
Biyaku Café

Aphrodisiac Café
Le café "Aphrodisiac night retreat" est un café ou il n'y a pas de carte, et le thé est fait à l'image du client, par les employés. Entre le patron un peu "abusif" et son employée qu'il force a s'habiller en homme pendant son service, entre les employés et les clientes de passage, histoires d'amour et d'érotisme se mélangent pour les breuvages les plus savoureux !
B×Bブラザーズ, B×Bブラザーズ, Baka Brothers BxB男孩同盟
Iizuka Sono just transferred to a new school where the reigning oddballs have their own club called "BxB Brothers" ("B" for "Baka" = "Idiot"). According to them, you make your life meaningful by doing things out of the ordinary.  While Kazuhisa and Kei aren't too selective about membership, Katsumi is -- so it's just the three of them... Until Sono strikes Katsumi as an admirably unusual person, and he coerces her into becoming a Brother! The more Sono learns about the Brothership and Katsumi, the more pride she takes in being a Brother, but being the only BxB Sister has its problems. Caught between the open affection of Kazuhisa and the reserved admiration of Katsumi (with Kei taking school-wide bets on the side), all while struggling to register the club officially, it's a BxB Triangle that constantly takes on new angles!
カウントダウン! -  Count Down -  Countdown! -  Time to Count Down
Koyori, an ordinary girl who is afraid to change herself, encounters Yuuki during a magic show that she had participated in. Yuuki, in fact, is Koyori's English teacher and a former singer in disguise! With Yuuki's help, he will act as Koyori's manager and help Koyori change herself as he helps her made a debut in the spotlight. [From Strawberry Vanilla]: One day a girl named Koyori FUJIMOTO is pulled out of a crowd watching a magic act on the street and is forced to participate by getting into the 'Miracle box' and being made to 'disappear'. What really happens to her is she suddenly finds herself being carried over the shoulder by someone, down a ladder into the sewer below the street. The guy is part of the magical act. When Koyori gets a good look at the guy, she is stunned at how good looking he is, and by his brilliant green eyes. Koyori is fascinated by him and asks his name, and he tells her it's 'Yuki' and then he rides off on his motorcycle. At school the next day, Koyori is preoccupied by thoughts of Yuki, but she also catches a few glimpses of the classmate guy she likes, Shuu-kun. We see that Koyori's class is taught by a very geeky looking guy with glasses named Nagase-sensei, but turns out he is Yuki!! Now Koyori is caught in the middle between her feelings for her classmate Shuu-kun, and her new feelings towards her surprisingly handsome teacher.
Koyori, an ordinary girl who is afraid to change herself, encounters Yuuki during a magic show that she had participated in. Yuuki, in fact, is Koyori's English teacher and a former singer in disguise! With Yuuki's help, he will act as Koyori's manager and help Koyori change herself as he helps her made a debut in the spotlight.

Get Chu

Get a Kiss ♥Get Kiss
Chitose est impatiente de tomber amoureuse, et elle pense avoir trouvé le candidat parfait à Yamato. Yamato est beau, attentionné.... et un peu délinquant ! Chitose découvre que Yamato prend de l'argent pour les baisers et les rendez-vous ! Chitose veut les lèvres de Yamato pour elle-même, mais elle n'a absolument pas l'intention de les payer. Attention, Yamato, parce que Chitose -- une héroïne à l'esprit rafraîchissant -- est à la recherche de Chu !
Himananode Okujou ni imasu -  ヒマなので屋上にいます
Ils passaient leur temps libre sur le toit, mais quand l'une d'elles commence à être un peu populaire auprès des filles, l'autre ne peut pas supporter cette situation. Leur amitié résistera-t-elle à ça ? !
問答無用! -  Mondoumuyou
En plein milieu de la nuit, Touko trouve un voleur dans sa chambre. Il s'agit en fait d'un de ses camarades de classe : Ichisaie. Elle va se retrouver obligée de l'aider dans ses vols et rapidement des sentiments vont se développer.
問答無用! -  Mondoumuyou -  No Complaints
[From Korean-Manhwa]: Hitaka Touko catches a thief in her room. It turns out to be Hayashida Ichisaie, a classmate. Through a series of unexpected moments, she finds herself caught up in the act of burglarizing along with Ichisaie.
猫科男子のしつけ方, 猫科男子的调教方法, Neko-ka Danshi no Shitsukekata
After having been apart from his older brother for 10 years, Ninomiya Michiru, has finally returned to Japan to live with his brother, Shiou. But what surprises lies in store for him after all these years? What secrets were buried in his memories after all these years that he tried to forget?


A la recherche de sa mère, Nagi, une jeune fille issue d’un village désolé de la campagne, arrive dans une grande ville et entre au lycée de Suieikyou, spécialisé dans la natation. Peu de temps après avoir rejoint le club de natation, Nagi découvre que la piscine est complètement prise d’assaut par les garcons ! Mais dans ce prétendu club où il est finalement assez rare que l’on pratique la natation, Nagi va découvrir quelque chose…