
Sacrifice Princess and King of Beasts
Saliphie est la 99e fille destinée au sacrifice pour un roi démon terrifiant. Mais alors que son destin entre en marche, elle apprend deux secrets sur le roi : Premièrement, il a laissé des femmes vouées au sacrifice s'échapper… et deuxièmement, son sang est mêlé à celui d'un humain. Alors que le roi est considéré comme l'une des créatures les plus terrifiantes des environs, Saliphie se prend d'affection pour lui…
Abba -  Abba Tsutomu Nihei
A short oneshot about a man looking for his brother.
虹色俱乐部 -  虹色★すくらんぶる 空色★すくらんぶるス -  Niji-iro ★ Sukuranburu -  Niji-iro Sukuranburu Sora-iro Sukuranburusu -  Rainbow Scramble
A short 6 chapters span of a oneshot that is a spin-off from Scramble-b! Here are some other titles related to this series: Sorairo Sukuranburu (is the Prequel) Sotsugyou Sukuranburu (is the Sequel) Sukuranburu-b! (Adapted From) ~ ming
Nodame Cantabile est un manga qui a été terminé il y a quelques années, donc ce one-shot fait office d’épilogue et joue à fond la carte de la nostalgie. Il est donc particulièrement destiné aux lecteurs du manga ou aux personnes qui en ont vu l’adaptation animée, complète et très bonne en trois saisons.
のだめカンタービレオペラ編(Japanese), Nodame Cantabile Bahagian Opera(Malay), 노다메 칸타빌레 오페라 편(Korean), 母鸡歌剧交响情人梦(Chinese),
A one volume sequel of the Nodame Cantabile series. Chiaki and Nodame are back in Japan, Nodame for her first recital there, and Chiaki for his first Opera Concerto.
A two-volumes sequel of the Nodame Cantabile series. Chiaki and Nodame are back in Japan, Nodame for her first recital there, and Chiaki for his first Opera Concerto.
Blame - Prototype
As detective Musubi Susono investigates a series of child kidnappings, her own partner is viciously murdered. But when the investigation takes a brutal turn, she is suddenly confronted by the killer--and his vicious Silicon Creature...Also Include Blame, one-shot prototype for Blame!
Nostradamus prophesied that the world would end in the seventh month of 1999. Today is July 21st, 1999. Ever since she was little, Maruyama Sakura has put her faith in this prophecy, has believed she will die at age 19. Consequently, nothing has seemed all that important to her. As the final days of her final month tick down, Sakura is whiling away the last of her time. Then Sakura meets Mori. Sakura has ten days until the end of the world.
Matsumura Mimi de 15 años a decidido conseguir un trabajo de medio tiempo para curar su extrema timidez, así que se alegra cuando después de su primera entrevista es contratada en un restaurante de ramen. Allí conoce al apuesto y amable Kamisaka de 20 años. A pesar de su diferencia de edad, ella se declara pero... ¿Es este el comienzo de su primer amor?, a pesar de que Matsumura-chan quería un romance normal ahora parece que sólo es una ¿"candidata a novia"?
One Piece dj - Historic Grammar
A doujinshi featuring short stories of Baroque Works characters. Prominently featured is the relationship between Mr. 3 and Miss Golden Week.
A story about an Onmyouji who helps supress the evil inside a young samurai who is said to be the reincarnation of the legendary demon Shutendouji.
