
Akagi Erika is a classical literature teacher at a high school. One day, she scolds a male student, Usami Rento, for wearing perfume to school. However, she later finds out that the sweet scent isn’t from perfume but from incense that’s soaked into the kimono he wears, for Usami Rento is actually a famous kabuki actor playing female roles. Erika watches a performance of Usami’s out of curiosity, and finds herself gradually drawn to this strange student…
告白倶楽部 -  Confession Club -  Kokuhaku Club -  Club de Confesiones
Fateful Encounters: Story 1 - Confession Club Ueda Yuki saw the boy she likes, Mashimo Arata, kissing a book that he borrowed from his senpai. Seeing the situation as it is, Yuki knows immediately that Arata likes Misato-senpai. Thus, in order to be able to talk to him freely, Yuki volunteers to become Arata's practice partner by forming a so-called 'Confession Club' to help Arata confess to Misato-senpai. Will Yuki be able to help Arata confess, or will she fall for him even more? Story 2 - Please Tell Me If You Love Me Hinako its a quiet girl with a secret. She can't say the word ¨like¨. Because of that, Hinako has suffered when she confessed to a guy in middle school, everyone heard and laughed. And the problem is that now in high school, she likes the Principal's son, Kashiki. Wanting not to be laughed at, Hinako starts to practice how to say that word, but in the middle of the halfway someone hears her...?! Story 3 - Countdown Mioko is a average girl, who suddenly started to have issues on school. When suddenly their parents go on a trip, wanting someone to help her with, they decide to leave her with the dog and... with his not-blood-related brother, Shiro. But Shiro wanted to live in the school dorms, so Mioko just has two days left to convince him in order to not leave her alone. That's when the countdown starts!! Story 4 - Heavenly Hallucinations Kisa is dumped by her first boyfriend, Mori. Another boy, Shiba, confesses to Kisa--and he sounds just like Mori! Every time she tries to tell Shiba it's all a big mistake, his deep powerful voice makes her melt... Story 5 - His Glasses Haruki broke the scariest guy in school Onozuka Suu's glasses. Now he demands her to be his eyes for 5 weeks. Story 6 - Sleeping in the woods Harumi is always nicknamed as the Sleeping princess, because of his cute face and sleepy personality (and... actions). One day, a girl of her class, Youko, asks him to... teach her how to sleep?! Can this princess, break the curse of his prince? Story 7- Mermaid by the sea Yosuke, is treated nice and is popular because of his looks. So he has never liked someone seriously. One day, he saw a girl he thought was drowning. But... she was swiming?! Now it seems she caught his eye... Will this playboy find some love, or will he continue playing...? Story 8: The confession Club After hearing they could realize your love, she absolutly went there!! But not all is sweet and mighty, they dont do anything for free. Minamida, one of them (and future instructor), is a non beliver of true love, so in order to not pay, her task is to change his mind!! Can Nana really make Minamida believe again in love? What will happen to hers? Story 9: Apple Cheek Since the first day they met, she doesn't get along with him. Masaomi, a total player, always makes fun of Rinko whose cheeks are naturally apple-red. Whenever Rinko sees him, for some reason, she gets irritated. What will she do when she founds out the meaning of her anger??
猛スピードで彼らは -  短跑恋人
Amitié qui se transforme en amour entre une lycéenne qui fait de son mieux pour compenser sa petite taille et un garçon de collège qui semble tout simplement trop grand pour son âge.
Recueil de 4 oneshots :1) Par accident, Narina a embrassé un patient de l'infirmerie de son école et maintenant, elle n'arrive pas à l'oublier. Quand ils se rencontrent à nouveau, Narina est surprise par sa gentillesse. Mais, avant qu'elle ne réalise ce qu'elle éprouve pour lui, son professeur défend à Yasuda de s'approcher d'elle. Que va-t-elle faire maintenant qu'elle sait que son professeur à des sentiments pour elle ?2) Depuis qu'elle a bu une potion contenant les larmes de Fujikawa Shuuhei, Harada Sayaka ne peut ni manger ni dormir...Elle se rend vite compte qu'elle est complètement accro au fameux breuvage et décide d'aller à la rencontre du jeune homme pour lui demander de pleurer afin de pouvoir se procurer sa drogue préférée...3) Koba Kenichi est capable de générer des choc électriques. Toute la classe en a fait les frais sauf Kayama Miki. C'est ainsi que cette dernière devient le centre de toutes les attentions! La situation n'arrange guère notre héroïne qui se voit contrainte d'être encore plus prudente afin de conserver le plus précieux de ses secrets...4) Shin n'a que 11 ans lorsqu'il rencontre Kazushi, petit garçon à la santé fragile. Durant les années qui ont suivie cette rencontre, ils ont appris à se connaître et à partager leurs deux mondes si différents. Voici la tragique histoire d'une amitié, une de celles qu'on n'a l'occasion de vivre qu'une fois dans sa vie....