
Ever Seventeen, Ever17
The underwater theme park, LeMU. Takeshi Kuranari, one of the park guests, is suddenly involved in a freak accident. And he finds himself stuck in LeMU with a number of other survivors. Because of the system's failure, the water pressure will slowly crush the facility. The time limit till implosion is 170 hours and 17 minutes. Will they be able to escape to the surface!? This webcomic is based on the visual novel Ever17 ~ the out of infinity, and the original Japanese version can be found at the following link on the 2nd Friday of each month:
Having just started high school, Riku's set on making this an experience he'll never forget. He notices though, that for Wakamura, a quiet girl who is always listening to the radio during the breaks, her idea of a high school experience is a bit different. Can he open up her heart and make her realize there's more to life than spending her time alone?
エバーグリード EVERGREEN:D -  Ever Green :D -  Ever Green:d -  Evergreed
A city is besieged by a group of monsters called Green.
エバーグリード EVERGREEN:D, Ever Green :D, Ever Green:d, Evergreed
A city is besieged by a group of monsters called Green.
Toki et un salarié ordinaire, mais il est en deuil depuis le décès de sa sœur, un ans auparavant. Un jour, tandis que ses parents partent en voyage, il se retrouve à devoir garder Asashi, son jeune neveu orphelin. Ce dernier traumatisé par la mort de son père et de sa mère, ne décroche plus un mot.
Every Day Every Night -  Everyday Everynight
nohara Minato is an only child who was raised single-handedly by his father since young, after (believing) his mother passed away. When he skipped club activities one day, an exact replica of himself showed up, claiming to be his twin brother who was separated from him when their parents divorced. Just what is going on between their parents? And as more obstacles come his way, what will Minato and his twin’s relationship blossom into?
エブリデイ イズ ア グッドデイ
It's been a year since Toki lost his twin sister in an accident. Toki is still dealing with the pain, but while his parents are away on a trip, he must now also take care of his orphaned nephew, who hasn’t spoken a word since losing both of his parents. While Toki struggles to raise a child, his friend’s younger brother Chihiro, starts giving a helping hand. How will these 3 people become a temporary family?
Last on Earth -  Trừ Tôi Tất Cả Đều Là Quy Hồi Giả -  나 빼고 다 귀환자 - 
Zenin Ore no Soropaatii ~ Bessekai no Oretachi wo Shoukanshite Musousuru~ -  全員俺のソロパーティー〜別世界の俺たちを召喚して無双する〜
The story of an adventurer Esto who is looking for his teammates to explore the world. However, his skill 'solo' changed everything.
Zenin Kiritsu! Shiritsu BL Gakuen Koutougakkou -  全員起立!私立BL学園高等学校
Sousuke Aihara grew up without any close friends because his family moved around so much. Now a high school student at Aomine Private High School Academy, an elite school with a 1000% employment rate, Sousuke is determined to make close friends. Right away, Sousuke attracts attention from his classmates. The recognition from his peers excites Sousuke at first and makes him look forward to his life as an Aomine student. But, when he discovers that his high school is a so-called "BL academy," Sousuke realizes his classmates notice him so much because he is the #1 bottom of his year!?-
Crossover du manga Masaya Hokazono tel que Pumpkin Night, Freak island, Inugami et plus.
Une jeune fille priait, un ballon rouge s'envole....Dans un village médiéval, une jeune fille essayant d'échapper à un soldat avec trois chiens. Alors qu'elle est sur le point d'être capturée, la tête de l'homme explose et apparaît un mystérieux jeune homme tenant un ballon rouge à la main. Avant de tomber à terre, le corps du soldat est une forme hideuse puis disparaît, et les trois chiens se transforment en démons et précipitent le jeune homme qui s'en va facilement. La jeune fille, Nana, a demandé son identité : il dit qu'il s'appelle Maya, la jeune fille Evil Crusher raconte ensuite à son sauveur ce qui se passe dans son village il y a trois mois, un individu nommé Emiria est venu en ville et a construit une église. Cet homme fut un miracle qui attira la sympathie et même la vénération des villageois contre lui. Cependant, sans explication, il a exigé le sacrifice de sept jeunes filles sur le mémorial des dieux. Le sacrifié doit être âgé de treize ans et la jeune fille qui a été sauvée en partie. Les pères des futures victimes sont allés montrer leur colère à l'église, mais aucun n'est venu. Après avoir entendu cela, le jeune homme décida d'aller dans cette église pour enlever Emiria.

