
Nous sommes en 2053, sur une planète Terre futuriste. Plusieurs conflits ont eu lieux ces 20 dernières années. Mais depuis quelques temps les alliances diplomatiques ce sont rassemblées et maintiennent une fragile paix.Dragon et Weed deux amis d'enfances, anciennement membres d'un programme militaire et spirituel, font depuis peu partis de l'Armée Commune des États-Unis d'Europe chargés de maintenir cette paix et surtout des pires missions.Missions qui vont les mener à une ancestrale organisation secrète qu'ils ne vont pas tarder à rejoindre.
We are in 2053, on a futuristic Earth. Several conflicts took place in the last 20 years. But lately diplomatic alliances that are collected and maintained a fragile peace.Dragon and Weed two childhood friends, former members of a military and spiritual program, have recently become parties to the Common Army of the United States of Europe in charge of maintaining the peace and especially of the worst missions.Missions that will take them to an ancient secret organization they will join soon.
D&W: Origins Season 2 - The Fallen -  D&W: The Fallen -  Dragon and Weed: Origins - Season 2: The Fallen -  Dragon and Weed: Origins - The Fallen -  D
魔法の鏡にささやいて, Avoiding Mr. Right
Christina is a tanned tomboy who works as a crew member on ships. One day she is suddenly approached by a handsome and mysterious man at a Mediterranean harbor town. Why would he choose to talk to her, when there are so many other beautiful girls? He tells her his name is Luc Henri, and she realizes everyone in town knows him by name. He tells her he will see her again before leaving. A few days later, while working on a ship chartered by a royal family, Christina bumps into Luc again...
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