
Blade Note

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Lors d'une recherche de sites/films porno sur Internet, Sudo Kansuke, un étudiant de 20 ans, est aspiré dans un monde RPG appelé Munberdia. Il est l'élu qui porte l'épée de lumière ! Mais l'épée de lumière n'est pas ce à quoi vous vous attendriez...
ブラム学園! -  Blame gakuen!
Adventure-student Killy in the Cyber school quest… Features the character of Blame...In a high school setting?!?! Parody.


iftira Блейм! ブラム!
Peut-être sur Terre... Peut-être dans le futur... Killy est un cyborg taciturne qui erre dans une gigantesque cité labyrinthique s'étendant sur des milliers de niveaux. Armé d'un révolver amplificateur de radiations et accompagné de Shibo, un scientifique, il part en quête du "net-gene", un programme qui aurait échappé à la contamination globale d'un virus informatique, et qui serait capable de gérer le monde...
ネットスフィアエンジニア -  BLAME! Net Sphere Engineer -  NSE: Netsphere Engineer
The much-awaited sequel to BLAME! follows a man, called a Dismantler, who is in charge of sub-dividing the nexus towers that incurr Safeguard interference upon its detection of humans without the net terminal genes. Although humans are once again able to reside in the Net sphere, the Safeguard are still a threat. The Dismantler or NSE, or Net sphere engineer, goes on a journey to aid mankind in their survival.

Blanc Marie

Quoi de plus pénible que d'être mariée à un mari infidèle et irresponsable ? Être amoureuse de votre beau-frère... Ceci est un Josei, il est donc destiné à un public plus mature que le Shojo
Blassreiter -  BLASSREITER -genetic-
Un nouveau prêtre nommé Theo Camming visite une ville rurale quelque part en Allemagne. Cependant, sa congrégation est attaquée par des Démons et certains d'entre eux ont été vivants. Après la blessure, une femme, Blassreiter arrive pour le sauver et le reste du village. Cependant, elle découvre que le prêtre était sur le point de mourir...
Revenez aux années 1880 aux etats-unis, durant lesquelles le KKK prospérait et la communauté afro-américaine vivait dans la terreur. Les Afro-américains ne craignaient pas uniquement le KKK parce qu'ils les battaient, les violaient ou les tuaient. Non. Ils craignaient le KKK parce que le KKK les devorait. Ils etaient appelés pertinnement les mangeurs-d'hommes, une sorte de melange entre des loups-garous et des vampires. Ils se repaissaient de chair humaine, pouvaient se metamorphoser en plusieurs formes, et etaient pratiquement immortels. Seul un homme, un ancien boxeur poids-lourds appelé Victor Freeman, ose se dresser contre eux. Equipé d'un petit arsenal et de coups de poings americain customisés, notre héros pourra-t'il defendre son peuple et prendre sa revanche sur son passé ?


ブラトデア -  Burattodea
Suite du manga Arachnid. Alice Fuji ne s'amuse jamais beaucoup. Elle a survécu à une agression d'assassins dans son école, mais toutes ces batailles, la vérité derrière sa famille, les deux trahisons de ses faux amis qui sont désormais morts et la perte de son Kumoito ont des répercutions sur son état mental. Ainsi, elle passe ses journées seule à fendre la tête des zombies violeurs qui envahissent le Japon depuis l'incident. L'Organisation veut l'embaucher comme son nouveau Boss, et ailleurs ses alliés Gokiburi et Kabutomushi la recherchent.


