
Reversible BL -  リバBL
A collection of oneshots about couples who are reversible, i.e. switching between being the top (seme) and the bottom (uke). 1『幼なじみ』 by TENKAWA Ai2『言えない男』 by Draw Two3『いとしの酩酊鬼センパイ』 by TERASHIMA Kanae4『グッドバイ・ボーイフレンド』 by Setsuo5『おとしたい男』 by Yoshimoto Senco6『ウサギちゃんはくいしんぼう』 by HIIRAGI Mizuka7『不誠実な飼育』 by Kiyosumi Onaji8『綺麗な花にも♂はある』 by Tsumumi
假面贵公子 (齐藤千穗), Adonis
A Lapis-Lazuli Blue Dream -  Honey & Mustard -  Honey & Mustard: That Night -  Lapis Lazuli Dream -  Nostalgia (MORISHIMA Akiko) -  On a Night When the Moon Is Full -  Princess of the Stars -  Season of the 20-Year-Old Virgin ~Virgin Season~ -  The Condition
1) Ruriiro no Yume (Un rêve bleu en lapis-lazuli) Une femme couche avec son collègue de travail une nuit. Les deux s'intéressent à autre chose, mais quelque chose les en empêche : les rêves d'avenir de la protagoniste.2) Princess of the Stars (La princesse des étoiles) examine les réalités d'une relation.3) Honey & ; Mustard4) NostalgiaA propos de la relation entre une veuve et la femme qui l'a toujours aimée.5) Virgin SeasonLa prochaine histoire de la série [m]20-Musumex30-Otome[/m]. Emi et Keiko ont du mal à trouver du temps à passer ensemble.6) Mangetsu no Yoru ni wa (Une nuit de pleine lune)Keiko et Emi partent en voyage ensemble.7) Soft-Boiled Fujoshi (Histoire parallèle de Hanjuku Joshi) "Soft-Boiled Fujoshi" est l'histoire d'un personnage mineur de Hanjuku Joshi. Moe est plus important pour le fujoshi que l'amour... ou est-ce le cas ?
流羽の楽園, 流羽的乐园, Flow of Feathers, Ruu no Paradise
A cute one-volume story about a girl who loves dolphins (her father runs the aquarium where they live) and visits them often at a local theme park. She becomes interested in a brooding young man, without realizing that his family owns the theme park where her beloved dolphins live, and whose father may be shutting the aquarium down…Italiano:Una bella storia di una ragazza che ama i delfini (suo padre gestisce l'acquario dove vivono quegli animali) e fa loro spesso visita. La protagonista comincia ad interessarsi ad un giovane, senza rendersi conto che la famiglia del ragazzo è la proprietaria del parco dove vivono i suoi amati delfini e forse è proprio il padre di quello sconosciuto che vuole far fallire l'acquario...
セイバーマリオネットJパロディコミック大会!!, Saber Marionette J Parody Comic Taikai!!
It is a collection of funny stories based on the Saber Marionette J animation series written by various authors under the guidance of the series' original author Mr. Satoru Akahori.
サクラ大戦 奏組 -  櫻花大戰 奏組 -  Sakura Wars Kanadegumi
From Phoenix Serenade Scans: A story set in the Taisho Era. Meet Miyabi Neko, a girl with bad luck from a small place called Izumo, who aspires to become an actress by joining the capital's most popular acting group Hanagumi! And after some hard work, she was finally accepted into Hanagumi! But, when she reaches the capital, there is some disturbing news. Apparently, she is not to join HANAgumi, but the capital's music group KANADEgumi! And she meets some strange but handsome young men on the way? What is Neko's life going to be like in the capital?!
Ryuuko and Sakurai Mei were childhood friends. After being separated for several years, Ryuuko returns with the intention of confessing to Sakurai. To his surprise, Sakurai is changed from a cheerful girl to a gloomy loner. Fortunately, a miracle happens; they body swap! Now, it's his chance to help Sakurai regain her shining smile.Nakamura Ryuuko y Sakurai Mei son amigos de la infancia. Después de varios años alejados uno de otro, Ryuuko regresa con la intención de confesar su amor por ella. Pero cuando se reencuentran Sakurai Mei no es la misma chica alegre y brillante que solía ser sino una solitaria y sombría. Luego de un hecho inesperado Ryuuko se propone a volver hacerla sonreír como en los viejos tiempos pero ¿Un cambio del destino de encargará de lograrlo?
サムライうさぎ, 武士兔精神
The main character Udagawa Gosuke has received his father's dojo, mainly because his father and older brother were made to commit hara-kiri. He wasn't really supposed to get it simply because he's a second son. But due to the way his pops and brother died, he doesn't have a whole lot of self confidence, so he practices fencing day-by-day at a nearby dojo. However, because the people at that dojo are asses, he soon tries to invent a dojo and a style for people who just enjoy it.However what really sets this aside from most shounen is that the main male and female characters are actually married. (At age 15 no less!)The girl Utagawa Shino is the younger sister of his senpai, and is a bit...weird, to say the least. She makes rabbit masks to help bring in a bit of money, although to say that she's obsessed with rabbits would be an understatement. She claims it's because "the rabbits will someday reach the moon." When Gosuke invents his new dojo, he decides to make a style of swordsmanship known as "Rabbit Style Fencing."
