
Yancy, a novelist, who has been depressed all the year round has met an "exclusive" luck-transporting god. The two stumble and try to achieve the goal of helping Yancy getting out of bad luck, only to find that someone had been obstructing behind their backs. Things are far less simple than they seem. "I heard that luck will get better after we're in a relationship. Want to try?"
매지컬 JR
Magical JxR tells the story of two teenage wizards and the young girl they befriend: “Jay and Aru are two of the most popular students in wizardry school. However, before they can graduate, they must venture out into the REAL world and fulfill a one year magic contract with a human girl named Cho-Ah. Is Cho-Ah ready for a whole year with two enthusiastic wizards-to-be at her beck and call?"
마르스 전기
Mars, a continent of tension where several races live in conflict. On the Mars continent, a successor is born from the'Elyos' that everyone fears. What twins? But is it a joke of fate? Prince'Ans (Angelus)' is born with poor wings, a symbol of the Elyos. For the Elyos who ruled over the continent by defeating God with the power of their wings, the weak wings were no different from being crippled. The Elyos king who wants a strong successor abandons'Ans' and makes Princess'Dea' the successor. Luckily, the abandoned'Ans' was found by a human adoptive parent and grew up lovingly knowing that he was a human being. However, when their adoptive parents were killed by the demons, they decided to become a knight to defeat the demons. On the other hand, Princess Dea, who is raised as a successor to the Elyos, has an inferiority to'Ans' when he compares it with his younger brother'Ans' whose father has been abandoned. In the end,'Dea' tries to stain the Mars continent with blood once more to prove that he is a true successor. 'Ans' organizes an expedition with the human princess, the giant prince, and the demon prince and goes on an adventure to save the world, but representatives of races with different purposes continue to cause conflict. Moreover, I thought he was a human race, but Ans, who was an Elyos, caused even more confusion in the expedition! Who will be the true king of the confused'Mars' continent! The fateful confrontation of two twin brothers and sisters! Large fantasy !
마스카, Masca-Câu chuyện nàng tiểu pháp sư, Masca: The Tale of the Great Mage of Hessed
The Devil's Castle is a dark and somber place, until the good-hearted apprentice ASARELLA stumbles into this abode on a goodwill mission, against the wishes of her master, the Arch-Mage, ELIWHO. Things sour quickly, and soon Asarella is bound in a blood pact with The Devil. Little does she know that the mage harbors a secret love for her, which will only complicate her training to prepare her for the apocalyptic battle to come, and which sets up the most unusual love triangle of any place or time.
Masca: Another Story
Bien que soit déjà paru les 12 volumes de Masca, voici le prologue de l'histoire principale. Découvrez comment Kainen est devenu le seigneur démon, sa relation avec Rakin, le roi de Speira ainsi que le triangle amoureux entre eux deux et la belle Rea, de la race des Mascan. Asarella apparaîtra également, mais l'histoire semble se focaliser sur Rakin et Rea.
마스카 열왕기
Did you think Masca: The Tale of the Great Mage of Hessed was over? Masca: the Kings is the sequel of Masca, in which Asarella goes on a journey to save Kainen. However, the first two volumes focus quite a bit on the development between Rea and Rakin (Kainen's beautiful ex(?) and another demon king).
Jung Won-Jun, a Korean who became the owner of a poor fief. In an attempt to make it prosper, he explores a dungeon. Orginal webtoon
Jae is a Korean student who came to Europe to study art. Things aren't going her way, but she's determined to make it. One night, her friend Eva brings a drunk guy to her apartment and asks if he can stay there for the night. Jae doesn't like it, but agrees. That night she has a dream that the drunk guy drinks her blood...which, of course, turns out NOT to be a dream. Jae is surprisingly unafraid of the vampire, Michael, and starts to paint his portrait. The two strike an unusual deal: if Jae allows the vampire to feed on her, he will pose for her. His beauty and alluring preternatural energy could be exactly what Jae needs to finally succeed as a painter.