Le monde est resté en paix depuis que le héros du clan Blavet a vaincu le Roi Démon, il y a cent cinquante ans... cependant, le Roi Démon réapparait une fois de plus, mais cette fois, en face de Yuushi, le descendant du clan Blavet ! Une nouvelle aventure est sur ​​le point de commencer !
Many years ago, humanity was on the verge of extinction from a creature called the "Black Beast." The world was saved by six heroes who wielded magic. They helped humanity create "Ars Magus", a fusion of magic and science, to defeat the Black Beast. This event would be later known as the First War of Magic.After the war, the Novus Orbis Librarium (also referred to as "The Library" or the "NOL") was created to govern the world with the use of Ars Magus. A great deal of dissent was caused by the Library, partly due to Ars Magus' use in nearly every facet of society, and the widening socioeconomic gap between those who could and couldn't use Ars Magus. This dissent would eventually form years later into the Second War of Magic or also known as the Ikaruga Civil War, when the city of Ikaruga openly rebelled against the NOL. Upon winning the war, the NOL imposed a harsher rule on the world, punishing any rebellion against the NOL with death.In December A.D. 2199, several years after the Second War of Magic, a branch of the NOL was utterly destroyed by an SS-class rebel named "Ragna" also known as the "Grim Reaper", in an attempt to destroy the Librarium. The NOL, hoping to stop him, immediately announced the largest bounty ever, available to anyone who could capture him. Interestingly, Ragna possesses a powerful form of Ars Magus known as the "Azure Grimoire." This led the NOL, as well as the other fighters, to hunt Ragna not just for his bounty, but also his Azure Grimoire.BlazBlue - Chimelical Complex, is the manga adaptation of BlazBlue - Calamity Trigger, the hit fighting game developed by Arc System Work.
BlazBlue Phase 0 prologo, BlazBlue Phase 0 Prologue -Comic Side
BlazBlue - Phase 0 ~Prologue~ is a single volume gift that came in the Japanese version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift II for Nintendo 3DS. This manga summarizes the first act of the novel BlazBlue Phase 0, telling the story of the first meeting between Ragna and Celica and later with Mitsuyoshi. Perfect companion material for
苍翼默示录Remix Heart, BLAZBLUE‐ブレイブルー‐ リミックスハート
The 15th Hierarchical City of Torifune is best known as the Military Academy for the NOL. There, future librarians train and hone their skills for whatever challenges may await them outside. The story centers around Mai Natsume, a girl who had just arrived late due to a week absence, but there seems to be several phenomenons centering around her that could be more than just coincidence.


Hibiki et Tomoe Kazema sont deux sœurs qui fréquentent un lycée ordinaire, mais à l'insu de leurs professeurs et de leurs camarades, elles font partie d'un groupe caché de ninjas. Leur mission est d'utiliser leurs pouvoirs spéciaux pour exterminer les akuma qui sévissent dans le monde. Leur mission est rendue difficile par le fait que leurs ennemis peuvent posséder des humains corrompus qui finissent par se transformer en de nouveaux akuma. Bien qu'ils soient confrontés à une armée toujours croissante, ils sont déterminés à s'imposer comme "les deux fleurs qui trancheront dans l'obscurité". La seule question qui reste est de savoir s'ils réussiront contre de telles chances écrasantes.
徽章戰役, ブレイザードライブ
In the near future, human technology becomes centered around Mystickers, or tattoo-like stickers which are placed on objects in order to use their abilities. But Mystickers can do much more than this, a secret only "Blazers" know. A secret Daichi, a good-humored teenager with an obsession for all things "cool," is destined to find out when he suddenly finds himself targeted by people who tell him he, too, is a Blazer... 
炎のニンジャマン -  Blazing Ninjaman
炎の転校生, 炎転, Blazing Transfer Student, BTS, HonoTen
Noboru Takizawa is your normal student. However upon being transferred to a new school the first thing that happens is that he steps on a land mine! From that point on, he fights against the hall monitor and gets past him. In the turmoil of it all, he meets the lovely Yukari and befriends her. Later on, he meets Ibuki, who later becomes his rival to win Yukari's heart.It turns out that the school Takizawa has transferred to is trying to tyrannize the students of the class he's entered. It is now his job to try and help them out and keep their class! He does this by trying his best in showing the class has potential in a sports festival at the school. Meanwhile in the background, Takizawa's father is setting the teacher's straight and making them stop their evil ways.The basic plot is that Takizawa transfers to schools where the teachers have messed up methods to deal with students, or schools where there are obscure and crazy rules. His father accompanies him and pretends to be one of the teachers to try and sneak up on the evil or corrupt teachers and end their tyranny.
徒花 (麻生ミツ晃), Bleach dj - Adabana, Bleach dj - 徒花
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Prequel: Goodnight, Baby 
Pairing: Grimmjow x Ulquiorra
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Pairings: Ichigo x Ishida x Shirosaki
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Bleach dj - Iris
Pairing: Ichigo x UryuuIchigo's decision to become serious about his future causes an unexpected friendship to blossom between him and Uryuu. However, the path to friendship and something more is never easy when dealing with two proud and stubborn teenaged boys...
たらめく刻限、彼の部屋, Bleach dj - たらめく刻限、彼の部屋, Bleach dj - Tarameku Kokugen Kare no Heya, Bleach dj - Tarameku Kokugen, Kare no Heya
Pairing: Ichigo x Uryuu
Bleckmossen Boyz
Long running manga series published in the kids and young adults' magazine "Kamratposten".Written by Oskar Ekman, drawn by Kwok-Hei Mak (2006-2007) and Carolina Ståhlberg (2007-Present).Has been collected in two books; "Samlade Äventyr 1" & "Samlade Äventyr 2".