Asafuji Taisei was in a car crash that killed both of his parents and left him severely injured. Despite a miraculous recovery, the prospect of a long rehabilitation process has Taisei feeling hopeless about returning to baseball. However, one day he turns on an old CRT TV that his parents had given him, and while watching the static he remembers that he promised to take his parents to Koushien. It's the spark that finally motivates him, but can Taisei really make it to Koushien after being out of baseball for two years?
I love you like whispering -  Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau -  Whisper Me a Love Song -  Whispering Love Song -  Whispering You a Love Song -  ささやくように恋を唄う - 
Himari, une lycéenne de première année pleine d'énergie et pleine d'entrain, tombe follement amoureuse de son senpai Yori après avoir entendu son groupe se produire le premier jour de l'école. Himari dit à Yori qu'elle l'aime et, à la surprise d'Himari, Yori lui répond qu'elle l'aime en retour ! Mais quand Himari réalise qu'elle et son senpai ressentent deux sortes d'amour différentes, elle commence à se demander ce que "amour" veut vraiment dire...
A Demotion Isn't That Bad; 左遷も悪くない
Ulises est un brillant mais inflexible soldat. Rejeté par ses supérieurs et rétrogradé à un poste dans une zone rurale il rencontre sa nouvelle épouse : Lea. La punition qui aurais dut être une chose terrible ce transforme en une bénédiction où Lea et sa famille inculque l’amour d’un foyer à Ulises. La vie quotidienne apaisante d’un militaire et de sa jeune épouse maladroite.
Goodbye Dragon Life -  Hello Human Life; Sayonara Ryûsei Konnichiwa Jinsei; さようなら竜生 こんにちは人生
Assailli par les Hommes qu'il a protégé tant d'années le plus vieux et puissant des Dragons, fatigué, s'éteint. Alors qu'il espérait trouver le repos éternel, un autre destin l'attend en se réveillant dans la peau d'un homme.
Good Bye, Dragon Life -  Goodbye Dragon Life (FR) -  Goodbye Dragon Life, Hello Human Life -  Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei -  Прощай, жизнь дракона, Здравствуй, жизнь человека -  さようなら竜生こんにちは人生 -  再见龙生你好人生
The oldest and strongest Dragon who grew tired of living chose to die when a group of dragon slayers came for his life. While the Dragon's soul was waiting to drift toward the Sea of Souls, he noticed it had been reborn into a human baby. The Dragon then decided to live his life as a Human to the fullest, regaining his will to live. The Dragon was born into the child of a farmer who lives his live in the frontier. Even as a human, he possesses enormous amounts of power due to to his Dragon soul.[hr]
Sega Games are Number One in the World! -  Sega Games are Number One in the Worldddd! -  Sega Games Are The Best In The World! -  Sega Games Are The Best In The Worldddd! -  Sega Makes the Best Games in the World! -  Sega Makes the Best Games in the Worldddd! -  The W
First serialized by SoftBank Creative in Sega Saturn Magazine, and later in Dreamcast Magazine, these comic strips follow a family of Anthropomorphized Sega consoles as they go about their lives and provide commentary on the game industry, going head-on against rival consoles like the N64 and PS2.The family consists of:Dreamcasko「ドリームキャス子」(A portmanteau of "Dreamcast" and "girl")Megadora-niisan「メガドラ兄さん」(A portmanteu of "MegaDrive" and "brother")Sata-rou「サタ郎」(A portmanteau of "Saturn" and "Son")Gear-man「ギア男」(based on the Game Gear)Naomi-neesan「ナオミ姉さん」(based on Sega's Naomi arcade hardware)
聖純少女パラダイム -  Holy Girl Paradigm
L'académie pour filles Paradigme est un établissement scolaire réputé, regroupant un collège et un lycée. Aoi espère une vie scolaire entourée de demoiselles vertueuses qui sauraient la transformer en grande dame classe et gracieuse. Riri a rejoint cette académie, pensant y trouver l'amour. Leurs rêves rencontrent une dure réalité. C'est le début d'une belle amitié (?)
Paradise of Spirits and Ideal Life of Different World Spirits Paradise and The Idle Another World Life Рай духов и идеальная жизнь в другом мире 精霊達の楽
Youth Outsider -  青春アウトサイダー
“I like you.”After ranting about his recent break up, Hisashi received a confession from Kazuya.It slipped out of Kazuya's mouth by accident. Because of his mistake, Kazuya was frazzled and didn't want to know Hisashi's reply. He told Hisashi that he'd like them to remain good friends, and Hisashi agreed.But as Kazuya wants to express his affection towards Hisashi, and Hisashi considers getting back with his girlfriend, Kazuya slowly becomes more and more depressed each day...A heart wrenching love story between a student who doesn't know much about love x a pure-hearted delinquent.
The Blue-Eyed Material
Il faut toujours garder le moral, quoi qu’il se passe ! Même quand son père lui laisse son travail de concierge à faire pendant que lui va se bourrer avec ses potes ! Même quand le gars de la chambre 304 prend le hall pour son dortoir et transforme sa chambre en dépotoirs. Elle veut chérir chaque moment de sa vie, car la vie est une belle mélodie, voilà ! Alors, quand « il » lui fait découvrir un nouvel air, son cœur se met instantanément au diapason, la faisant sortir de cette solitude qu’elle avait appris à apprivoiser.
The 7th oneshot from Yuri Tengoku Anthology. [From Lililicious]: The yuri in "She, I, and the Red Book" is more subtext than maintext, but it's a nevertheless sweet story about two girls and a book with a startlingly red cover.
Death Scythe, Desu Saizu, Desu Size
Furoku is a Shinigami who fell in love with a girl, Himeka, while waiting 6 months for an old man to die in the hospital. The problem is, she is supposed to die in heart surgery, and not only that, she's meant to go to hell. The reason being, she was born with a weak body, but dreams of taking over the world if she had a stronger body. So, Furoku offers some of his life up to save this "girl who hasn't done anything wrong". What future lies ahead of Fukuro and this "Bloody Queen"?
忍びよる恋はくせもの, 忍者之戀千萬當心
Since long ago, a bitter rivalry and feud has long existed between two clans, the Toujo and Toyoda families. Because of this feud, it has long been Kanade's job as a shinobi to ensure the safety of Keigo, a member of the Toujo family, ever since childhood. Her devotion to her duty as a guard is a source of contention for Keigo, who would rather have her as a childhood friend than as a protector.Of course, this protection extends all the way to school, so when kanade comes across the Eishi Toyoda in class, the heir to the Toyoda family, she is initially hostile. After an attack, Kanade soon discovers Eishi is not exactly who she expected, and that threats to Keigo's safety do not just exist from the Toyoda family but within the Toujo family itself. 
Reborn as a Polar Bear: The Legend of How I Became a Forest Guardian -  Reincarnation of White Bear -  Reincarnation of White Bear - I Became the Legendary Guardian Deity of the Sacred Forest - -  Shirokuma Tensei -  Shirokuma Tensei - Mori no Shugoshin ni Nat
After dying in a mountain climbing accident, a 28-year-old man finds that he is reincarnated in an alternate world... as a POLAR BEAR.After a climber falls off a mountain, he wakes up as a polar bear! Now, he has to protect six werewolf sisters and use his wits to navigate the dangers of the forest. (From baka-updates)[hr]
Toshihiko Tanaka is a boy who entered Kakegawa High School with his friends Kenji & Kazuhiro, in order to play soccer with Yoshiharu Kubo, a great soccer player whom they have idolized. While his other two friends were reluctant to play again, "Toshi" eventually convinces them to play for the team. The team soon find themselves in the midst of a quest to the All-Japan High School Championship, while overcoming obstacles along the way.
The Young Magician -  少年魔法士
Une série d'horribles meurtres dans les rues de Hong Kong mène à un complot de magie noire !Une bataille épique s'est déclarée entre des sorciers rivaux ! Le groupe le plus condamnable, les Nécromanciens, tuent des jeunes filles dans Hong Kong pour lire le futur dans leurs entrailles. Carno, un jeune humain élevé par les Aéromanciens dans une autre dimension, est invoqué à nouveau dans le monde ou il est né pour aider à les combattre ! Mais Carno possède-t-il ce qu'il faut pour survivre ?
Kenji Yashima has been receiving hand-made snacks from his neighbour, Shuko Kojima, who moved in when he was seven. Shuko was good at everything, and what he doesn't understand is why she would bother with a guy like him.
装備枠ゼロの最強剣士 でも、呪いの装備(可愛い)なら9999個つけ放題 장비 슬롯 제로의 최강검사라도, 저주받은 장비(귀여움)라면 9999개까지 마음껏 장착 가능
そして春の月 -  天と地と風と -  散らない花 -  明けゆく天 -  約束の丘 -  Akeyuku Sora -  Chiranai Hana -  Ten to Chi to Kaze to -  Ten to Chi to Kaze to - Soshite Haru no Tsuki - -  Yakusoku no O
In the turbulent final years of the Tokugawa Shongunate, Shieikan Dojo was the birthplace of one of Japan's most famous militias: the Shinsengumi. Many of the members have acheived legendary status for their skill, honor and devotion. Under the banner of "loyalty", they would sacrifice their lives for their ideals... "Soshite Haru no Tsuki" is a series by Miya Ikushima, currently spanning 4 books that give a decidedly yaoi-friendly interpretation of the Shinsengumi. The main pairing is between the young first captain, Okita Souji, and his vice-commander, Hijikata Toshi, but practically all of the well-known members have their own stories... and plenty of steamy love scenes interspersed with the fighting and intrigue the Shinsengumi were known for. (from hanami) The books of the series are: Vol.1 Soshite Haru no Tsuki (1998) Vol.2 Akeyuku Sora (1999) Vol.3 Yakusoku no Oka (2001) Vol.4 Chiranai Hana (2002) Vol.5 Ten to Chi to Kaze to (2006