
ブラッドハーレーの馬車 -  Bradherley's Coach
Every year, Lord Nicola A. Bradherley, one of Europe’s leading aristocrats, sends his coach round to various orphanges to adopt little girls and trains them to join his opera troupe. But most of these girls never make it onto the stage — a far more sinister fate awaits them, sacrificed in the name of the greater good.
ブラッドハーレーの馬車; Bradherley's Coach
Bradherley est un grand aristocrate européen qui envoie tous les ans des hommes dans des orphelinats afin d’adopter des jeunes filles. Le but officiel est de les enrôler dans sa troupe pour en faire de véritables stars d’opéra. Seulement, ce cher aristocrate considère que pour toute gloire, il faut faire des sacrifices et c’est un bien sinistre avenir que vont découvrir certaines de ces jeunes filles.
ブランド 「Peace」 -  ブランド「Peace」 -  Brand 'Peace' -  Burando 'Peace' -  Burando Peace
Comment faire pour continuer d´être la fille la plus cool de la classe quand on entre au collège et qu´on ne connait presque personne, voilà les profondes pensées de Mii.Insouciante et encore un pied dans l´enfance, elle est pourtant décidée à se trouver rapidement un copain et finaliser son premier baiser avant qu´on la traite de ringarde.Pour cela elle compte sur l´appui de Yamato, son meilleur ami d´enfance qui a le même age et qui a pourtant un peu plus d´expérience qu´elle puisqu´il a déjà eu une copine.Au collège les filles et garçons semblent séparés par une rivalité entretenue par Yashiro, le chef des garçons et Kazusa, chef des filles qui se détestent cordialement.Autrement dit, l´ambiance n´est franchement pas propice aux romances, surtout que Mii jette son dévolu sur ce dernier, avec son air de voyou et sa manie des flingues, c´est pas gagné.
ブリギットの晩餐 -  Brigit No Bansan -  Brigit's Dinner
Dans une Allemagne affaiblie par la guerre, une jeune fille tente de survivre avec son frère. Lorsqu’elle en est séparée, elle devra découvrir un monde d’adultes corrompus et sans scrupule. Pourtant face à sa solitude et ses désillusions, Brigit saura s’attacher à celui qui aurait pourtant dû être son ennemi.
Kondo Masahito est un dur à cuir au lycée tandis que son grand frère, Yoshio, est un instituteur calme et gentil. Il n'est donc pas rare que ce dernier soit protégé par son cadet. Ayant des caractère différents il est difficile pour Masahito de comprendre son aîné, mais il essaye tout de même.
Kondo Masahito is a tough high school senior, while his older brother Yoshio is a calm and gentle kindergarten teacher, so it is not rare that younger brother protects the older one. Different personalities make it difficult for Masahito to understand his brother, but he still tries.
Love is made with a Sullen Look -  仏頂面に恋をして
A collection of oneshots.1) To Love A Straight Face GuyFuyuki is dating his personal tutor, Takashi, but Fuyuki is so frustrated with Takashi lack of emotional response.2) You Are My Destined PersonA boy runs away from the orphanage and is picked up by a charismatic rich man.3) That Summer StoryThe memory of his first love.4) Fiery KissA student teacher falls in love at first sight with his adorable pupil.5) The Children in the Broken Shack6) An Eternity Under the Starry SkyCaught by their parents and forced to part, they run away together...7) The Night of the Full Moon8) The Way of the Moon and Your Voice9) Such Happy Times10) Shiba's Tale
分別と多感, Funbetsu to Takan, Sense & Sensiblity Sense and Sensibility
1-3) Bunbetsu to TakanAya has a great boyfriend Kento who treasures her a lot. But she is also attracted to Kento's older brother, who has a twisted personality. How come she can't stay away from him and she goes so far to cheat on her boyfriend? Will Aya's sense prevails over her sensibility?2) Delusional DiaryFrom Evil Flowers3) The Little Mermaid who Became a Witch: Everyone knows the story of the little mermaid who felt in love with the prince and exchanged her voice for a pair of feet. Did anyone wonder about the witch’s story and why was she so bitter towards the young mermaid? An interesting twist of the classic “The little mermaid”, this time, from the witch’s point of view.
