
This is a no holds barred story about an ex-biker gang leader turned Cop, Kenji Date.Operating under the nickname of 'Hyena', Date rubs pretty much everybody within the police force the wrong way as goes about his business ridding the city of all its scum.
毒狼, DOKURO―毒狼


La série met en scène la rencontre entre Lilo, étudiante des beaux-arts, et Jô, un jeune artiste paumé. Après avoir été témoins d'un hold-up, la police leur demande de dessiner le portrait robot du criminel qu'ils ont entrevu lors du braquage. En faisant cela pour la première fois, Jô se découvre un talent inédit pour ce type de création. Nous allons alors assister à l'ascension de Jô dans le monde de l'art.
いぎょうじんおにわかまる, 異形人おに若丸, Ogyoujin Oniwakamaru, Oniwakamaru the Visitor
28 years earlier, there was a plane crash in the mountains of Gifu Prefecture. The barrier that the Kobo Daishi, Kukai had created to seal away the demons was destroyed in crimson flames... Present day, Oniwakamaru, King of the Yokai, appears inside the body of pure and innocent Tachibana Hitori!!
高校鉄拳伝タフ, High School Exciting Story: TOUGH, High School Iron Fist Legend: TOUGH, Koko Tekken-den TOUGH, Koukou Tekken-den TOUGH, The Legend of the Hig
Nobody enjoys a good fight more than "Kiibo" Miyazawa, a high school student whose father is training him in the family's secret martial art. Kiibo dreams of becoming the next Bruce Lee, but his awesome fighting skills may soon surpass his idol's
High School Exciting Story: Tough -  Koukou Tekken-den Tough -  Shootfighter Tekken -  Tough Season 1 -  Koko Tekken-den TOUGH
タフ外伝 OTON, タフ外伝 OTON-おとん-
A series dedicated to the father of Kiichi from the series Tough.This is a side story of the Tough series based around Miyazawa Seiko (Kiichi's father) and his brother Kiryu. Much of the same elements of tough can be found here such as mixed martial arts fighting and alot of violence.
M60-toting Kenji Hado, known as "the Hard", pays his divorce bills by working in the US as a bounty hunter. Masseria, a ruthless and ambitious mafia boss, targets his family - starting with the Hard's father-in-law, a Don in the NY mafia. Hard's aim, while poor when sober, becomes extremely accurate when drunk! The short story N.Y. Dust, in volume 12 of Riki-Oh, was the prototype for The Hard. An anime was made of this series.


Koko Tekken-den Tough
Kiichi Miyazawa est un petit voyou au grand coeur qui veut devenir le combattant le plus fort du Japon. Son père est l'héritier d'une des écoles d'arts martiaux les plus secrètes et les plus mortelles du Japon, le Nadashinkagéryu, et Kiichi est naturellement destiné à devenir un jour le grand maitre de cette école. Soutenu et entrainé sévèrement mais justement par son père, il va affronter de nombreux adversaires grâce à certaines techniques interdites de la fameuse "école de l'ombre"...