
愛に生きたいだけなのさ -  Ai ni Ikitai Dake Nanosa -  Ai ni Ikitaidakenanosa ~BL Tantei~ -  Live for Love -  Live for Love -BL Tantei- -  Live for Love -  عيش من اجل الحب (a
Yasuie dirige l'agence de détectives Kiryuuin dans le quartier de Shinjuku Nichome à Tokyo. Sans clients et sans argent, c'est une lutte constante pour vivre et payer le loyer. Au cours des sept dernières années, Yoshiyuki, l'assistant et partenaire de Yasuie, a accepté de traverser avec lui les bons et les mauvais moments - même en tenant compte des avances ludiques de Yasuie, qui frôlent le harcèlement sexuel - mais la vie a tendance à changer les choses. Face à l'ultimatum de sa famille, Yoshiyuki doit choisir entre un avenir sans argent avec Yasuie et un style de vie plus traditionnel. Yasuie pourra-t-il convaincre Yoshiyuki de rester avec lui ? Même si Yasuie avoue la véritable raison pour laquelle il a fait entrer Yoshiyuki dans le métier de détective, cela suffira-t-il à faire changer d'avis son partenaire ?
Ai no Chikara de Koi wo Surunoda -  Love's Purity and Tyranny -  Crushing Love -  愛のチカラで恋をするのだ
Lorsque le riche, adorable et cœur brisé Keiichiro Kuroda se voit demander un prêt par son ancien amant, il fait un pari avec cet homme : il laissera 5 millions dans un parc avec un petit message indiquant "à utiliser librement", et si l'argent est retourné à la police, son ex pourra lui emprunter de l'argent ; mais si quelqu'un trouve et garde l'argent, Keiichiro pourra définitivement se détourner de l'homme qui lui a brisé le cœur.Mais lorsque la première personne qui trouve cet argent se révèle être un beau jeune homme qui a des problèmes, est-ce que keiichiro pourra abandonner sa quête de revanche et tomber de nouveau amoureux ?

Ai Non Stop

AI ga tomaranai
Hitoshi est un jeune étudiant, médiocre en tout sauf en informatique. Avec une cote de popularité proche du néant, il n'a pas de petites amies, et passe son temps libre a s'en inventer en les créant lui-même sur son ordinateur. Un passe-temps qui prend une nouvelle dimension le jour ou, suite a un violent orage, son programme le plus abouti, Satie, se matérialise devant lui...
Esprimo un amore con il mio corpo -  愛はカラダで語るもの
Collection of oneshots. Very steamy!1) kimi dake ni kikoeruWhen violated by the perverted school doctor, Mizuru calls out the name of his best friend Natsura. But it's his best friend, he can't possibly be in love with him...right?! With Natsura being mute and Mizuru not being true to his real feelings, will these best friends have a happy (and smex-filled) ending?2) ai wa karada de kataru monoIbuki has known that he is different from other boys since he was 12, but he has been able to keep it a secret. However, his dad's new Italian apprentice (who wants to bathe together!) is about to shatter Ibuki's resolve!3)Hachiya always felt Hozumi's eyes on him in high school, but never talked to him. Now they meet 8 years later in a gay pub but is it just coincidence? Or destiny?4)Takashina has an imaginary friend name imaginary sex friend that is! But he wishes to fall in love with a real man. Maybe his friend Toriumi could be of assistance?5)Okabe is an artist who doesn't go out much. The first man he fell in love with is getting married soon, what is this difficult feeling? In comes Akiyo, a gay janitor who touched one of Okabe's sculptures. Can this straightforward and simple man show Okabe the world outside of his easel that he's been longing to see?6) Our Sin7) Lovesick Baby


kunisaki yukito est un jeune homme qui gagne sa vie grâce à des spectacles de marionnette, En effet celui-ci dispose d'un don et semble capable de la contrôler par la pensée, Il parcourt le monde afin de réaliser le rêve de sa mère: trouver une fille ayant des ailes lui permettant de voler, Un jour, il arrive dans un village et rencontre misuzu, une fille naive vivant avec une mère irresponsableEn échange d'un abris, yukito va décider de rester quelque temps dans ce village pour s'occuper de misuzu et va s'apperçevoir que le rêve de beaucoup semble être de voler dans le ciel.
A story about a man with a psychological condition that prevents him from drinking anything but tears.
Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love -  愛されたがりの処方箋
Kippei is a bum, flitting from one partner to another. When his girlfriend dumps him at a cafe, he notices the same thing happening with a male couple at the next table. Deciding to forget their misery together, Kippei and the average-looking dumpee, Sosuke, head to a hotel. Once there, Kippei is floored to see how aggressive Sosuke actually is. This is a heartrending, raunchy story about a playboy who's never known love and strait-laced doctor. The latter's unpredictable personality will make you faint! (Renta)


Les Ajin sont des êtres vivants immortels. Kei, un lycéen, se fait renversé par un camion en rentrant de l'école. Il meurt sur le coup. Mais quelque minutes plus tard il est ressuscité. Montrant a tous et aussi à lui même qu'il est en fait un Ajin. Kei commence à se faire chasser par les humains, et décide de s'enfuir. Son ami Kai décide de l'aider et ensemble ils s'enfuient dans la montagne. Que réserve le futur à Kei ?

