune fille, amnésique même de son nom après le choc contre la voiture, est désormais protégée, grâce à Rose, par le Club Primavera....
Rose Guns Days - Season 3
Alan Aramaki, un jeune homme qui s'est battu avec son ami Keith Kisaragi pendant la guerre en Sibérie, sont de retour au Japon avec la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils décident peu après de travailler au Club Primavera, tenu par Rose Haibara. Mais très vite, Primavera doit à nouveau faire face à de nouvelles difficultés....
Rose Guns Days: Last Season
Leo Shishigami revient à Tôkyô après trois années d'absence. Dans le District 23, il rencontre Jeanne Amakawa, une jeune femme pourchassée par des hommes de Primavera. L'organisation serait-elle devenue son propre ennemi ? Et qu'est-il arrivé à sa fondatrice, Madame Rose ?