
Quand la jeune Emily Blake a innocemment embrassé le très séduisant Comte italien Rafaël Di Salis, elle ne se doute pas un instant de ce que lui réserve le destin. A la mort de son père, et selon sa volonté, elle accepte sous contrat, d'être la femme du comte, jusqu'à son 21ème anniversaire.Le comte Rafaël a attendu longtemps. Il a gardé ses passions sous un contrôle de fer pendant deux ans - sa jeune épouse étant jeune, il ne voulait pas la réclamer jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit devenue femme. Mais à présent, elle est en âge.Elle sera sienne !
La vida de Leticia después del abandono del compromisoFor Certain Reasons -  the Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life FreelyFor Certain Reasons -  the Villainous Lady Will Live Freely After Her Engagement's AnnulmentPour des
En raison de diverses circonstances, Letzia, la fille d'une maison ducale, a cherché à faire dissoudre son engagement avec le prince. Ses efforts ont été récompensés avec succès lorsque le prince a splendidement ( ?) ordonné l'annulation de leurs fiançailles. Juste au moment où elle pensait que tout était réglé... elle se souvenait de sa vie passée ! Se souvenant de ses journées bien remplies comme infirmière, Letzia est déterminée à mener une vie facile en compagnie de son alcool bien-aimé. Pour ce faire, elle se tourne vers la campagne, mais pour une raison ou une autre, elle se retrouve entraînée dans une série d'incidents... ?

Wakusei Honey

Blind x Doll -  Sakai Mayu Tanpenshuu -  Saigo no Bansan -  Puri☆Bari -  2-banme ja Dame nan desu ka -  Torikago Kyoushitsu -  Planet Honey -  Wakusei Honey -  Blindoll -  Flag -  Blind Doll -  BlindxDoll -  酒井まゆ短編集 メリーバッドエンド
Recueil de oneshots.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Lucifer BH, Samidare - Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Samidare's Planet, Star of Samidare, The Lucifer and Biscuit Ha
The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for. 
Waldo Papaye, c'est l'histoire d'un mec banal et dragueur, Tibo Abias, qui pourrait bien devenir un jour l'être le plus puissant de l'univers, le tout sur fond de légendes antillaises.Et si un type ordinaire, sans ambition, ni rêve à la con, bourré de défaut, bref un type comme vous et moi, se retrouvait héros d'un manga shônen... ben, c'est se qui se passe dans Waldo Papaye.
Pairing: Riku x Sora


