
Katou is a member of the high school swim club. Matsuoka has come to bring him lunch and use Katou as his stress relief punching bag yet again. To the sympathy of his club mates, impulsive Katou totally falls for him, saying with a shy smile that Matsuoka is cute… Even as Katou treats Matsuoka kindly and tells him that he loves him, Matsuoka remains a total tsundere, leaving doubts to linger in his heart!
Class Rep and Delinquent -  Iinchou-chan to Furyou-chan -  委員長ちゃんと不良ちゃん
A challenge at an empty classroom, late afternoon. Prez and delinquent girl face-off, but much to the latter's surprise, Prez hits first![url=][img][/img] Creator's Pixiv[/url]
Daria is a relatively normal girl, despite the fact that she always seems to be the recipient of miracles. But when a strange character appears suddenly, with the intention of keeping his promise to kill her, her average high school life becomes anything but...
ディーふらぐ!, 属性同好会, 府上高一游戏部, ชมรมรั่วมหากาฬ, D-Fragments, D-Fragu!, Day Flag


D-Fragments! -  Day Flag! -  D-Frag!
Kazama Kenji aime à se dire qu'il est un voyou. D'ailleurs, certains semblent être aussi de cet avis. Kenji et son gang rentrent dans la salle du club de création de jeux, pensant y semer la pagaille. Ils tombent sur quatre filles excentriques, Chitose, Sakura, Minami et Roka, qui vont lui faire remettre en question son statut de trouble-fête. Forcé de rejoindre leur club, qu'est-ce qui attend notre lycéen ?
In the mountains of M prefecture, villagers are disappearing.“Something is slicing people apart” was the final message desperate police managed to yell through the radio, before disappearing.Specialized in hunting monsters, two highschool girls begin their hunt!This bloody occult, action-packed Yuri is for sale in Young Jump 2!
Chotto kiken na amaama Onii-san
Un jour, ce dangereux Onii-san va m'aimer à mort !
男子高中生的日常 -  Daily Lives of High School Boys
Dans les couloirs du lycée Sanada Nord, il y a trois camarades proches : le meneur excentrique avec une imagination hyperactive Hidenori, le passionné Yoshitake et le rationnel et prudent Tadakuni. Leurs vies sont remplies de robots géants, d'amour véritable et de drame intense...... dans leur imagination colorée, au moins. En réalité, il ne s'agit que d'un trio de gars ordinaires qui essaient de passer le temps, mais qui a dit que la vie quotidienne ne pouvait pas être intéressante ? Qu'il s'agisse d'une reconstitution RPG complexe ou d'une rencontre romantique inattendue sur la rive au coucher du soleil, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou regorge de situations bizarres mais hilarantes qui sont tout sauf banales. [MyAnimeList]


Demian Kawai, qui a grandi en se faisant dire par sa mère qu'il était le fils d'un célèbre basketteur, est devenu membre d'une équipe de basket-ball.Les capacités de Demian lui ont valu le respect de son entourage, mais après une blessure et une erreur lors d'un match, il a perdu confiance en lui. Bien qu'il fasse de son mieux pour se réhabiliter, Demian a soudain l'impression que le haut de son corps est gelé en jouant. Lorsqu'il a consulté un médecin, on lui a dit que c'était un symptôme des "yips". C'est une histoire de "montée après la chute".(Traduction de l'équipe Rubapa)
Successful Man -  デキる男 -  完美的情人 -  超优型男
Sagishima Takehiko, Hokuto's distant benefactor throughout his growing up with foster parents, is a successful executive. When Hokuto turns 20, he appears in his life in person and turns it upside down in order to groom Hokuto as his successor. But is that all he is, a benefactor? Hokuto wonders whether he might not have a secret reason for his kindness to a supposed stranger. But when he finally gets to ask the question he has pondered all his life, the way Sagishima responds is... surprising.
出ましたっ!パワパフガールズZ -  Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z! -  Powerpuff Girls Z -  They are here! Powerpuff Girls Z! -  Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Roman
Between eating sweets and trying to win over her crush, Momoko Akadzutsumi is a typical thirteen-year-old girl... However, she holds a big secret: along with her friends Miyako Goutokuji and Kaoru Matsubara, she is one of the Powerpuff Girls Z! Their mission? To fight the evil monsters created from the mysterious Chemical Z. But when two new villains come into the picture, the Powerpuff Z may just face their toughest challenge yet!