文学少女与想死的小丑 -  "Bungaku Shoujo" To Shi Ni Tagari No Douke -  Book Girl And The Suicidal Mime -  BUNGAKU SHÔJO -  BUNGAKU SHOJO
Konoha Inoue est un élève ordinaire jusqu'au jour ou il remporte le grand prix de littérature en étant le plus jeune auteur. Cependant a cause du succès il décide d'arrêter d'écrire des romans. Plus tard le jour de son entré au lycée il fait la connaissance de Amano Tôko une jeune fille a première vue ordinaire mais qui se révèle être un être surnaturel, c'est fille adore manger de la littérature et dévore des bouts de livre. Ayant découvert son secret il serra obliger de rejoindre le club de littérature afin qu'il lui écrive de quoi apaiser sa gourmandise peu commune.
Bungaku Shoujo to Shi ni Tagari no Douke -  Bungaku Shoujo to Shinitagari no Pierrot -  “文学少女”と死にたがりの道化 -  文学少女 (文学少女和想死的小丑) -  "A literary girl" an
Adapted from Light Novel series by Nomura Mizuki. Meet Kanoha Inoue, winner of a prostegious writing award at the age of 14. Mistakenly branded a "Mysterious Bishoujo Author" and subsequently vowed to never write publicly again. Meet Amano Tooko, self-proclaimed "Bungaku Shoujo". Eats up works of literature, literally. The two of them are the only members of the Literature Club. Each day he writes short stories for her to eat. Until one day Tooko arbitrarily decided to put up a drop box for anyone with a problem...


無頼庵, Buraian
When his family dojo is forcibly taken by Yakuza due to his debt Yachiyomaru with his bodyguard Burai An stand against them in order to retrieve it! Before they know it, in prevailing over trials one after another, a deep affection is born between them...!
Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz Game, a game much like capture the flag, only with company secrets and insane amounts of money involved. At first they think it's a crazy but fun way to get some money, but as the game goes on, they hear stories about mysterious deaths on the news, and recognize the victims as members of the teams they've beaten in the game. When one of the losers of a game dies right in front of them, they realize what is really at stake - their very lives!
By ヒーロー
C'est l'histoire d'un adorable petit oiseau qui se retrouve blessé et soigné par Kosaki, jeune fille quelque peu garçon manqué, au coeur tendre couramment taquinée par Aise. Que va-t-il se passer pour ce petit oiseau qui a donc si peur des humains... ? Et pour Kosaki ?


Netsuryou ~Calorie~热量熱量~カロリー~
1-4, extra) Calorie - HeatToshiyuki aime son meilleur ami (et hétérosexuel) Yasuhira depuis 15 longues années, mais décide de renoncer à son amour infructueux. Alors Jun, qui est leur ami commun et qui connaît l'amour non partagé de Toshiyuki, se présente comme candidat amant. Toshiyuki est heureux, bien qu'il sache que Jun a toujours réconforté son cœur brisé chaque fois que Yasuhira s'est trouvé une nouvelle petite amie. Pourtant, il décide de saisir sa première chance en amour....5) Eyes That Don't LieLe petit ami de Yasuhira, Chizuru, aime voir son expression quand il n'est pas heureux et fait toujours des choses qu'il déteste. Même si Shou veut avoir une relation normale, il supporte son étrange fétiche parce qu'il ne veut pas que Chizuru se désintéresse de lui. Cependant, que se passe-t-il lorsque Shou lui montre une expression alors qu'il n'est pas en colère ?
