
官能先生 -  관능선생
Narumi Rokurou is still adrift in life in his forties, unmarried, and working as an editor at a publishing company while writing hardly lucrative literary fiction. His days enjoying life at his own pace are brought to an end one summer night, when a strange twist of fate brings Rokurou together with a mysterious beauty, beginning the story of their crazed love. As once was spoken by Zarathustra: "Everything in a woman is a riddle."
恋風, 戀風, Love Wind, Wind of Love
Nanoka and Koshiro were separated at a young age when their parents divorced. Now, 10 years have passed, and Koshiro has already forgotten about his younger sister. Yet, Nanoka has decided to attend the nearby high school and come back to live with her father and brother. However, the two had met just before Nanoka came back to live together and without knowing each other's real identity, they went on a date, only to find out that they were actually siblings...
水と銀, 水與銀, Water & Silver
A man sees a girl with a raincoat on one day while he was playing his guitar in the streets. Later on the man meets the girl on the streets and he takes her home.All the chapters contains the same characters but each chapter focuses on a different set of characters.Contains nudity.
Tetsuo Aoki est un jeune étudiant peintre au tempérament plutôt sombre et mélancolique. Akira Aizawa est quant à elle une élégante jeune femme d’une trentaine d’année qui travaille dans une galerie d’art. Tous les deux se rencontrent à la venue de l’été. Natsu no Zenjitsu suit le développement de leur relation à travers ses joies et ses épreuves.Avertissement : Ce manga contient des scènes à caractère explicite qui pourraient choquer les lecteurs jeunes ou dotés d’une certaine sensibilité. C’est pourquoi il a été classifié comme « mature ».