Demon 72

Son nom est Kuruto Kagemitsu -un mignon petit garçon avec une vengance dans la tête-. Le démon s'appelle Shuma. Il a été invoqué, à sa grande surprise et probablement à son grand chagrin, par Kuruto. Shuma va être dans l'obligation de devenir son serviteur. Leur objectif : Eliminer 71 des 72 démons du Roi Salomon -Shuma étant une exception pour des raisons assez évidentes-.
An endearingly clingy girlfriend adores her boyfriend to no end... until she's at home, where she begrudgingly has to be prim and proper [i]as best as she can[/i].However, she loves him too much to keep the pretense. Can she keep it up?
"When the sinister Dark Guy and his evil army, Black Pierrot decide to take over the world, they decide to start from the Japanese countryside. Luckily, however, the great hero Blue Hunter is there to thwart him. But when Blue Hunter saves the young maiden Tachibana Honoka, he finds himself assaulted on another front... By her affection. Now he must juggle defending the earth, dating Honoka, and simultaneously trying to get her to take notice of his homely true identity, Fuwa Shinpei."
What does a high school boy have to do in order to make the love of his life remember you in *this* lifetime? Cosplay? Host a "this is your previous life" audition? Show her all your good points? Just because she is a manga otaku in love with Blue-Sama. It's not like falling in love with manga characters is based on real life?
From Lililicous: From the creator of Pieta comes the story of a connection between two women, Maho and Fujiko, who live in the same apartment building. Maho, a male-to-female transsexual, saves Fujiko, a girl from a rich family who's left home and is living on her own, one night, and the two become fast friends. As they grow closer, Fujiko confesses to Maho that she has feelings for her...
Après avoir tué le Seigneur Démon, Blum Dilmond a été poursuivi par le royaume et forcé de quitter le pays. Tout en passant des jours à essayer d'éviter les assassins, il a soudainement eu une idée. Il peut se cacher à l'intérieur du donjon qui était autrefois la cachette du Seigneur Démon.Sans hésiter, Blum entra dans le donjon, mais il rencontra alors quelqu'un d'inattendu dans les niveaux inférieurs, l'un de ses anciens compagnons avec qui il combattit côte à côte contre le Seigneur des démons. De plus, une femme de chambre, appelée Irène, qui a autrefois servi le Seigneur des démons est également là. Et comme leurs intérêts se sont avérés être les mêmes, tous les trois ont décidé de coopérer ensemble pour reconstruire le donjon usé, travaillant sérieusement afin de le transformer en un lieu sûr.
えむえむっ!, Emu Emu!, MM一族, MM!
Because of a certain incident, Sado Tarou seems to have a problem with his body. This boy is a hands on open Masochist (Meaning that he derives pleasure from extreme amouts of pain.) So to cure his body, so that he could confess to his love "Shihori Hime", he went to the Voluntary Club which he heard would fulfill students wishes.There he comes into contact Isurugi Mio,The girl with beauty and a "MASSIVE" Superiority complex(She thinks she's a god.) as well as Yuuno Arashiko, The very reason why he has this "disease" in the first place. 

En Passant

In Passing
Verde, une organisation puissante et secrète qui contrôle le monde, a un nouveau leader. La seule chose qui se dresse sur son chemin est un personnage improbable, Kujou Shin, le roi des pessimistes. Il n'a aucun attachement à rien ni à personne et n'hésite pas à mourir. Il est involontairement entraîné dans une lutte pour la position la plus puissante du monde, celle du leader de Verde. Quel sera son destin ?
縁は奇なモノ美味なモノ; EN ha KI na mono AJI namono; Exotic and Delicious Fate; Fate is a Strange yet Tasty Thing; The Allure of Fate is a Tasty Thing
Miyagi est le chef d'un vieux et proéminent restaurant japonais. Un jour, le restaurant voisin envoya à l'improviste un apprenti chef nommé kasuga pour une formation . Après leur première rencontre, kasuga tomba instantanément fou amoureux de Miyagi et entreprit de le poursuivre inexorablement. Comme Miyagi fait constamment l'objet d'assauts, il constate que ses défenses commencent doucement à faiblir...Est-ce que le têtu Kasuga parviendra à la faire craquer-?
アザーサイド エソラゴト (ネルノダイスキ) コーサ へのへのもへ 家葬 朝が来る 車の修理にいく
Une nouvelle d'une publication de doujin du même nom qui a remporté le prix du débutant au 19e Festival des arts médiatiques en 2015.

