
ぶっしのぶっしん -鎌倉半分仏師録- -  Busshi no Busshin
ぶっとび!! CPU, Buttobi CPU, I Dream of Mimi, Surprising CPU
This story revolves around the life of Akira, a man who has been saving his money for over three years to finally obtain a computer. Unable to get the computer model he wants he is offered the same model from a shady man in an alley. What happens next is something that will change the life of Akira forever. For he didn’t look at the box closely enough to note that it isn’t Model 9821, it is actually Model 2198, a super advanced gynoid who’s sole purpose is to serve and protect her “master.
Hime tte yonde ne!
[From CPM]: A heart-warming tale of teen romance, Miss Taniguchi's intricate art and true-to-life storytelling pull the reader into the story and won't let you go. Tomoko Taniguchi's work was previously seen in Colleen Doran's A Distant Soil. Remember your first high school love? Everyone does. And Call Me Princess will help bring back memories of those innocent days of dreamy eyes and embarrassed blushes in classrooms and corridors. The story is told by Mako, a young freshman, as she is torn between her feelings for her first love, Yo, and newly arrived bad boy, Ryu.
Deux sorcières viennent demander de l'aide à deux adolescentes pour qu'elles se battent à leur place.
Chamelon Jail est un risk hunter professionnel de la lutte anti-crime, on le surnomme l'homme aux mille visages. Il fait face à des situations dangereuses dont les policiers normaux ne peuvent s'occuper : kidnapping, terrorisme, prévention des crimes.
Chang an Fantastic Night -  Chang'an Imaginary Night -  Trường An Huyễn Dạ
Durant l'apogée du règne de la dynastie des Tang, le général de la cour impériale, Huangfu Duanhua, se retrouve entrainé dans une série d'évènements étranges et surnaturels après que son ami soit accidentellement entré dans la boutique d'un marchand Persan. Des secrets enterrés par l'empire depuis plusieurs siècles font surface à nouveau et provoquent des intrigues de cour et de trahison au sein de la famille royale...


체크 메이트
Quand il était encore étudiant, Soohyun, toujours classé second, est devenu envieux de Eunsung, parfait, et premier de la classe. Son âme brûlante de détermination, il était bien décidé à rattraper Eunsung. Malheureusement, ça n'a pas suffit et il a perdu toute motivation à l'obtention de son premier diplôme. Le temps passant, Soohyun oublia tout. Cependant, quand il vit Eunsung s'effondrer pour la première fois, il se sentit plus heureux que jamais. Son obsession pour Eunsung ressurgit alors, et désormais il ne désire plus qu'une chose : voir Eunsung ramper à ses pieds...
小さい羊は夢をみる -  小さい羊は夢を見る -  A Small Sheep Dreams -  Chiisai Hitsuji wa Yume o Miru
Four years ago, Yuki's mother remarried to a man 7 years her junior, but due to mounting financial issues, her mother decides to divorce him and moves out. Meanwhile, Yuki realizes that she has feelings for her own stepfather...!?
地上はポケットの中の庭, The Land Is a Garden in Your Pocket
A garden with thistles in full bloom scented like black tea, a garden visited by a beetle who speaks the human tongue, a garden filled with laughter and a freshly baked Mirabelle tart, a garden where walking 47 steps will show you a sea lion's broken pool...
Chikyuu Hyoukai Goto Osamu -  Chikyuu Hyoukai Jiki -  Ice Age Chronicle of the Earth -  地球氷解事紀 -  地球氷解事記
In a near future humanity have to survive to a new ice age.
ちょく!, ちょく!, 直率, 直率!, Chokku!
A girl who seems to lack social skills and awareness decides to show her love to the guy she likes. Due to her persistence, the guy assumes a passive role and is often dragged by the girl to undertake particular activities that are often abnormal in nature.
蝶よ花よ (わたなべあじあ) -  Of Butterflies and Flowers
From Blissful Sin: Lately Tamao has been finding the pink nipples of his cute and slutty papa, Kouzuki, irresistible. On his 20th birthday, his papa tells him that they aren't really father and son. Well, of course they DO IT, don't they?
Renya of the Blackness
L'histoire prendra place dans la période Edo. Renya et ses amis rencontrent C.C et se retrouvent nez à nez avec leur destin.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch, Код Гиасс: Восстание Лелуша, コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ, 反叛的鲁鲁修, 叛逆的勒鲁什, Code Geass, Code Geass - A Rebelião de Lelouch, Code Ge
The Empire of Brittania has invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan is now referred to as Area 11, and its people the 11s. A Brittanian who was living in Japan at the time, Lelouch, vowed to his Japanese friend Suzaku that he'd destroy Brittania. Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.One day, he stumbles on terrorists 11s who've stolen a military secret and is caught by a member of the Brittanian task force sent after them, who is Suzaku. As the rest of the squad arrives, Suzaku is shot for disobeying orders, while the military secret, a young girl, gives Lelouch the power to make anyone obey any order. He takes command of the terrorists and leads them to crush the approaching Brittanian force. However, Suzaku is secretly made the pilot of Brittania's brand new test model Knightmare, Lancelot. Lelouch becomes the masked king Zero to lead the rebellion to defeat Brittania.
Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch -  コードギアス 復活のルルーシュ
Based on the movie of the same name while also depicting what happens prior to its events, this manga follows up directly from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Re;. One key difference from the movie is that the events of this manga are based within the original Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion anime timeline, rather than that of the movie recaps.
