
あまつき -  天月 -  雨月 -  아마츠키 -  Amatsuki天月
Hai Ga Kura
The world that was once supported by four evil Gods, has fallen to a crisis. Using song and dance, it is up to the kashikans to bring back the Gods which fled from their confinement…
utler -  Holly Green Et Le Petit Jardin Blanc
Aucun synopsis disponible.
Mr. Applicant
The locomotive called the Rainbow Stone Train runs, not on electricity, but on the energy source called, "Rainbow Stone." Inside, the train is split; from the extremely high class Evening carriage, to the average Afternoon carriage, and finally, to the cheap, but cramped and noisy, Morning carriage. Employed as a crew member of Morning, Toky Towy struggles daily by the side of his strict superior. While going through various encounters and farewells again and again, he...
Le Rainbow Stone Train traverse un vaste continent en ligne droite. Torquay Toy, le neveux du chef-conducteur, veut travailler dans ce train propulsé à grande vitesse. Cependant il finit par se retrouver dans la section "Morning", qui est réservée au classes les plus basses.
Recueil d’histoires courtes sur la romance entre les espèces différentes.
Kashoku no Shiro -  The White of a Flower Lamp -  花烛之白 -  花燭の白
A mysterious disease in which one day people suddenly rise back from the Underworld: The Withering Death. When Kiso, a newspaper journalist, starts investigating the strange disease, he is attacked by a grotesque-looking demon. The one who saves him is a girl he had met by chance... The girl, whom Kiso is peculiarly drawn to, for some reason calls herself a "Demon's Burning Light"...?