
Inverted Patema: Another Side, Sakasama no Patema - Another Side, Sakasama no Patema another side
Side story to the film Inverted Patema.
Another World Sniper Is Female Warrior's Mof-Moffy Pet -  Isekai Sunaipaa wa jo Senshi no Mofumofu Aigan Doubutsu -  The Fantasy World Sniper Is the Fluffy Pet of the Woman Warrior -  The sniper is a female warrior's fluffy pet in another world -  異世界スナイパーは女戦士
A gun otaku dies after toying with a homemade pistol that explodes in his face. In the afterlife, he is told that he will be reincarnated into another world. When the otaku wakes up, he finds that he is no longer human - he’s now just some little furry thing. Near death, he comes across a beautiful warrior, who decides to take care of him because he’s fluffy. However, things take a turn when he finds out that firearms exist in this world?From the writer of Time Stop Brave and Princess Resurrection comes a new isekai story, which has bears, boobs, and bullets.
五日性滅亡シンドローム, Five Days Ruin Syndrome, Itsuka Seimetsubou Syndrome
Jamevu -  ジャメヴ
Another Earth has been discovered by an astrologer in the US, giving it the name "Jamais Vu". That Earth is soon discovered to be a group of aliens, going around the galaxy before arriving in the actual Earth to kill people and appear like them.
ジャメヴ -  Jamais vu
Another Earth has been discovered by an astrologer in the US, giving it the name "Jamais Vu". That Earth is soon discovered to be a group of aliens, going around the galaxy before arriving in the actual Earth to kill people and appear like them.
"Jesus. Teacher, healer, savior. The story of one of the most revered figures in human history is revisited in this full-length graphic novel, featuring breathtaking full-color art by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, the creator of ""Joan."" This faithful adaptation of the New Testament text follows Jesus from his days at Calvary to the time of the Crucifixion and beyond. "
Time Stop Brave -  Time Stop Hero
KUZUNO Sekai a été transporté dans un monde médiéval de type jeu de fantaisie (isekai). On lui a donné une manette de jeu avec la possibilité d'arrêter le temps et un compte à rebours de 3 jours. Il doit maintenant comprendre les mécanismes de ce monde de jeu et l'effacer à temps.

Jiken Jaken!

Une belle lycéenne talentueuse et mystérieuse et un lycéen plus jeune résolvent des mystères dans leur vie quotidienne à l'école.
ジャンヌ -  Jeanne
Guided by visions of La Pucelle (the name given to Joan by followers), Emil seeks to unite France under the divine rule of the King. In her quest, Emil goes to the same places Joan had traveled through, and gains her own followers in the process. However, Emil is opposed by the dauphin Louis, a brute enforcer who fears no divine power and wishes to make his own bid to rule the country. Joan is ComicsOne's first all color comic book. The publisher recommends this book for readers over 15 years old.
鏡の国の針栖川, 镜之国的针栖川, Harisugawa in Mirror World
"Boys are creatures whose sight will follow the girl they like wherever she is. And if there it comes the chance that the boy realizes that the girl is in danger, if he is able to save her they will feel the ultimate bliss in life" is something that Harisugawa Tetsu has pointed out, and true enough he has always been following with his eyes the girl named Satomi Mao.Thanks to certain details in their childhood, Satomi has always been friendly with Harisugawa and she has a friendly budding relationship, completely unaware of Tetsu's feelings for her. Tetsu for his part preferred to play the friend part and keeps his feelings hidden for the sake of not endangering the closeness that they already have, ever since he was young Tetsu had believed that if he can build little by little a good relationship with Mao, he will get to the point where he can confidently confess to Mao and not get rejected, Tetsu has always been waiting for his one true chance without getting too close to Mao by accident.At first it seems that this "stalemate" will never be broken; however, one day Mao sees a strange mirror in an thrift store and for some reason she feels that she must have that mirror. Mao buys the mirror without thinking twice about it.... But she is completely unaware that the mirror will change forever Tetsu's life as well as her own.


