
What would be your first thought if someone killed your parents?Certainly REVENGE...That being the case for yoshi, who is a thief that wanders from place to placesearching to find his parent's murderer, that were killedin a bloody attack his village was under years ago.His only companions.. His instict and two big loads,his memories and a rose which was given by his father shortly before he died.Follow yoshi as he searches for his parent's murderer full of hate and rage!.But who said that rage and revenge are the right choises?
When an enemy explosion leaves private military soldier Terawaki Ryo nearly dead, a secret organization rebuilds his body using the research they have done in human revivals. Unfortunately for him, the technology only allows him to come back in the form of a teenage girl. His new identity, Shibahara Kyoko, leaves him distraught as his frail body doesn’t allow for the combat skills he used to have or even pick up heavy artillery he used in the combat field. Kyoko is assigned to protect a prestigious academy where daughters of powerful leaders attend since the girls’ presence makes it a hotspot for terrorists to attack and blackmail the people in power. Lead by his former commander and mentor, Major Honjo who has also been reborn as Ryo, was a beautiful teenage girl named Chujo Shizuko, and the pair work together as anti-terrorist teenage school girls. 
Eternal Sentiment Blue
Anna entre dans le même lycée que la personne qu'elle aime. Mais cette personne est en fait son cousin, Reiji. Pendant qu'elle essaye de réfréner ses sentiments pour lui, elle suspecte que Reiji soit amoureux de Rui, sa meilleure amie. Mais quel est le véritable secret de Rui...?!
This is about two girls who like blue ribbons
ブルー, 永遠のセンチメント ブルー, Eternal Sentiment Blue
Anna entered the same high school as the person she loved. But that person is in fact her cousin, Reiji. While continuing to conceal her feelings for him, she begins to suspect that Reiji is love with Rumi, her best friend. But what is Rumi's real secret...?
Arsip Biru -  ブルーアーカイブ
Everyday life of girls from the mobile game "Blue Archive"![hr]
블루버드 -  파랑새훔치기 -  Stealing Blue Bird
From NOIR: When the blue bird sings, it brings its owner happiness. However, when the blue bird dies... It can only be resurrected when the owner sacrifices something that they cherish... The cycle repeats until the owner has nothing left to offer as sacrifice, leaving the owners with nothing to cherish and no blue bird to sing to them. Yuria is the owner of a blue bird... a blue bird someone wants to steal away from her. Will Yuria be able to protect her blue bird and find her own happiness?
Why Blue Carp Town sank? Was there anything to do with The Lord of the River? Why Cait Ching strayed into the underwater city? Is it a coincident or fate? When crisis strikes, should we be satisfied with the existing state as they are? Caiting Ching found the question. Hope she can find the answers as well.

Blue corner

青の戦士 -  Ao no Senshi
Reggae est un boxeur mystérieux et mutique qui a débuté sa carrière un jour d’avril 1975 en poids légers et qui, depuis, traîne sa carcasse sur les rings de seconde zone. Pour son 33e match, il perd une nouvelle fois par K.-O., mais ce soir-là, le hasard a placé dans la salle Mister Dangelo, ancien champion du monde en poids mi-lourds, et aujourd’hui organisateur de rencontres. Ce dernier voit alors en Reggae un boxeur hors normes, doté d’un coup de poing exceptionnel. Il décide donc d’acheter le contrat de Reggae à son club actuel pour pouvoir le placer sur des rings plus prestigieux, avec des primes bien plus importantes...
ブルードラゴン ラルΩグラド, ラルΩグラド, 蓝龙, BLUE DRAGONラルΩグラド, Blue Dragon - Ral Grado, Blue Dragon: Ral Grad, Blue Dragon: RalΩGrad, BLUE DRAGON ラル・グラド, Ral & Grad,
In the days of war, a baby fused together with a "shadow" called Blue Dragon, a legend among the "shadows". Because of that, he was locked in darkness from birth until recently, 15 years later, to prevent his shadow from activating. From the beginning, the only person he knew was his tutor who would come see him everyday. But "shadows" have begun to run rampant as they escape from "Noir" through living beings. Humnas call for the release of Blue Dragon in order to help mankind; thus their journey begins to seal the "shadows" along with the strongest: their queen.
In “Blue Dragon”, “shadows” can fuse with their "hosts". This is the history of the teenager, Ral, and his "shadow", the Blue Dragon "Grado", that his father, a king, imprisoned together in the dungeon of the castle when Ral was a young baby. One day, when the "shadows" besieges the castle, his personal educator, Mio, releases him to protect the castle and repel the “shadows”.
ブルー ドロップ, Buruu Doroppu
A collection of five sci-fi one-shots from the creator of Eat-Man, set in a world where people are still dealing with the repercussions of a war fought with aliens many years ago.1. Kaminoko (神子)2. Kowareta Tenshi [Broken Angel](~壊れた 天使~)3. Kaijin (海人)4. Tenshi no Yakusoku [Angel's Promise](~天使 の 約束~)5. Tenshi no Sentaku [Angel's Choice](~天使 の 選択~)
まいおりた 天使
This story takes place during the human war of resistance against the Arume.Sachi lost her parents due to the sudden attack of an alien race 7 years ago called the Arume. While living in an orphanage of children who suffered the same fate, a girl with no memory, Ai, suddenly appeared. Who is this girl and what is she so afraid of?Manga chapter included with DVD#1 of the anime BLUE Drop~Tenshitachi no Gikyoku~
ブルー ドロップ~天使の僕ら~, BLUE DROP ~天使の僕ら~, Blue Drop - We who are an angel, BLUE DROP~天使的我们
The Arume, a dominating alien race of female humanoids (alien lesbians) has conquered Earth. With total control over the world they have begun live experiments on humans.One day, out of the blue, a girl that Shouta Yanami has never seen before in his life arrived at his house asking to have sex with him. How will this end for Shouta Yanami?
ブルードロップ~天使の悪戯~, Blue Drop ~天使 の 悪戯, Blue Drop ~Angel's Trick~, Blue Drop ~Tenshi no Itazura~
Kasagi-chan is an member of an alien race of females called the Arume. She spends her time playing matchmaker for unsuspecting cute Earthling girls.
Aoi Hitomi
Another take on the little mermai...merman?
Dai Miyamoto est en terminale. Il fait partie de l’équipe de basket, travaille à mi-temps dans une station service, et vit seul avec son père et sa petite sœur. Surtout, il s’est pris de passion pour le jazz depuis le collège. À tel point qu’il joue tous les jours sur les berges de la rivière, peu importe les conditions météo. Qu’il pleuve, qu’il vente ou que la canicule soit au rendez-vous, il joue. Il veut être un géant du jazz et reste persuadé qu’il peut y arriver. Seulement, pour cela, il va devoir se confronter à la réalité : entre les explications aux amis, les premières représentations chaotiques et les rencontres diverses, la détermination de Dai va être mise à rude épreuve...
ブルージャイアント エクスプローラー