Akira Togawa is deeply, incredibly, head-over-heels for his step-brother Satoru, but it’s a secret he keeps only to himself! One morning, a cameraman named Kaoru Nakahara appears, and Akira starts to get the feeling that this guy’s picked up on his hidden affections for Satoru! And then it turns out that Nakahara is actually falling for Akira?! Akira can gradually feel the pot of love start to boil… will the camera’s shutter capture their hearts aflutter?!
Cardcaptor Sakura dj - Milk Crown
Touya is bugged by Sakura in the snow, and Sakura is bugged by Touya at home. But despite their ups and downs, the brother and sister still love one another.
カテゴリ:フリークス -  Category Freaks
From DrMaster: Supernatural phenomena and strange occurrences are no sweat for the Nanami Paranormal Investigation agency, headed by Asagi Nanami. As "freak" activity grows to a terrifying fever pitch, Asagi's assistants -- Naoki, Tokiko, and Mahime -- help to solve several major "freak" cases. Freaks are creatures with the ability to possess humans and prey on their weaknesses. However, Asagi and his gang are no ordinary humans; each is equipped with a special power to vanquish Freaks.
キャタピラー, Imomushi
From Intercross: Eishi is one of those popular guys that are smart, good looking, and is good at sports. However, he thinks people and "love" are bothersome and would rather not deal with either of them. When his teacher told him to help this girl, Uta, to study, he dreaded the idea of having to stick with such an annoying girl. Soon, though, his heart starts to lighten up towards her.
セロ・メロウ, Zero Mellow
Her CarriageEveryday Kouta comes to pick up Aya on his bike. Aya loves Kouta, but Kouta is looking for a girl friend. Will Aya ever tell Kouta how he feels?Make-Believe BrothersArt student Yuuta and Tomo are neighbours and childhood friends. But is that all they are?After-School Strawberry FlavorEveryday Tsuduru finds candy in his school desk; probably left there by a night school student. He starts to exchange letters with the unknown giver; but will they ever meet?FingerFour Leaf CloverCello MellowAn attractive cellist by the name of Mahoro is a hopeless man who can't recognise love. Mahoro, who has never loved anyone before, was picked up by Sousuke on a rainy day one year ago. Woken every morning by Sousuke, the sleepy Mahoro finds himself drawn to Sousuke's smile.
A Centaur's Life -  Centaur's Worries
Être un adolescent n'est jamais facile. Surtout pour un centaure ! Himeno est une fille douce et timide qui, comme beaucoup d'adolescentes de son âge, se débat avec les épreuves et les tribulations de l'école secondaire. La différence, c'est que c'est une centaure, mais elle n'est pas seule. En fait, tous ses camarades de classe sont des créatures surnaturelles, portant soit des cornes, des ailes, des queues, des halos, ou un autre appendice du corps surnaturel. Pourtant, malgré leur nature fantastique, Himeno et ses meilleurs amis - Nozomi aux ailes de dragon et Kyoko aux cornes en spirale - sont des adolescents terre-à-terre qui aiment s'amuser et s'attaquer à des questions de vie et d'amour dans un milieu scolaire quotidien généralement normal.
Ethan est un garçon de 17 ans tout à fait normal. Mais il est juif.
Dans la vie de tous les jours, Sara est une étudiante en art du spectacle tout ce qu'il y a de plus normal. Personne ne sait que lors de ses temps libre elle devient ‘Sala', jeune chanteuse prometteuse dont le public ignore si elle est une fille ou un garçon. Cependant tout se complique quand elle commence à se rapprocher de Hayase, camarade de classe et chanteur reconnu qu'elle admire. Qui gagnera le coeur de Hayase, Sala ou Sara ? Et elle-même, arrivera t'elle à gérer ses sentiments et sa carrière de front, alors que sa mère, également sa productrice, souhaite à tout prix qu'elle conserve son secret ?
Tomoki, un jeune homme avec sa passion pour les trucs ecchi, est habitué à vivre seul, avec son père qui voyage tout le temps. Toutefois, il n'est pas préparé à l'arrivée soudaine de ses deux sœurs jumelles ,9 ans , dont il ne savait rien! Toujou Minaho, la jeune fille aux gros seins à côté, est prêt à aider, mais ces filles sont tout à fait mignonne.
