
The story begins when Hui-Sheng, a seemingly ordinary high school girl, receives a deck of angel cards from a mysterious stranger, Jason. With the angel cards, Hui-Sheng attempts to find out who her guardian angel is. But the result of the reading (a blank card) shows that she has none...
Have you ever heard of the series called Melancholic Princess by You Su Lan? I hope you have. This is part two of that series. It continues directly after MP, and the story also goes around "the seven mirrors" and "the seven gods," but with more focus on God of Fire rather than Water Princess.
倾国怨伶, Chuyện Tình Vượt Thời Gian
A reporter discovers an untouched ancient tomb in inland China, which leads to a series of other startling revelations, of the princess of Guangyu, Li Ying, and how she appears in the dreams of Yong Qian, a young teenage girl. Is it possible for modern technology to triumph over an ancient curse?