

天乞 -  天乞 -あまごい-
Alors que la jeune An se prépare à passer un concours scolaire de chant, elle se fait enlever sous les yeux de tous les spectateurs. En essayant de la sauver, son frère aîné se retrouve propulsé dans un étrange univers... Où est-il ? Et qui sont ceux qui ont enlevé sa sœur ? Et surtout, pourquoi... ?
恋痴な日本 -  恋痴日本
Mogami Himoto shouldn't have any problems. He's rich. He's smart. He's athletic. He's incredibly attractive. He's an "ikemen." Meeting Yaenami Yukka plunges his life into chaos. First, she mistakenly accuses him of molesting her and broadcasts the news to the whole school. Then she ropes him into pretending to be his fiancee... which might not be so bad if not for the self-defense mechanism which results in her punching any ikemen who comes close to her. And then there's the curse...