モノクローム 帝都忍法帖
月曜日少年, 월요일 소년, Getsuyoubi Shounen, Le Garçon de la lune, Monday Boy, Wolyoil Sonyeon
Pretty boy-crazy 5th grader, Myung-Ee, doesn’t really want to waste her time on class president, Yu-Da Lee, who doesn’t meet any of her requirements for eye candy… (Too short! Too young!) But when Yu-Da disappears one day, no one except Myung-Ee seems to remember him. Teased about her “invisible boyfriend,” Myung-Ee transfers high schools five years later in search of greener pastures (read: prettier boys). Only she finds herself face-to-face with some of the most beautiful boys she’s ever seen…and Yu-Da, now a class secretary, who doesn’t remember anything about her! Startled by this new development, Myung-Ee’s positively floored when she learns that she and Yu-Da are “Earth rabbits” being hunted by a clan of shape-shifting foxes, some of whom comprise the very student council that surrounds Yu-Da! Will Myung-Ee be able to save Yu-Da from these foxes in sheep’s clothing?
월령검제 -  月影劍帝 -  Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor
Iljin is Wild -  When Opposites Meet -  일진이 사나워 강환영
Que se passe-t-il lorsque le mec le plus effrayant de l'école vous demande un rendez-vous? YuGeong lutte pour survivre à ce qui pourrait bien être le pire jour de sa vie.Pris par AshiiYaoi Trad
오빠와 남친과 그녀석! -  Anh, bạn trai và người ấy -  Brother, Boyfriend, and The Guy -  My Brother, Boyfriend, and He
Brother always reject girls around him! Despite having an ideal boyfriend by her side, his charm is still not enough to attract her, because he is always by her side.
Après avoir été traumatisée par une sortie forcée, Yeonho, un gay enfermé, est un "célibataire à vie" qui n'a jamais eu de rendez-vous avec quelqu'un. Un jour, Yeonho est frappé par une étoile filante, et il se réveille pour voir quelqu'un, qui se fait appeler "Cupidon", partager son lit ! L'homme étrange a promis de mettre fin aux béguins unilatéraux de Yeonho, mais va-t-il vraiment..Projet pris par la Kawaï Team.
Guomin Xiao Cao Shi Nusheng -  Hotboy Quốc Dân Là Nữ -  The School Prince is a Girl -  国民校草是女生 -  帝少心头宠:国民校草是女生 - 
En surface, Fu Jiu semble être un garçon normal au lycée. Mais en fait, elle (Oui ! Elle !) est le hacker, Z, un méchant terminateur dans le monde en ligne d'un monde alternatif. Après s'être réincarnée dans le corps d'une femme et avoir été forcée de se déguiser en jeune homme, elle règne sur le monde du jeu, se bat pour la justice et jette un sort à toutes les filles qui l'entourent grâce à son charme inné. Cependant, son flirt est perçu comme gay par le riche Tout-Puissant Qin et son entourage. Au fil du temps, le Tout-Puissant Qin tombe amoureux de lui... d'elle. Est-il devenu gay pour lui... elle ? C'est déroutant ! Webcomic original
LeeSoonHwi, a very athletic girl with extra ordinary acrobatic skills, lives with her older brother who is a teenage genius. Her brother is already an instructor at a university, he tends to get annoyed by his younger sister's laziness and mischievous acts. A new neighbor moves in. He is a popular, self-centered, upperclassmen pretty boy. He seems to have taken interest in her due to her unique athletic features, which changes her normal lifestyle. How will SoonHwi's new surroundings progress to?
voici l'histoire d'une école normal avec des élèves banal d'après eux même XD
Woo-sang is a national swimmer who's always pursuing the number one spot. Won-il is a swimming prodigy who stopped participating in the sport, and now wants to make a comeback. Not only do they become rivals, but they also fall for the same girl, Jung-eun, an aspiring musician who is their childhood friend. The three lifelong friends suddenly find themselves having to juggle love, friendship, and competition, as they undergo the rite of passage of growing up.