Evil Heroes

Evil Heros, Злые герои, イビルヒーローズ
Pour combattre le mal et maintenir la paix, les super-héros sont toujours là ! Des hommes et des femmes dotés de capacités extraordinaires et dont l'identité reste un mystère. L'humanité peut compter sur eux ! Mais... et si jamais ils venaient un jour à se retourner contre nous ?
EX, EX - Young Castaways, EX~少年漂流~, Shounen Hyouryuu, Young Castaways
Satoshi and a group of his friends are on a lengthy boat ride to Kijijima when the world comes to an end – literally. A huge Tsunami wave 500 meters tall overpowers the boat and he finds himself stranded on an island and alone. Meanwhile the rest of the boat has grounded after being dashed upon the shores and soon Satoshi finds them, and sets off a struggle to survive for the passengers and crew of the ship…
엑스애쉬, エックスアッシ
Ex, un génie du vol, et Ash, celui avec un passé mystérieux.Le duo décide de devenir chevalier après une rencontre fatidique avec Ryu, le meilleur épéiste parmi les chevaliers !Sur les terrains d'entraînement pour chevaliers où étaient regroupés les plus forts de l'humanité, Ex et Ash doivent rivaliser et finir victorieux contre l'élite des nobles qui possèdent tout !Deviendront-ils des chevaliers ?Et quel destin cruel les attend... ?
In un mondo distopico, segnato dal conflitto, l’umanità riemerge dalle macerie di un oscuro passato. L’equilibrio utopico è stato conquistato con fatica grazie al potere dell’Ex-Tract. Tre ragazzi, Zenchi, Haya e Manabu, verranno inghiottiti da un turbinio di emozioni, poteri straordinari e battaglie al cardiopalma. Questa è l’avventura che cambierà per sempre il loro destino e quello dell’umanità intera.
Eguzamurai -  Examurai Joshou -  エグザムライ -  被流放的武士
The year is 2718 by the Imperial Calendar, and ZIPANG (Japan) has crumbled in a huge battle against Majinki, terrors from the sky that are half beast and half machine. Hurting each other, warping their morals, unable to see a future, the people strive hard to survive each day. The war wiped out 70% of the human race, but amidst the darkness arose the seven members of the XILE Tribe to bring salvation to the race.But now, 500 years later in 3218, the wicked shadows of the Majinki have once again crept up upon them. This is the story of EXAMURAI, that of the XILE Tribe, who will fight to the death to protect their love, dreams and happiness. Having survived for 500 years since the events of 2718, the final battle of the seven members of the XILE Tribe begins under this azure blue sky...
Pas de résumé pour le moment.

Excel saga

Le seigneur Il Pallazzio est à la tête de l'organisation secrète Across qui a pour but de dominer le monde. Néanmoins, pour le moment, ce mégalomane en puissance est obligé de revoir ses ambitions à la baisse et de se contenter de projeter d'asservir la ville dans laquelle il vit. Ce ne sera pas non plus une tâche facile à réaliser car Across ne compte que deux membres, Excel une petite idiote hyperactive et Hyatt, une jeune femme à la santé fragile...
Je suis emprisonné. La fiancé de mon donneur de cœur m'a enfermé, disant que ce cœur lui appartient et que je dois vivre à la place de sa fiancée décédée...Par "vivre à la place de sa fiancée décédée", il veut dire que je dois agir comme elle, parler comme elle, m'habiller comme elle et penser comme elle, comme si je ne suis qu'une poupée manipulable, une coquille sans âme, un récipient pour le cœur d'une autre femme. Vous pensez peut-être que le cœur qui bat dans ma poitrine est à vous, mais mon vrai cœur ne sera jamais le vôtre !
المخرج - La Sortie -エグジット-Exit
Once up a time, monsters with superpower tried to control our world. The world were facing the danger of extermination and when all hope was LOST ... An unknown man called "HUMY" showed up, he exiled the monsters in the other world and sealed their ^power in Masks .... whoever puts-on the mask gets the power sealed in it ...
Bao Lie Shao Nü
Un matin, un lapin offre à un délinquant le pouvoir de se transformer en Magical Girl afin d’affronter de mystérieux monstres possédant les humains : les Violencia.


Read Exterminator -  Kujonin
Un dératiseur meurt et se retrouve projeter dans un monde fantastique. Sans aucune compétence à l'épée ou à la baguette magique, il continue à faire ce qu'il connait le mieux.
엑스트라는 과도한 집착을 사절합니다
Je pensais que je n'étais qu'une simple roturière sans nom. Jusqu'à ce que le méchant duc, qui est connu pour détruire toutes les villes qu'il rencontre, apparaisse au grand jour et soit à ma poursuite.
エクストラ・イグジステンス, 崩毁年代记
Thirteen years ago, an unknown object appeared at Shinjuku. That creature regularly gives birth to a demon. Therefore, our world is being eaten clean.The military found a weapon capable of fighting these creatures, a special power known as "exex" that becomes part of the human body.
Story 01: Eye Level - I'm short. I'm shy. I look like a child. My name is Toshie and I hate my tall classmate, Sakaue. I've got a complex over my height--why does he act like it's nothing for me to worry about?? Story 02: Capture a Bitter Love - Nagaoka Temari is secretly in love with Yatabe-kun. Even when he speaks to her, she gets so nervous that she can't tell him how she feels. Just hearing his voice sends her brain into a panic. And that's why...she told him the exact opposite of what she's been thinking. Temari knows that she's the reason he's getting failing marks now, so what if her "close friend" Mari Suzuki were to tutor him? There's no way for Temari to fool Yatabe into thinking she's someone else... Or is there? Story 03: Heart Library - Miyazawa Yuu works in the library. She thinks how nice it would be if she could just talk to the popular Iseya-kun. The other person who's supposed to be working with Yuu today ditched, so now Yuu is stuck being the only one to carry all the books back to the library room. She tries to carry too many and can't see anything in front of her, and when she's Iseya who catches her in his arms! Story 04: Baby Spice - Kawai Machi has a crush on Hiroe, but he completely treats her like a child. And then Machi learns that Hiroe has a girlfriend...!?
During an investigation, private detective Amaki comes across Kou, a man with a mysterious aura about him; a man with strangely sharp perception and eyes that shine like a beast’s. Since his meeting with this man, for some reason wild creatures that are not supposed to inhabit the city keep appearing around Amaki... Who is this Kou? The author goes all out, a Shamanic Fantasy begins.
Tiem Sum accidently sees a cute silver fox turning into a guy. He confronts her and tells her that she has to marry him, since she saw him naked. While trying to woo Sum, he is also looking for his lost brother
F.P.アゲハ -  FPアゲハ
A woman F.P. Ageha helps people in their problems.