Aka no kuro

L'histoire de Yamato et Yukio, tous deux nés dans une famille de Yakuza qui est déchirée pour la succéssion...
Baby Dragon Sitter赤ちゃん竜のお世話係に任命されました
La dresseuse de chiens Yui a été appelée dans un autre monde en tant que " Main de guide " pour élever un bébé dragon. Le dragon est un "Saint Dragon", qui a protégé les humains des démons envahisseurs depuis des générations "
Set in a town ruled by the Oscar Family mafia, a girl named Lisa arrives looking for a man named “Akagi Yuuichirou.” It turns out Akagi is a local laundryman who is horrible at his job… What could Lisa want with such a strange man?
Amano fell in love for the first time while comforting her first love in a dark garden bathed in moonlight. She was a little girl and he was an older boy back then. She never saw him again after that fateful night. But after twelve years had passed, she sees him again in the same moonlight-bathed garden and he hasn’t changed one bit!
紅い実はじけた -  The Red Fruit Burst
A collection of 7 romantic short stories that captures the moment when one falls in love. 1. Hachisu-sensei's Study 2. Counter-punch 3. Nekotakota 4. Polter Poster 5. Love Is In The Air 6. Memories of a Golden Sweet Olive 7. First Love
あかないとびら, 打不开的门扉, The Door to the Closed Mind
A book of oneshots (some are two chapters).1-2) The Door to the Closed Mind Back in college Usui ignored Masuoka, the cute kouhai who had the not-so-secret crush on him, but now he's hired him as his assistant. Dealing with the shy Masouka isn't too hard, however the pheromones he emits have the perverts crawling out of the woodwork! Is Usui immune, or just biding his time?3) The Ugly Duckling and the PrinceIn high school reserved Tayama paled in comparison to princely Tachibana, even the girl Tayama liked did nothing but talk about him. Now that they're in the same college Tachibana has latched onto Tayama as his new best friend. Fighting off the Prince's fan girls is proving to be troublesome, but more worrying are Tayama's own feelings... 
After Turning off a LightAkari o Otoshita AtodeAkari wo Otoshita Ato deAkari wo Otoshita Atode灯を落としたあとで
Un jour, un client a fait irruption dans le magasin de confection de Takumi, demandant à acheter un costume qui ne lui allait pas bien - mais il était tellement pressé qu'il n'a pas ou rester assez longtemps pour le faire ajuster ou même prendre son reçu.Il est revenu quelques jours plus tard pour s'excuser et commander un nouveau costume.Au fil du temps, Takumi commence à s'intéresser à Takano-sama.
Akari and He Are Enviousあかりと彼はなやましい
Pouvez-vous, un homme hétéro, tomber amoureux de moi ?Ses deux amis (hétérosexuels) se sont réunis. Le lycéen ouvertement gay Akari est en quelque sorte mécontent de cela.Est-ce l'envie ? Ou est-ce la jalousie ? ........Que se passe-t-il.Un jour, je trouverai certainement "quelqu'un à aimer" aussi... !Après s'être rendu avec enthousiasme dans un bar gay, celui qu'il rencontre là-bas est un adulte irritant brandissant un argument juste... ! ?Spin off de la bande dessinée pixiv largement parlé "Mikami à Sato wa Mada Yamashikunai" !
It seems like Little Red Riding Hood has gotten herself lost in Wonderland
This time Little Red meets the White Rabbit, who was incidentally halfway through a race with a turtle. Together they discover a mysterious hole in the ground which leads them to Wonderland. There she meets many delightful personalities like the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts, in addition to characters from the first book. How exactly will the airheaded Little Red manage to get herself out of Wonderland?
Sera poster le 20 Novembre !


