
ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた~ -  Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store -  Niche-sensei - Konbini ni, Satori Sedai no Shinjin ga Maiorita
逃げる夏, Summer Escape, Summer of Escape
A collection of short stories.The title story focuses around Chihaya, who has a crush on Morisaki. However, the flower arranging school she inherited from her father isn't doing well, and her step-mother wants her to marry into another school to revitalize it. Chihaya disobeys her step-mother and runs away, only to be later rescued by Morisaki. Unwilling to go back home, Chihaya starts to spend the summer at Morisaki's place, painfully aware of the situation... though Morisaki doesn't even seem to notice.
Yoru no Kakaku
He doesn't remember who he is, but he wanders the European nobility in search of the truth. On nights of the full moon, he thirsts for blood and the human memories they contain, hoping to reclaim his own. 
ゴシック列車(仮), ナイトメア・エクスプレス
On the seventh night where the sky is dyed in rainbow colors, there’s a legend that an invitation will be sent to the most unfortunate person in the whole country.The people of the world dubbed it “The invitation to happiness”.
This story is about a girl who's trying to kill a vampire to avenge her father.
Abba -  Abba Tsutomu Nihei
A short oneshot about a man looking for his brother.
日本の兄弟, Brothers of Japan, Nihon no Kyodai
Collection of miscellaneous short stories.
Raina fille banal de 15 ans découvre par hasard lors de sa corvée de ménage dans la cours privé du lycée une petite peluche rouge !Tellement mignonne mais en très mauvaise état Raina décide de la prendre avec elle. De sa couleur elle le nomme Akai.(rouge)Elle est loin de ce douter que cette petite rencontre va bouleverser sa vie.
虹色とうがらし, Ớt Bảy Màu, Natane, Niji Iro Togarashi, Niji Iro Tougarashi, Niji-Iro Tougarashi, Rainbow-Colored Chili Powder, Nijiiro Togarashi
After the death of his mother, Shichimi sets out to join his half-brothers and -sister who live together in Karakuri Tenement, a place provided by the father they have never met.[2] He finds out that each of them had different mothers (all of whom have died), but were fathered by the same man. Not long after Shichimi's arrival, the siblings decide to journey to visit the graves of each of their mothers. On this journey, they encounter many dangers.
肉体関係(かいやたつみ) -  Physical Attraction -  Pure Heart & Body Communication
Collection of oneshots. 1) Physical Attraction When I met the cool stud Narusawa at college I said half-jokingly, "Screw me next!" Before the day was out, he had. Our relationship was supposed to be just physical, but now I realize I'm falling in love with Narusawa. Looking back on it, it's a one-way love I brought upon myself. I'm much too embarrassed to tell the purely physical Narusawa "I love you" now! 2) February Rain One rainy night, part-time worker and university student Chihiro stops a kid from dine-and-dashing. Turns out this kid, Masami, doesn't have a place to go... 3) Anti-Dramatic (Sequel to 'Baby Maybe') Shiba and Yushima had been together a while now, they're off to college and it's time they move in together. Now they have to deal with the little everyday problems in life. 4) Let me Knock on the same Door Imamura and Toyohara work at a game software company together. They're close friend... and Toyohara also has some interest in Imamura. 5) Cooled Passion Arisaka's next big story is supposed to be about Tsutsumi, now a politician and his old friend. 7 years since their parting, what will happen if they're suddently reunited? 6) Loving Attraction (Physical Attraction Extra) A nice little extra about Kurata and Narusawa from Chapter 1 who are wondering if they should be going on a summer vacation or not.
NINEPEAKS ナインピークス -  ナインピークス
Siren Rhapsody -  人魚ラプソディ
In a world where sirens are common, the protagonist is a hybrid of a human father and a mermaid mother. He's always playing the piano under the sea, when a strange siren approaches him…
Chivalrous Reincarnation -  Yakuza Reincarnation -  Героизм перерожденного -  任侠転生 -  任侠転生 -異世界のヤクザ姫-
Le manga se concentrera sur un yakuza à l'ancienne qui a fait carrière dans la pègre. Lorsqu'il est pris au piège et qu'il perd la vie, il se réincarne en princesse dans un monde imaginaire. Bien qu'il soit maintenant une belle fille, le yakuza conserve toujours les valeurs tempérées d'une vie dans un monde sans honneur et sans humanité.
Marriage Vows / Second Generation Promises
Mana est une lycéenne normale qui se retrouve propulser dans la période du Sengoku et rencontre Uesugi Masatora, l'un des généraux. Il décide de la protéger tandis que son rival Takeda Shingen choisit de la prendre pour cible. Va t-elle pouvoir changer le futur connaissant la suite de l'Histoire ?
