
Arslan Senki

アルスラーン戦記 (荒川弘)
En l'an 320 du calendrier de Parse, l'armée du roi Andragoras est défaite par les troupes du royaume de Lusitania au cours de la terrible bataille d'Atropathènes. Ecbatana, la capitale, est mise à sac et le royaume est conquis. Échappant à la débandade militaire, le jeune prince héritier de Parse, Arslan, rassemble à ses côtés un groupe d'individus extraordinaires dans le but de combattre l'usurpateur au Masque d'Argent, Hilmes. Accompagné de Dariun, un chef de cavalerie, Narsus, stratège militaire et peintre, Alfrid, fille du chef des Zott, ou encore le ménestrel Ghib et la belle prêtresse Faranghis, Arslan devra monter une armée capable de tenir tête aux 30 000 soldats lusitaniens bien entraînés et reconquérir le trône. Ainsi débute les inoubliables événements compilés dans les légendaires chroniques d'Arslan...
アルスラーン戦記 (荒川弘), The Heroic Legend of Arslan (ARAKAWA Hiromu)
銀河英雄伝説: ヤングジャンプコミックス -  Legend of the Galactic Heroes (New adaptation) -  LoGH (New adaptation)
Ce manga concerne une jeune fille nommée Mulan, qui a revêtu l'armure à la place de son vieux père et qui va servir l'armée de la dynastie Sui lors de l'expédition pour Gao Li Ju (Corée). Cependant, en raison d'une révolte provoquée par la corruption impériale, il y eut un évènement qui changea grandement le cours de son destin.
In ancient times, at a lake somewhere in the middle of Eurasia, lived people (ハムランムル) with the ability to transform into animals. But soon internal quarrels forced the population apart into four tribes, which then scattered all over the world. Their descendants prospered, including a certain Hidaka, a high school student who would be completely unremarkable if not for his unnatural appetite.However, a British aristocrat, Earl Linford, wishes to subjugate all clans by establishing the supremacy of his own blood. For he can, after all, transform into a lion, the king of the animal reign.That is when Renée, a young woman who can turn into a beautiful wolf, enters the picture and endeavors to return Hidaka to his roots.
創竜伝 -  Sohryuden: Legend of the Dragon Kings
The story features four divine Dragon Kings, each with their own kingdoms: one to the north, one to the east, one to the south, and one to the west. The brothers are reborn in the modern world, complete with supernatural powers and the ability to become the Dragons they descended from. They are content to live ordinary lives until evil creatures come to attack them. It becomes the mission of the four brothers to defeat the "Four Sisters", four girls from America and the descendants of the "Bulls", before they use their control over technology and the economy to take over the world. However, as this battle begins, the four brothers must also find their place in the world as they flee from the destructive will of the "Bulls".
药师寺凉子之怪奇事件簿, 薬師寺涼子の怪奇事件簿, Ryoko's Case File, The Strange Case Files of Ryōko Yakushiji, Yakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbo
The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirou Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryouko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.