オペラグラス -  歌剧班的基友没有蛋蛋
俺様☆キッス -  Ore-sama Kiss


Yaya Higuchi est une jeune lycéenne très timide et très réservée. Elle se passionne pour le cosplay et en fait secrètement le week-end, le dimanche. Elle peut se déguiser ainsi en Juliet, son groupe de visual kei préféré. Mais bizarrement ce groupe s'est quitté il y a maintenant 1 an, sans avoir de nouvelles du chanteur Shôhei.Moriyama, un garçon assez mystérieux et passionné lui aussi de musique, tient un groupe et fait des concerts. Il va peu à peu découvrir Yaya ainsi que ses secrets, et va la protéger de ses pseudos "amies" qui profitent de sa timidité et n'hésitant pas à la critiquer...Un soir, ses soi-disant "amies" lui proposent d'aller au karaoké. Ne voulant pas y aller, ses amies vont la forcer, et devra même chanter devant tout le monde.Mais, c'est en se voyant dans un miroir, que sa personnalité changea et devenant ainsi Nana, une fille au caractère complètement différent de celui de Yaya.
オセロ。, 双面小辣妹, 오셀로, Othello (shoujo)
Yaya is a naïve and trusting girl. Hard-rocking, butt-kicking Nana is just the girl to grab hold of Yaya’s timid demeanor and turn it upside down. Can there be anything that terminally shy Yaya and hyper-confident Nana have in common? Well, for one thing, they’re the same person…
オセロ。 -  双面小辣妹 -  Othello (IKEZAWA Satomi) -  Othello (shoujo)
Yaya’s high school friends haven’t been very nice. They call her “Yaya the cry-ya! Yaya the misfi-ya!” But no matter how badly they act, Yaya is just too naïve and trusting to believe the worst of her friends. Hard-rocking, butt-kicking Nana is just the girl to grab hold of Yaya’s timid demeanor and turn it upside down. Nana exposes Yaya’s “friends” as slime bags, doles out punishment, and does it all with style. Can there be anything that terminally shy Yaya and hyper-confident Nana have in common? Well, for one thing, they’re the same person. -- Manga Updates
An anthology of nine one-shots featuring traps.
男前!ビーズ倶楽部, 超猛串珠俱乐部, 饰情型男, GAGAHNYA! Kelab Manik, Handsome Man! Beads Club, Handsome! Beads Club, Otokomae! Beads Kurabu, Otokomae! Biizu Kurabu, The B
Have you ever seen a "very manly girl"? The heroine in this story, Oikawa Ibuki, is just that type of girl. To find her true soul mate, after transferring schools, Ibuki was determined to act like a gentle lady. Yet on her first day of transfer, due to her righteous sense she went to save a small dog, and at the time she was seen by the suspicious "crow messenger"! Is Ibuki's whole image ruined!? And who is this mysterious "crow messenger"!?Also included are the following stories:• Handsome! Beads Club "Hyper Version"• Very Black White Day
Lying Mii-kun and Broken Maa-chan -  嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん
Dans la ville de Nagi, dix après une affaire similaire, un cas de kidnapping et de meurtres en série s'y déroule à nouveau. Dans ce climat d'insécurité et d'incertitude, Misono Mayu ("Maa-chan") vit sa vie sans voir qui ce soit. Mais tout va bien. Même si tu n'arrives pas à comprendre ce qui se passe, moi, "Mii-kun", te reverrai à nouveau et ramènerait de la joie de vivre dans ton monde entre une fois. C'était un mensonge. Mais, "Maa-chan", ne me dis pas que c'est toi qui as kidnappé ces deux gamins...
王様のタマゴ―デリシャスラブ&クッキング -  Ousama no Tamago -  The Egg of Kings -  The King's Egg
From Entropy: A volume of one-shots from the author of Perfect Girl Evolution.
