
椎名くんの鳥獣百科, 椎名君的鳥獸百科, Dr. Shiina's Wildlife Encyclopaedia
Shiina is a serious man who has wanted to be a zoology professor since he was a child. He was infamous for always carrying around many massive books. Now 28 years old, Shiina is an associate professor who works diligently to train future zoologists at a university while looking after his childfood friend, Chitose. Chitose is also an associate professor in the biology department and apparently always walks around with penguins. So he is quite infamous in his own right. Chitose has a weak constitution and always needs Shiina’s help. This manga focuses on the trials, tribulations, and future of the young associate professor, Shiina.


Pour réduire les dépenses de l'Immeuble Kusunoki, le nouveau logeur a été nommé de la famille du propriétaire. Le troisième fils, Yuuto, servira maintenant de chef aux locataires, tout en allant à... l'école primaire ?!L'histoire chaleureuse et comique de trois locataires adultes, très différents mais qui seront pourtant tous réunis par la détermination de leur jeune propriétaire au caractère très particulier.