ちびまる子ちゃん, Chibi Maruko Chan, Nhóc Maruko
The title character, Maruko, is a nine-year-old third-grade student. She is lazy, disorganized and usually late for school, in strong contrast with her neat and tidy older sister who must share her room with her. Maruko, like many kids, tries to avoid homework and chores, takes advantage of her doting grandfather and squabbles with her sister. Nevertheless, she is a well-meaning child who tries to do good.Maruko's real name is Momoko Sakura (さくらももこ Sakura Momoko), the same as the pen-name of her creator Miki Miura 三浦 美紀 (who used her own childhood experiences as inspiration). Her nickname "Maruko" is made of marui ("round", because of her round face) and -ko (girl child); the prefix chibi and the suffix -chan also refer to a cute child.Maruko's trademark face fault in reaction to embarrassment is the sudden appearance of vertical lines on her face, sometimes with an unexplained gust of wind blowing behind her head. This is sometimes mimicked by female fans of the series who draw the fingers of one hand down across the face to show embarrassment. On the internet this is often used as emoticons, by speech marks. For example: -_-"Other characters include Maruko's classmate and best friend Tama-chan. A fan favorite is Maruko's kind but absent-minded grandfather. Naive and easily tricked, he keeps a pet turtle and loves watching TV with Maruko. When feeling distressed or nostalgic, he spontaneously retreats to a surreal inner world for a few seconds to improvise a sad yet comical haiku about his state of mind.
From Viz: It is the middle of the 21st century and Tokyo is expanding more and more, filling Tokyo Bay with landfill to make room for the bursting population. But suddenly Tokyo suffers one of its greatest earthquakes, and the landfill liquefies, creating untold damage in the newly-made urban area. The members of Self-Defense Force Rescue Squad Four are sent to help. But what they dig up is a plot of murder and destruction--one that wipes out nearly the entire squad and leaves its two surviving members, the fierce Rei and her cool, handsome partner Uozumi, in a fight for their lives. There is only one place where they can find the work that keeps them alive, and the support so they can start uncovering the mystery that killed their squad: that's in the south-Shinjuku bar called Chicago. As the earthquake levels Japan's largest city and capital and leaves countless dead, rescue workers, Rei and Uozumi, search for survivors amidst the rubble of Bay District D only to find a mysterious string of dead bodies--bodies with bullet holes. Without warning, the pair is under fire from the air as a hail of gunfire rains down. Are these the killers, and if so, what is their purpose? Barely escaping with their lives, Rei and Uozumi discover that their squad is listed only as "collateral damage" and their records wiped clean.
Une trapéziste, un clown, une belle histoire... ,
Le jour où un miracle s'est produit...
シンデレラ(BOY)確率論 -  Cinderella (Boy) Kakuritsuron -  Cinderella Boy (yaoi)
citrus コミックアンソロジー - 
Official anthology of the popular yuri manga Citrus. A collection of 17 oneshots.Story 1 : be careful not to play games to much (Eku Takeshima)Story 2: ear-nimal pandemic (Neji)Story 3: the things i want to watch with you (Kayako)Story 4: taboo (Kiyoko Iwami)Story 5: if (Aoto Hibiki) Story 6 : hair arrange (kurakawa)Story 7 : imaginery wedding (Naoko Kodama)Story 8: sweet time (Haruka Kiriyama)Story 9 : Hydrangea’s floriography (Yuuki Goto)Story 10 : love scream (Ameno)Story 11: blast (Miyami Oomiya)Story 12: M.I.B. Mei in black (kuraukoStory 13 : two sisters (Mako Takahashi)Story 14 dead or love (kino kiyuki)Story 15: Hathews (yuki yukio)Story 16 : have a bite (fujieda)Story 17 : wait for sleep… (yayoi osawa)