
AD Police 終焉都市 -  AD Police shuen Toshi
Mégatokyo 2032. Détruite par le grand tremblement de terre de 2025, la nouvelle Tokyo fut reconstruite en un temps record. La Genom, multinationale tentaculaire assoifée de pouvoir politique, pourri de plus en plus la ville par son fric et ses "boomers" qui se détraquent . Jeena, et Leon sont membres de l’A.D. Police - section chargée de la régulation des boomers...
Kishiwada-Hakase no Kagakueki Aijou -  岸和田博士の科学的愛情
The hero is Dr. Kishiwada, a brilliant but demented scientist, who creates bizarre mechas, battles the forces of evil, or just mucks about. There are many parodies of B-grade sci-fi movies and of TV. Crazy, slick, and very funny.
ジェノサイバー -  Geno Cyber
Summary from ANN: It is panic at the Kuron institute : a guinea-pig escaped. And not any guinea-pig : it is Elaine, a fourteen year old girl, endowed with immense powers. Her father, the professor Reed, tried on her an operation aiming at giving her a psychic force equivalent with that of a nuclear fission. Elaine has a twin sister, Diana, resulting from the same experimentation. Both developed an incredible mental force but Diana is a handicapped person, with a body entirely robotised whereas Elaine is a wild child, with an animal's nervous system. Together, they are the key of a discovery which would disrupt the world.