
Dragon Quest Monsters+
Kurio est un jeune garçon qui passe ses journées à essayer de capturer des slimes tachetés mais n'attrape que des slimes de base.Son rêve est de devenir un héros. Kurio allongé sur son lit, entend une voix et aperçoit un monstre se nommant Watabu qui lui propose de venir dans son monde (Taiju) qui est en grand danger. Sans hésiter, Kurio accepte l'invitation et se retrouve à Taiju.C'est ici qu'il apprendra comment devenir MM (Monster Master = éleveur de monstres) et comment sauver Taiju.
Sergeant Keroro is the Captain of the Space Invasion Forces Special Advance Team of the 58th Planet of the Gamma Storm Cloud System, sent to the planet Pokopen (aka Earth) to collect intelligence for his planet's invasion force. He is also a frog. After his ship crash-lands in the planet earth, he takes shelter in the Hinata household, but the two kids, Fuyuki and Natsume, find him and take away his alien weapons. When his people discover that the Pokopenians are aware of him, Keroro is abandoned - left to fend for himself in this hostile world. But he's not alone - four other pre-invasion agents were are also lurking on Earth.In 2005 Sgt. Frog received the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga.