
The story started with a promise. A girl named ASAKURA, KIMI ANN who was given a friendship token by her childhood friend who's about to leave her due to some unexplained reasons. Then, 10 years after and now she's a second year high school student. A new chapter of her life will open as she met her 1st year rival/classmate NAKAZATO, MIZUKI along with the new transfer student FUJWARA, REYOSUKE.One unexpected day, MIZUKI saw the token of KIMI ANN lying on the floor. Instead of returning it, he made a condition with her and that condition is her being his maid in exchange for her token.....
A four different LOVE stories, but have occurred in the same day and that was VALENTINE's DAY. This story is about heart aches, first loves, and people who are still looking for their "Mr.& Ms. Right".