Etre libre comme une hirondelle hors de sa cage à oiseaux, c'est ce que Tsubame voit dans ses yeux. Dans le désert de l'Asie de l'Est, le camp de récupération #13, Tsubame travaille comme ramasseur de ferraille alors qu'il essaie de gagner assez d'argent pour voyager seul, comme une hirondelle gratuite. Mais un jour, une jeune fille a été retrouvée enterrée dans le sable et elle a un trou de clé au poignet, le symbole d'un Kagijin, qui possède des pouvoirs démoniaques qui peuvent résister à ceux d'une armée. L'empire qui l'a gardée comme esclave arrive pour la récupérer, mais Tsubame refuse de la livrer et lui promet qu'il va la libérer. Comment s'y prendra-t-il ? Et quelle est la signification de la clé qui pend autour du cou de son singe ? Lisez et découvrez-le dans le numéro d'Akamaru Jump Winter 2009 (1/10/09).
怪物王女 -  Monster Princess -  Princess Resurrection
From Del Rey: Werewolves, demons, monsters, vampires. All these ferocious creatures are afraid of the same thing: the beautiful Princess Hime, an awesome warrior who fights off the forces of evil with a chainsaw and a smile. Not only does she look great in a tiara, she has power that allows her to raise the dead. She’s a girl on a mission, and with the help of her undead servant and a supercute robot, there’s no creature of darkness she can’t take down!
怪盗ジョーカー -  Mysterious Joker
Kako & Fake Detective -  Kako and the Fake Detective -  Kako to Nisetantei -  Како и фальшивый детектив -  カコとニセ探偵
Satoru earned a name as a genius boy detective, and the police rely on his reasoning skills. His secret, though, is that he is able to see the ghosts of the dead, and they provide him with the hints that lead him to solving cases.Now that he's a teenager, he has attracted a strange 'ghost' named Kako, who claims that she is actually a god. She goads him into taking more mysterious cases, in the search for a vengeful spirit that wants to kill humans.Now they are a team... where he solves the cases and she purifies the vengeful spirits!
空手小公子空手小公子小日向海流 -  Karate Shôkôshi Kohinata Minoru
Kohinata Minoru est étudiant dans un lycée renommé plus par ses sports que par ses orientations académique .Il commence dans le sport avec son amie nana, comme gymnaste ou il est tyrannisé par les gymnastes de rang supérieur (ses Senpais).Un soir, un étudiant en karaté du lycée, Mutou Ryuji, assiste à l'une de ces intimidations et lui vient en aide... mais ses intentions ne sont pas de sauver Minoru, mais de le tiré dans le monde du karaté.Minoru se fait de nouveaux amis et apprend une partie du passés sombre de chacun, y compris une choquante mort qui révèle des motifs de vengeance...
空手小公子物語 -  Karate Shôkôshi Monogatari
Takeru et Meo, deux amis d'enfance, ont balayé les tournois locaux de karaté en tant qu'étudiants de première année au lycée. Mais maintenant, ils visent un tournoi national de karaté. Malheureusement, ils ont un club de karaté officiel dans leur école. Izumi Tôko est la fille unique du chef de la plus grande organisation de karaté au monde, le Kôdan-Kai. Quelle intrigue va naitre avec Tôko et quel prix va-t-elle leur demander ? Alors que Takeru et Meo se lancent dans leur voyage officiel du monde du karaté qui les mènera à confronter leur passé, la quasi-totalité du casting de Karate Shôkôshi Kohinata Minoru apparaitra, les guidant et leur enseignant le vrai sens de ce que c'est que d'être un karateka.
喧嘩商売, 斗阵小子, Fight Shop
Satoh Jubei, a pervert and fighting expert, has moved to a new home again started off his ridiculous school life with other interesting people. The first one he met was a girl called Ayako, who has unrealistic expectations in Tokyo life. They had some extra-ordinarily close body contact. The series is full of ridiculous and perverted ideas. It also features some combat skills, traditional Judo vs open fighting.
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Side Story -  機動戦士ガンダム サンダーボルト 外伝
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Side Story is a manga written by Yasuo Ohtagaki, published by Shōgakukan and serialized in May & June issues of Big Comic Superior.


Lors de la période des Royaumes combattants de la Chine ancienne (475-221 avant J.-C.), Shin et Hyô sont des orphelins de guerre dans le royaume de Qin. Ils rêvent d'un jour où ils pourront eux-aussi faire leurs preuves sur le champs de bataille. Cependant, un jour, Hyô est emmené au palais par un ministre. Hyô parvient à revenir au village, à peine vivant. Shin rencontre alors un jeune garçon qui ressemble beaucoup à Hyô, Ei Sei. Pour l'instant il est le roi de Qin, plus tard, il deviendra l'empereur Shi Huangdi.
Сборник синглов по Царству -  キングダム総集編
Ousamatachi no Viking 国王们的海盗 王様達のヴァイキング
Kill Me. -  きるる KILL ME - 
Aoi, qui est l'un des plus grands entrepreneurs du Japon, a un prix sur la tête et le nom de l'assassin qui vient la réclamer est Kiruru Akaumi. Mais celui qui a commandité ce coup... c'est Aoi lui-même ! Il est tombé amoureux de Kiruru dès le moment où il l'a vue et, afin de passer plus de temps avec elle pour approfondir leur relation, il a lui-même commandé à la société Kiruru de le tuer.
Steel Jeeg Hiryuuden -  鋼鉄ジーグ秘龍伝
Kurudo no Hoshi -  Rebel Sword -  Star of the Kurds -  クルドの星 -  库德之星
A young man has left Tokyo for Istanbul to meet his mother and find his long-lost father. But instead, he finds that he's fallen headlong into somebody else's rebellion!Jiro Manabe hasn't seen his parents since he was a child. He doesn't know what to expect, except that his mother is Turkish and his Japanese father mysteriously disappeared when he was almost too young to remember. When a stranger appears who can take Jiro to his mother, the mysteries that Jiro has come to solve only grow deeper. Is a drug-addled belly dancer Jiro's mother? Why and where did Jiro's father go? And perhaps most importantly, why are army troops trying to gun them down?
Kusanagi sensei wa Tamesa Rete Iru -  Kusanagi-sensei ha Tamesa Rete Iru -  草薙先生は試されている
15 years ago, Kusanagi-sensei gave up her love (♀). Now, her lost love's daughter is her student?! As she wavers under the pressure of her student's relentless attacks, Kusanagi-sensei's (♀/36) era of trial begins!
巨虫列岛 -  巨蟲列島 -  Giant Bug Archipelago -  The Island of Giant Insects
ループ -  Loop
Jean, the sole heir to a fortune and mansion, is stuck in an endless loop, repeating his brutal murder over and over again. As the 100th time comes, he brings forth incredible determination to fight back and save his servents from their needless murder.