Blue Hearts

Юные сердца -  قلوب زرقاء -  ブルーハーツ - 
"C'est ainsi que Yuuhi Nagi, qui n'a pas d'amis dans ses classes, a vécu sa vie vide et sans histoire - jusqu'à ce qu'il soit entraîné dans cette crise inattendue ! C'est ainsi que la vie des quatre personnes les plus susceptibles de redoubler une année et celle de la personne qui les aidera à réussir sont liées. C'est là que commence cette histoire douce-amère de passage à l'âge adulte !! Webcomic original
The world�s largest luxury ship 'Blue Heaven' saves a wrecked ship out at sea. At the captain�s command, the ship is searched, and 2 male survivors are rescued. On the ship, there are signs of horrible bloodshed. One of the rescued men, of unknown nationality, loses himself among the ship�s passengers and starts randomly slaughtering the patrons and staff. What is his motive?!
Yui is simply a ghost wandering around the beach. She does not know who she is or what happened on "that day." That is, until she meets up with her big sister Yuria who helps fill in the missing pieces...

Blue Lock

L'histoire commence avec l'élimination du Japon de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2018, qui incite l'Union japonaise de football à lancer un programme de recherche de lycéens qui commenceront leur entraînement en vue de la Coupe 2022. Isagi Youichi, un attaquant, reçoit une invitation à ce programme peu de temps après que son équipe ait perdu la chance d'aller aux Nationales parce qu'il est passé à son coéquipier moins qualifié - qui a raté - sans essayer d'atteindre seul le mais qui a changé le jeu : leur entraîneur sera Ego Jinpachi, qui veut "détruire le football perdant japonais" en introduisant un nouveau régime radical : isoler 300 jeunes avant dans une institution carcérale appelée "Blue Lock" et les placer dans un entraînement rigoureux visant à faire "le meilleur joueur de la terre entière".
ブルーロック-EPISODE 凪-
From Choutomaraseru: An injured soldier on an alien world is rescued/captured by a soldier from the other side of the conflict. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A soldier from one side of the war is injured and the only survivor out of his troop mates. After he passes out, an enemy picks him up a treats his wounds, forming a bond with each other. After they separate, troop members from town see the soldier but when they reunite, the soldier's enemy/friend ambushes them. Will their friendship stop the fight?

Blue Period

Yatora Yuguchi est un parfait élève, tout du moins à première vue ; ses notes sont plus qu'excellentes, malgré le fait qu'il traîne avec les "délinquants" de la classe. Pourtant, il a le sentiment que quelque chose manque à sa vie et cela lui provoque une certaine frustration. Mais les choses vont finir par changer lorsqu'il tombe sur une peinture en salle d'art...

Blue phobia

Sur une île perdu dans l'océan, des prisonniers sont envoyés pour extraire un mystérieux et dangereux minerai. Un jour, un soldat du nom de Credo est envoyé sur l'île comme garde.... Des prisonniers sont envoyés sur une île pour extraire un minerai qui gît sous la surface, mais quelque chose cloche avec le minerai qui les transforme. plus on touch à l'étrange minerai, plus la peau et les os se colorent en bleu et en définitif le corps tout entier se change en minerai. Ensuite, ceux qui avaient envoyé envoyé les prisonniers ont installé un centre de recherche pour les étudier et les traiter comme des sujets d'expérience.
On a cold day, Mirita discovers a hidden room with a kotatsu (a table that keeps one warm) inside. The kotatsu belongs to two of the most popular and handsome twin brothers in school. Both immediately kick Mirita out. However, Mirita becomes even more determined to get back into that room. What love triangle will commence? 
Almost two years have passed since Ryousuke made his wish to become a beautiful girl. Although he continuously and faithfully tended the plant that was supposed to make this seemingly impossible transformation a reality, the miracle has yet to happen! To what lengths will Ryousuke go in order to make Gunma fall in love with him? Is it possible that Gunma might actually return Ryousuke’s feelings…!?