デガウザー -  消磁抹煞
Yaguchi, who got on board the ship as a cargo ship temporary worker to repay debts. But that was the beginning of a spectacular human experiment. Suddenly, the ship shook greatly and the scene in front of it began to distort with a fierce headache. Before the request to move to grasp the situation, a disastrous scene unimaginable has spread .... Astonishing national overturn suspense where the world's largest urban legend "Philadelphia Project" and the modern world are intertwined!
でぃえっちえぃ, でぃ・えっち・えぃ, D.H.A, DHA
Ai Shiratori is your average junior high school student with a crush on a boy, Hikaru Kamishiro. With a love so rampant and true, and an imagination as wild as any girl's Ai sometimes has rather... ecchi dreams. But none of those dreams could ever prepare her for the reality that came to her in the form of the Archangel Raphael.You see, Hikaru Kamishiro is not your average boy. Hell has plans for him and Heaven isn't about to let those plans come to fruit. While Hell sends their Hell's Apostles to get Hikaru to commit the seven deadly sins and drag him into hell, Heaven sends their secret weapon: Ai. What is Ai's mission? Nothing short of consummating her love with her beloved Hikaru... but wait by consummating you mean... sex?! Can Ai handle the Archangel's request and save her true love?
Jaki -  邪鬼
Tanaka Masashi's submission for the 8th Tetsuya Chiba Awards, published by Dark Horse in issues 40 to 44 of Cheval Noir.[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]
Takashi Fujii is an elite salaryman who had graduated from a high class university. One day he meets a mysterious lady by the name Rikaco, and his 'DESIRE' starts to silently, but intensely burn...
Takashi Fujii is an elite salaryman who had graduated from a high class university. One day he meets a mysterious lady by the name Rikaco, and his 'DESIRE' starts to silently, but intensely burn...
デビルマン黙示録STRANGE DAYS, Devil Man Mokushiroku, Devil Man Mokushiroku - Strange Days, Strange Days - The Apocalypse of Devilman
Some more stuff to add to the Devilman mythos. This is Kinutani Yuu's second story about Nagai Gou's work.
毒ヘビさんにご注意を -  Beware of the Poison Boy -  Doku Hebi Sannigo Chui wo
From Esthétique: There’s a deadly poisonous snake. Though, as long as you don’t touch it, you wouldn’t have to worry. No matter how deadly its poison is, as long as you don’t get involved with it, there shouldn’t be a problem.
ESP:Una chica despierta un d� a sin saber sobre s� misma; ni su nombre ni su historia... ni por qué está parada en el lugar en que está. Al verse en aprietos, intenta preguntar a las personas a su alrededor pero nadie parece siquiera notar su presencia. Es entonces cuando un perro la espanta y sale corriendo, chocando con Ally, una estudiante que iba camino a su escuela, entrando en su cuerpo: poseyéndola de manera torpe y decidiendo usarla para averiguar de su propia existencia. Pero el camino no será fácil: ambas chicas deberán llegar a un acuerdo y lidiar con acciones cotidianas con dos mentes en un mismo cuerpo.¿Lograrán descifrar el misterio que produce su extraña relación?ENG:A girl wakes up one day without knowing about herself; neither her name nor her history... nor why she is standing where she is. When she gets in trouble, she tries to ask the people around her but no one seems to even notice her presence. It is then when a dog scares and runs away, colliding with Ally, a student who was on his way to his school, entering his body: possessing it clumsily and deciding to use it to find out about his own existence.But the way will not be easy: both girls must reach an agreement and deal with daily actions with two minds in the same body.Will they be able to decipher the mystery of their strange relationship?
Dragon Ball Zeroverse est un Fan manga qui se passe 3 ans après dragon ball z , on retrouve toute notre team au tenkaichi budokai. Mais quelque chose se passe dans l'ombre et convoite Oob...
A l'âge de 6 ans, Rintaro est diagnostiqué avec le Syndrome d'Henisei Tashu Ijou, c'est à dire le Syndrome du pervers. Cette maladie peut le tuer si celui ci se trouve excité sexuellement.Pour le sauver et lui faire vivre une vie saine, son père l’emmène dans les montagnes pour lui apprendre à contrôler son corps et son esprit avec l'Art Martial du Koei Sougetsu pendant 10 ans. Quand il a eu 16 ans, il a décidé d'entré au lycée Nangokuren, reputé pour être la plus grande école de garçon dans le pays mais en réalité, c'est une école composé de 99% de filles.Lors de son premier jour au lycée, Rintaro apprends que la première règle est « Observe la loi de la Nature », ce qui a fait du campus une zone de guerre. Que va faire Rintaro après avoir attiré l'attention des 3 « Dragons », les leaders féminins des trois plus grandes factions?!
休憩中 <3
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Edith - Sentimental School Love Anthology -  Kare wa Suttokodokkoi -  エディス - 
Une série d'histoires légères de shounen-ai dans un contexte de lycée.
This is only a partial of the original artbook.
Arrivé à l'université, Naoto revoit son ex-petit ami, Taichi, avec qui il avait rompu et n'avait plus revu depuis. Ces ex-compagnons se retrouvent à devoir partager la même université, les mêmes cours ainsi que les mêmes amis... Mais alors que Naoto avait réussi à tourner la page sur leur relation, il retrouve néanmoins l'ami qu'il avait perdu en Taichi. Mais leurs sentiments d'antan viennent les perturber, et c'est sans oublier Fumi, une amie des deux garçons qui éprouve des sentiments à l'égard de Taichi...