AKIRA 総天然色 -  Ακίρα -  Акира -  Акіра -  Ակիրա -  אקירה -  أكيرا -  अकिरा -  अकीरा -  আকিরা -  ਅਕੀਰਾ -  અકિરા -  அகிரா -  ಅಕಿರಾ -  อากิระ -  აკირა -  አኪራ -  アキラ -  阿基拉 -  아키라 - 
En 2019, Neo-Tokyo est une mégapole corrompue et sillonnée par des bandes de jeunes motards désœuvrés et drogués. Une nuit, l'un d'eux, Tetsuo, a un accident de moto en essayant d'éviter un étrange garçon qui se trouve sur son chemin. Blessé, Tetsuo est capturé par l'armée japonaise. Il est l'objet de nombreux tests dans le cadre d'un projet militaire ultra secret visant à repérer et former des êtres possédant des prédispositions à des pouvoirs psychiques. Les amis de Tetsuo, dont leur chef Kaneda, veulent savoir ce qui lui est arrivé, car quand il s'évade et se retrouve en liberté, il n'est plus le même... Tetsuo teste ses nouveaux pouvoirs et veut s'imposer comme un leader parmi les junkies, ce qui ne plaît pas à tout le monde, en particulier à Kaneda
悪女聖書, 悪女聖書(バイブル), A Cursed Girl's Bible, Akujo Bible
A wedding ruined by the suicide of a woman rumored to be a witch...Eiichi's affair ends in disaster as his lover hangs herself during his wedding to another woman. To the horror of the wedding guests, the dead woman gives birth to a girl. Eiichi and his new wife are forced to raise a child they don't want and don't care for. They name her Tsumiko (Great Shame).Now as a teenager Tsumiko resembles her dead mother more every day. She must compete with a younger sister, Megumi, who is everything she is not. As tensions rise at home and at school, Tsumiko will do everything she can to make her life better...
High school is difficult for most kids. But for Kayano, a shy girl whose single mother seems to work all the time, it's even worse than usual. She's so afraid of drawing attention to herself that she can't tell the handsome Kamijo how much she loves him-until one day she finally gets up the courage to write him a letter confessing her feelings. But her plans go awry when the letter falls into the hands of the school's most notorious students, Edogawa Takeru. To Kayano, Takeru seems to be Satan himself. Not only is he devilishly handsome, he is the son of the school's principal. To make things worse, her mother comes home to announce she's getting married -- to principal Edogawa! Now Kayano will have to live with this devil Takeru 24/7! How will she cope with This literal "living hell"? 
悪魔な従僕 -  Akuma na Shimobe -  Akumana Shimobe
There is a place where anyone can be a princess, it's a Hime cafe, the place where the heartbroken Shiori meets the servant Kisaragi, Kind and cool... a real dream boy, or so she thought. But in real life he's mean and bullies her. There's even rumors about him being a former yankee as well. He's an employee at the cafe and acts completely different at school, but while she is always being teased by the normal Kisaragi, she just can't stop her love for him... Aside from the title, it's a sweet love story for girls.
Akuma ni Dakareru - Devil's clasp -  Devil's Clasp -  悪魔に抱かれる -  惡魔的擁抱
The first 2 oneshots have some bondage.1) Devil's ClaspA boy tries to earn a respite from the loan sharks.Junya and his sister have had to borrow a large amount of money to take care of their mother who is in the hospital from an "underground bank". It's come time to pay them back when Junya finds out they want his sister to become a prostitute to earn money to pay them back. Junya is very worried and tells his sister that he will speak the them tomorrow and will find a job so she won't need to worry. When Junya speaks to the bank the head guy is fine with Junya working off the debt, but not the way Junya is thinking.2) The Other Side of HeavenA school nurse and his student are discovered together by another teacher3) Shivering WarmthA pottery master tries to achieve his master-piece with the help of his apprentice.4 & 5) Crazy About You & More Crazy About YouStepbrothers (not blood related) get involved with each other.
恶魔的新娘, 悪魔の花嫁, 악마의 신부, Bride of Deimos, Bride of Demos, Deimos no Hanayome, Pengantin Demos, The Bride of the Demon
Kitagawa Nami se déclare à Yagami-kun, qui lui demande pourquoi elle l'aime. Elle lui rappelle le temps où il lui donna des bonbons quand ils se trouvaient au train. Yagami-kun se moque de sa raison et rejette sa déclaration, la taquinant à chaque fois qu'il le peut. Cependant, Nami constate que Yagami-kun peut être gentil quand il le veut...

Akuma to Duet

En raison de sa capacité à dompter les démons, Mel a été persécuté comme une sorcière toute sa vie. Un jour, elle a convoqué au château et a demandé à épouser le prince Claude. Mais le prince Claude est en fait ... !
The Arrogant Daughter Who Woke up From a Nightmare Is Looking for a Redo -  悪夢から目覚めた傲慢令嬢はやり直しを模索中
The Duke's daughter Farara was abandoned by the Crown Prince and was imprisoned with illness. The dream I had at that time was that my fiancé was robbed by a former friend as the president's daughter, Choko. "Who is Choko? Is my engagement ended?" Farara woke up from a nightmare and realized that she was 12 years old the day after she was engaged to the Crown Prince! I'm not sure, but I don't want to live the same life as my dream. Reflecting on her arrogant self, she decides to start over with the aim of a bright and enjoyable future. Happy fantasy to start over, where Farara (another world) and Choko (modern) struggle.
L'albinos et la Sorcière -  The Albino and the Witch -  白子與魔女
L'histoire d'une sorcière gardienne et de sa fille adoptive.
This short oneshot tells the adventures of Alice, but with a slightly darker tone.
アリスからの魔法, アリスから魔法, 魔法愛莉絲, 魔法爱莉丝, Alice Kara Magic, Arisu Kara Majikku
Alice Asahina is a high school student interested in the Tarot, reading the future and fortune, and so on. One day there is a rain of meteors and a strange rabbit falls while she was watching the rain. The rabbit tells that the shooting stars are the precious jewels of his queen and can enter into the hearts of people, causing strange effects on its victims. Alice will be devoted to achieving these stars in the form of Alice in Wonderland.