
In the futuristic metropolis of Olympus, a terrorist action is taking place. A special ESWAT team, including Deunan Knute and Briareos Hecatonchires, is sent in to deal with the attack. They succeed, but one of the terrorists manages to escape. The OAV tells a story of a terrorist plot to take over Gaia - the central computer running Olympus. The plot involves a disillusioned ESWAT officer and the terrorist who got away and Hitomi, Deunan`s bioroid friend who is used as a pawn to gain access to Gaia. Taken from anidb Completed
It's a time in the future -- a time where the creation of life itself has evolved to include biodroids named after the ancient Greeks and cyborg warriors programmed to destroy. The power struggle between the various synthetic life-forms and the humans could mean the end of all life. But there is one, named Typhon, who may be able to prevent that.
Dominion Tank Police
Dans un futur lointain, la police, afin de faire face aux crimes croissants, s'est vue dotée d'armes puissantes : des tanks. Elle porte donc fièrement le nom de tank police. Dans ce monde masculin, seule une jeune fille du nom de Leona va réussir à s'intégrer avec son mini tank tout terrain et son dynamisme résolument sans faille. Donc, quand ils ne s'amusent pas à tout détruire, "interroger" les méchants avec des méthodes peu orthodoxes, ce joyeux groupe fait régner l'ordre et la justice en ce monde.
攻殻機動隊, Ghost in the Shell, Kōkaku Kidōtai
Призрак в доспехах 1.5 -  攻殻機動隊1.5HUMAN ERROR PROCESSER -  Ghost in the Shell 1.5 -  Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor
Deep into the twenty-first century, the line between man and machine has been inexorably blurred as humans rely on the enhancement of mechanical implants and robots are upgraded with human tissue. In this rapidly converging technoscape, the covert-ops agents of Section 9 are charged to track and crack the most dangerous terrorists, cybercriminals, and ghost hackers. And speaking of ghosts, when supposedly dead people start turning up walking and talking, Section 9 begins to look into the possibility that corpses are being "puppeted" from a remote location, and some serious powerbrokers may be pulling the strings. Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor presents for the first time in America the "lost" Ghost in the Shell stories, created by Shirow Masamune after completing work on the original Ghost in the Shell manga and prior to his tour-de-force, Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface, but never collected until now. Focusing on Section 9 agents in their daily battle against technocrime, Human-Error Processor has all the mind-twisting cybermadness you've come to expect from Ghost in the Shell, but set in a more police-procedural context with action and suspense galore. Taken from Dark Horse Website
紅殻のパンドラ-GHOST URN‐, Benikara no Pandora