평범한 8반
Weak, bullied, and pessimistic about life, thats Setsuna Kashiwagi. On the verge of jumping off a bridge, a mysterious man appears behind him and offers the contract 10 million yen in exchange for your life in a year. Skeptical at first, he accepts. Waking up the next morning, thinking it was just a dream, he notices 2 beautiful women sitting beside him. They are Kanna and Rena, Oni princesses here to claim his heart in a year.
오렌지 버블껌
Yoo-i is a very special girl -- she's like refreshing and fragrant orange bubble gum... A boy appears all of a sudden and becomes a natural part of her life, as natural as breathing air... His name is Joo-in. He says, "Do you know nuna? Nuna is.. my past, my present, and my future... You are like this ladder connecting me to this world..."
The girl with psychic abilities Sae-in, the pretty foreign boy Harvey and the top model Jin-song that Sae-in really likes.An interesting story of the intertwined fate of these three teenagers. And who could be the guy that Sae-in is talking to through telekenesis?
天生緣份 -  철썩궁합 -  Cheolsseok Gunghap -  Perfect Match -  Thiên định kì duyên
Rencontrer la personne la plus soupe au lait! Je Hyeong est un jeu réalisateur de cinéma, qui a déjà rencontré plusieurs succès lors de la courte période qui a suivi son arrivé dans SJ Entertainment. Son futur projet sera un drama, mais l'écrivaine de la série refuse de lui signer le contrat. Han Miso est une écrivaine à succès. Après des problème de droits d'auteur au travail, elle a démissionée, et s'est concentrée sur une carrière en solo. Mais son roman a été choisi par Je Hyeong. Commence alors la dispute...
C'est une histoire sur : une femme qui se transforme en enfant après avoir perdu sa virginité, son identité bascule entre un adulte et un enfant. Avec le prince héritier qui a aussi une double personnalité, il y a autant d'amour que de morsure.


Un jour, une femme rencontre l'homme de ses rêves.
幽灵王, 幽霊王, 유령왕, The Phantom King, Yuurei Oh, Yuurei Ou
11 years ago, Eun Sung-min was one of the few survivors from a village that experienced the "Evil Phenomenon". He and his maid were saved by the mysterious Phantom King and his group, Phantom. Now the Special Environmental Protection Agency is searching for the answers to what happened on that fateful day, and how to combat the "Evil Spirits" that caused such mayhem.
Bom Bom -  봄봄
Lang-bee knows the value of money. After her mother runs a vitamin drug scam and goes on the lam, Lang-bee is alone to fend for herself. Lang-bee repays the people scammed by her mom with the money she makes working for her fellow students. When she pursues her love interest in Dan Won, the rich, emotional heir to a corporate empire. Lang-bee competes against Yuka Lee, her nemesis, in the chase for Dan Won. Who will she choose?
Lee Uh In's family has long protected a legendary jar of alcohol with mysterious properties. Anyone who drinks from it will gain immense strength--and swap sexual orientation as well! But the jar only fills every ten years, and everyone who's drunk from it previously has died soon after. Enter Ichiro Yachi, who's unfortunate encounter with the liquor has left him liking guys and determined to take the jar back. Divine swapping, alcohol and an ancient legend? Things are about to get complicated.
공주님과 건달님 -  A Princess and a Bum
From Aerandria: Who am I? I’m Gi-ryum, a tall, handsome bachelor, and the coolest guy in the country who even makes O△ sama (Reference to “Yon-sama”: Bae, Yon-Jun from Winter Sonata) cry at my beauty. One day, I received classified info of the princess enrolling in a regular high school. Huhuhu. Can I snag the princess with my irresistible beauty?! I will be the king’s new son-in-law!


프라미스 -  Nữ phù thủy tốt bụng
Han Yoorim vient juste d'être admise au très sélectif lycée Yusong, connu pour ses hautes exigences.Même en sachant cela, Yoorim est choquée du niveau d'excellence demandé... Chaque élève autour d'elle est un génie dérangé !Une vie scolaire remplie par l'obsession de l'intelligence, voici ce qui attend notre héroïne...Yoorim pourra-t-elle s'adapter à un tel environnement ?