オーバーマン キングゲイナー -  OVERMAN キングゲイナー
In the distant future, in a distant corner of Siberia, people live in domed cities called Domepolises. These are the primary human living spaces on Earth, which became uninhabitable years ago from environmental destruction. Now, parts of the Earth are becoming habitable again. Large portions of the Domepolises are breaking off to escape the powers that control the domes and trade. Gainer Sanga, video game champ on his 200th victory, becomes an unwilling helper in his hometown`s Exodus when he is wrongfully arrested by the Siberian Railway. He pilots a giant mecha which he dubs `King Gainer` after his own video game handle. He is challenged to fight other Overmen as Yapan tries to escape across Siberia. - The manga is an adaption of the anime that goes by the same name and which was thought up and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. The manga is drawn by one of the series' character designers, Yoshihiro Nakamura, and Tomino is credited as writer. Nakamura is (in my opinion) a rather talented artist, with a good sense for scenery and setting. He has a knack for adapting the great designs originally done by Kenichi Yoshida and manages to bring these characters alive. Taken from Gainer and anidb


盘龙 -  Crouching Dragon -  Coiling Dragon
Redorer le blason de son clan, telle est la quête du jeun Linlyey, lors de son périple il découvre un anneau avec un dragon d'or gravé, ou cet anneau a sa propre existence ainsi que ses propres attributs spéciaux.
パパのいうことを聞きなさい! 美羽様のいう通り!, 听爸爸的话 按美羽大人说的做, Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! (KATOU Tomoo), Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Miu-sama no Iu Toori, Papa no Iukot
A spinoff of main series Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!, this one is with Miu as the main focus of the story and her school life
パパのいうことを聞きなさい!~路上観察研究日誌, 听爸爸的话 路上观察研究日志, Chronicles of Street Observation Research, Kansatsu Kenkyuu Nisshi, Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Rojou Kansa
Chronicles of Street Observation Research is a Papa no iukoto wo kikinasai! spin off centered on Yuuta's university life and what happens at the Street Observation Research Society.Compared to the other spin-offs, this one has more adult contents.
パパのいうことを聞きなさい! ~小鳥遊の陽だまり~, Listen to Me, Girls, I Am Your Father! - The Sunny Place for Takanashi Sisters, Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Takanashi no
An anthology focusing mostly on stories of side characters adapted from Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! (With the exception of the extra 4koma pages, written by rcowada and bomi.)
パパの言うことを聞きなさい! うさぎのマーク, Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai! - Mark of the Rabbit, Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai! - Mark of the Rabbit, Papa no Iu Koto wo Kiki
The younger of three sisters, Hina Takanashi, is an energetic and good-natured 3 year old. The three sisters lost their parents in a plane accident. They now live with their 19-year old uncle, who is struggling to keep the family united and happy... and little Hina brings her happy mood to brighten the darker days. This spin-off story is parallel to the main series.
Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!
En étant accepté à l'université, une nouvelle vie a commencée pour Segawa Yuuta, se faire un nouvel ami, rencontrer quelqu'un qu'il aime, il passait la vie du collège normalement. Cependant, tout changea lorsque l'avion que sa sœur et son mari avait pris à disparu. Dans une pièce six tatami (une chambre ou il ne tient que 6tatamis) qu'il avait pris pour vivre seul, une écolière de premier cycle (tsundere), Sora, une écolière élémentaire (petit démon), Miu, et Kindergardener, Hina, ont soudainement décidé de vivre ensemble avec lui. Yuuta est devenu papa de 3 filles qui sont au milieu de la puberté! Le cœur battant avec ce nouveau style de vie avec des filles Yuuta voit sa vie chamboulée et en outre, impliquant des ennuis amour avec la sempai qu'il aime.
パパのいうことを聞きなさい! 美羽様のいう通り! -  Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! (KATOU Tomoo) -  Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! (KATOU Tomoo) -  Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! - Miu-sa
A spinoff of main series Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!, this one is with Miu as the main focus of the story and her school life
パパのいうことを聞きなさい!~路上観察研究日誌 -  听爸爸的话 路上观察研究日志 -  Chronicles of Street Observation Research -  Kansatsu Kenkyuu Nisshi -  Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Rojou Kansa
Chronicles of Street Observation Research is a Papa no iukoto wo kikinasai! spin off centered on Yuuta's university life and what happens at the Street Observation Researc Society. Compared to the other spin-offs, this one has more adult contents.