Fake Holy Sword Story ~I Was Taken Along When I Sold My Childhood Friend~ ; 偽・聖剣物語 ~幼なじみの聖女を売ったら道連れにされた~
Mon amie d'enfance, Magary, a été choisie pour être la sainte. Désormais, elle devra garder le sourire à tout moment dans la capitale royale et prendre des cours d'étiquette et de danse. Elle vivra dans un monde atrocement étouffant. Ayant été ensemble depuis la naissance, il y avait naturellement une pensée dans mon esprit.Tout en ressentant un peu de solitude... J'ai poussé mon amie d'enfance (qui tentait de s'échapper de toutes ses forces les bras encore liés) vers le chevalier qui est venu la chercher."Alistaaaaaaaaaaaaaar ! !"J'ai l'impression qu'il y avait un profond ressentiment dans sa voix, mais ce n'est probablement que mon imagination.Pour son dernier acte de résistance futile, elle me l'a fait emmener dans la capitale royale... mais cela s'est terminé sans problème."Maintenant que c'est fini, je vais rentrer chez moi. Bonne chance ^^"Je tournai le dos à mon amie d'enfance qui me regardait avec un profond ressentiment dans les yeux. Pendant que je rentrais chez moi... j'ai dû faire demi-tour car j'étais poursuivi par des gobelins."Noooooooon ! !! Quelqu'un, helpppppppp ! !"C'est l'histoire héroïque mal comprise d'un héros et d'un saint salaud qui se gênent mutuellement alors qu'ils tentent de rechercher le bonheur. [Source : MU]
Magical Pâtissier Kosaki-chan
Kosaki aime en secret Raku, un des garçons les plus populaires de son lycée. Elle lui prépare des pâtisseries, mais le résultat n’est jamais à la hauteur de ses espérances ! Un jour, une étrange petite créature lui propose de devenir une “Magical Girl”. Pour sauver Raku, qui vient d’être pris en otage, Kosaki accepte, mais ce pacte contient une clause pour le moins surprenante…
16 year old Azuma Kousuke used to called a prodigy in high school, but because of Shinobu Nishimori he was reduced to being just another student. But now, everything changes after Azuma discovers Shinobu's secret... Come enjoy another Date Tsunehiro highschool story!
Masato, jeune étudiant, assiste à l'arrivée de son nouveau colocataire, un vieil ami d'enfance, aussi qu'elle n'est pas sa surprise quand il voit débarqué Yuki, une superbe créature.De la collocation avec une fille quoi de plus génial ! Mais contre toute attente, Yûki est réellement LE colocataire qu'il attendait...un garçon en somme...
ノーカラー -  No Colour
Sakamoto is a serious and introverted law student. Iida works construction and is always making too much noise. The lives of these two drastically different neighbors are about to collide.
ノー タイトル
What can you do if you're stuck alone with someone who does not speak the same language as you do? How will you help him to get home?
ナンバーファイブ -  Number 5
In a world that has become 70% harsh desert, the Rainbow Council of the International Peace Keeping Forces, a team of super-powered global security guardians, have a growing crisis on their hands. No. 5, one of their own and known within the council as their top marksman, has left his post and gone rogue. It's up to the other guardians to track him down--but No. 5, with his mysterious companion Matroshka, won't go down without a fight.
ナンバーファイブ, ナンバーファイブ 吾, ナンバー吾, 넘버 파이브, No. 5, Number 5, Number Five
In a world that has become 70% harsh desert, the Rainbow Council of the International Peace Keeping Forces, a team of super-powered global security guardians, have a growing crisis on their hands. No. 5, one of their own and known within the council as their top marksman, has left his post and gone rogue. It's up to the other guardians to track him down--but No. 5, with his mysterious companion Matroshka, won't go down without a fight.
No. 6, Number 6
Ken, un chef des temps moderne, se réveille un beau jour dans le 16e siècle déchiré du Japon. Confronté à cette situation inimaginable, il fait ce qu ’il sait faire de mieux, il cuisine. Rapidement, la rumeur de sa savoureuse cuisine se répand à travers la capitale et arrive aux oreilles d’Oda Nobunaga, qui ordonne immédiatement à Ken d ’être son cuisinier. Que va-t-il arrivé à Ken dans ce monde auquel il n ’appartient pas ?
Blame - Prototype
As detective Musubi Susono investigates a series of child kidnappings, her own partner is viciously murdered. But when the investigation takes a brutal turn, she is suddenly confronted by the killer--and his vicious Silicon Creature...Also Include Blame, one-shot prototype for Blame!
のみじょし -  Drinking Girls
The manga Nomu Joshi ("Drinking Girls") by Ukatsu ("Careless") debuted in the magazine Manga Club on July 4. It features three friends, all women aged 29, who get together and socialize regularly and indulge in their common passion: drinking. Michiko Takase, the office lady heroine, prefers beer; Misono Miyauchi, a short-haired, muscular book store worker, likes sake; and Yuki Shinonome, the feminine housewife, drinks everything. The manga follows them as they visit hot springs, beer gardens, bars and more to sample different drinks, pair them with delicious side dishes, and chat about work, their family, how to keep warm while wearing skirts, etc.
Stray Cat and Wolf -  野猫与狼 -  野良猫と狼
Mishina Tamaki is an orphan girl who left her village to study in the city. On a hot afternoon, while she was looking for a place to stay, she fainted. Upon waking up, she realized she was picked up by a playful rock musician. The story of their cohabitation that could (probably) turn into love, starts!
One day on her way home from shopping, Norie stumbles upon a feverish figure surrounded by cats. But when she takes him home to nurse him, he turns out to be... a nekotama?! Could things get any weirder?!
Selon le "Livre des épouses", Shiina Yamato doit être mariée à un clan de Shinonome, Shinonome Anzu. Deux parfaits étrangers - une idole et un péquenaud de la campagne - peuvent-ils être ensemble et vivre heureux et (plus important encore) en sécurité ?