Evil Heroes

Evil Heros, Злые герои, イビルヒーローズ
Pour combattre le mal et maintenir la paix, les super-héros sont toujours là ! Des hommes et des femmes dotés de capacités extraordinaires et dont l'identité reste un mystère. L'humanité peut compter sur eux ! Mais... et si jamais ils venaient un jour à se retourner contre nous ?
Zein Gospell is unlucky. Pursued by mysterious organizations and mercenaries, he lives on the run because they all have eyes only for his power ... His immortality. However, is it possible that even a person fated for misery becomes a hero? Follow Zein in this abnormal world and find out.Read It on the official site because I'm dumb asf and can't manage to publish the chapters here:
Story 01: Eye Level - I'm short. I'm shy. I look like a child. My name is Toshie and I hate my tall classmate, Sakaue. I've got a complex over my height--why does he act like it's nothing for me to worry about?? Story 02: Capture a Bitter Love - Nagaoka Temari is secretly in love with Yatabe-kun. Even when he speaks to her, she gets so nervous that she can't tell him how she feels. Just hearing his voice sends her brain into a panic. And that's why...she told him the exact opposite of what she's been thinking. Temari knows that she's the reason he's getting failing marks now, so what if her "close friend" Mari Suzuki were to tutor him? There's no way for Temari to fool Yatabe into thinking she's someone else... Or is there? Story 03: Heart Library - Miyazawa Yuu works in the library. She thinks how nice it would be if she could just talk to the popular Iseya-kun. The other person who's supposed to be working with Yuu today ditched, so now Yuu is stuck being the only one to carry all the books back to the library room. She tries to carry too many and can't see anything in front of her, and when she's Iseya who catches her in his arms! Story 04: Baby Spice - Kawai Machi has a crush on Hiroe, but he completely treats her like a child. And then Machi learns that Hiroe has a girlfriend...!?
Sweet and pretty high school student Keita is aggressively courting his remedial class teacher, Soga. Soga, however, thinks it's just a childish joke, and that there is no real love... From the beginning of courtship between sensei and student to their first time together, and other romantic stories! In another pairing, an ex-student meets his tutor. Adult love relationships are compiled here. Pure love and romantic love stories of innocent teens and adults who are toyed with by them.
조교님, 안에 가득 채워주세요!
Le jour, il est assistant administratif à l'université, mais la nuit, Shin Dowoon travaille comme chasseur de démons.Devant lui apparaît l'incube aux mœurs légères sous la forme d'un étudiant humain nommé Lee Hayoon. Hayoon propose un contrat en échange de la capture de Dowoon. Mais à cause du jeu de l'attache du démon, Dowoon n'a aucune sympathie.Ce jeu rugueux suffira-t-il à satisfaire le démon ?
After Kokoro’s parents die in a car accident, she remains the only successor of the Yukimine family and therefore the entire wealth also belongs to her. Being still young and inexperienced, her grandfather persuades her into choosing a fiance from a list of candidates. On top of all this, Kokoro can’t see the candidates’ faces because ever since her parent’s accident she’s seeing people’s faces as animals and is unable to tell who’s who. It looks like she’s going to have to choose based on their actions (and maybe their hearts) witch it’s rather hard to do considering that they are all suspected to have had a good reason to plan her parent’s accident. Put all that into a Christmas-like atmosphere and you get a magical romance set in the holy night of Christmas Eve.
Continuation of Girls Saurus.
グランクレスト戦記グランクレスト戦記どろっぷあうと皇帝圣印战记그랑크레스트 전기Record of Grancrest War
Sur un continent régi par le Chaos, les Lords possèdent un " Sceau " pouvant dissiper le Chaos et protéger le peuple. Cependant, avant que quiconque n'ait pu s'en rendre compte, les dirigeants ont mis de côté la purification du Chaos et ont commencé à se battre entre eux afin d'améliorer leurs Sceaux et assurer ainsi leur domination sur les autres clans. Shiruka, une mage solitaire méprisant la hiérarchie qui a abandonné sa mission première, ainsi qu'un chevalier errant nommé Théo, qui s'entraîne pour libérer son village natal, passent ensemble un contrat pour sauver le continent des guerres de pouvoir et du Chaos.