« La cigale », sous ce pseudonyme se cache un tueur à gages désabusé et impulsif. Dans les bas-fonds, la seule évocation de son nom fait trembler les plus endurcis des mafieux. Mais qui est vraiment cet assassin et quelles sont ses motivations ? Courage… Confrontation… Détermination… Laissez-vous emporter dans une valse ensanglantée pour le découvrir.
Une jeune fille, Onaga, découvre sa voisine, Kashiwabara, sur son balcon une chaude nuit d'été, habillée en femme. Une relation unique s'établit entre eux. De la mangaka d'Aku no Hana (Fleurs du Mal) et du Bonheur.
円舞曲は白いドレスで -  Waltz in A White Dress -  White Waltz
At the beginning of the XX century, the relationship between England and Japan was strained. England wanted to extend its influence over Japan, and Japan wasn't willing to let any other culture pass its borders. Koto, though, a Japanese girl, didn't care if the people she meets have almond shaped eyes or not, or if they wear a kimono or a western dress. Actually, she is fascinated by this foreign way of life that brings so many innovations into Japan. More than anything else, it's the clothing that seems to grab her attention, as she wants to become a tailor and create dresses for women of every culture. Unfortunately though, she's a woman, so she knows her dream will end as soon as she gets married. She will have to start acting like a noble and a respectable woman would. In fact, she is betrothed to Masaomi Kidoin, the second born of one of the most important and oldest families of Japan. The day she's told she will marry Masaomi, Koto attends a ball at the British Embassy and meets Sagitto, a half English and half Indian spy that captures her imagination and heart. But can their love story have a happy ending when the British and the Japanese are tracking down Sagitto because they want him dead, and Koto is forced to live a life that doesn't fit her?
ワルツのお時間 -  华尔兹舞的时间 -  Let's Dance A Waltz -  Time to Waltz
From Chibi Manga: Minami dango is the son of a dancer but he hates dance. Tokumura Himeai is called by everyone "princess". Those two will met...
Début du XXème siècle. Les relations entre l'Angleterre et le Japon sont tendues. L'Angleterre voudrait étendre son influence sur le Japon, mais celui-ci ne voulait pas laisser d'autres cultures pénétrer ses frontières.Koto, une japonaise, ne se souciant pas si les personnes qu'elle rencontrait étaient japonaises ou non. Elle adore fabriquer des vêtements pour femme de toutes les cultures et voudrait devenir couturière. Malheureusement, elle est déjà promise à Masaomi Kidoin, le second fils d'une des plus importantes et plus vieilles familles du Japon. Alors, son rêve s'achèvera dès qu'elle sera mariée. Elle l'apprend le jour où elle doit aller à un bal à l'Ambassade britannique. Là, elle rencontre Sagitto, un espion métisse anglo-indien, qui captura son coeur.
ワンダル・ワンダリング!, 魔童历险王顽达, Wandal Wandering
The long-eared people has always lived harmoniously in their community. One day, a child of the fearsome round-eared people suddenly appeared in their village. Due to a misunderstanding, the child became infuriated and transformed into an adult with tremendous strength. The usually peaceful village was thrown into chaos due to the child's presence.
Fujishima, le "chien enragé", se voit accorder une seconde chance après s'être sacrifié pour sauver un chien.
Notre héroïne continue son voyage à travers le temps, portant avec elle les souvenirs de 3 milliards d'années.Quand Emanon retrouve enfin son frère jumeau dont elle a été si longtemps séparée, des confessions sont faites et des secrets sont révélés, ce qui la fera méditer sur sa façon de vivre et la nature même de son existence.
Pinocchio冒険エレキテ島, Bouken Erekite Tou, Bouken Erekite-tou, Bouken Erekitetou
After her grandfather's death, Mikura chose to continue their island express courier service. With her seaplane and her adventurous cat, Endeavor, she lives life as she chooses. Soon, Mikura becomes very interested in a mysterious island that seems to move around, according to local legend. After some extensive effort to determine the island's whereabouts, she manages to get a brief glimpse of it from the sky. Now that she knows it's real, she's determined to find the island again, no matter what it takes! 
湾岸ミッドナイト, 湾岸竞速
Su Xiao était autrefois un dieu pauvre, mais il a accidentellement ravagé le mariage choisi par l'arbre du destin, il n'a alors pas d'autre choix que de descendre dans le monde des mortels et de se réincarner pendant dix vies pour réunir 9999 mariages.
わんこナンバーわん -  Man's Bestest Friend -  Wanko Number Wan
Just after being dumped by his girlfriend for being wishy-washy, our hero meets a high school girl... with dog ears? Is she a dog? A human? She's wide open, rather naive, and with her around, it's just one crazy day after another. Romantic comedy author Hiroyuki Tamakoshi, author of "Boys Be", brings us the unlikely love story of a hopeless office worker and the extraordinarily beautiful girl who lives with him. Take care of your doggy!
Dog and Cat -  Dog x Cat -  わんことにゃんこ -  当狗爱上猫 -  调情系恋人
kahkoi naretai
A group of nerds aim to be 'cool' by competing in the Idols Singing Contest. Will they win or just stay as nerds? even though they look soo hot


Après 10 années d'entraînement, deux jeunes ninjas, ayant la capacité de se transformer en chien, sont enfin prêts à être testés sur le terrain. Ils trouvent leur nouveau propriétaire, Mitsuyoshi, qui les prend en pensant que ce ne sont que de simples toutous égarés. Il leur donne à chacun un nouveau nom, Hanzou et Hadzuki. Les deux ninjas, sous forme de chien, doivent le protéger contre les démons, sans qu'il ne découvre, jamais, leurs véritables identités. Malheureusement, dès le début, Mitsuyoshi rencontre Hadzuki sous sa forme humaine lorsque celle-ci le sauve d'une attaque de démons. Désormais, elle doit maintenir séparé, son aspect humain et son aspect animal, dans sa relation avec Mitsuyoshi. Ce qui se révélera bien difficile à cause de la menace constante des démons et de ses sentiments grandissants pour lui.
Watashi ni Hon, Utte Minai? -  Watashi ni Karada Utteminai? -  私に体、売ってみない?
“That makes a grand total of 100 thousand dollars.” After Tsukasa’s mom is killed in a car accident, her dad becomes addicted to drinking and gambling. One day, he disappears, leaving Tsukasa with a debt of 30 thousand dollars. There’s no way a student like Tsukasa could get her hands on that much money! Eventually, debt collector Reiko shows up, inviting herself into Tsukasa’s home and telling her to pay up. She offers the young girl a way of getting cash fast: by selling herself to Reiko. “Want to sell me your body?” Tsukasa agrees without really understanding what that entails, and when Reiko moves in with her, their relationship suddenly takes an unexpected turn…
Armelia est chanteuse. Alors que son groupe se produit chez le gouverneur général Lanceman, la jeune fille rencontre son neveu Luce. Armelia succombe au charme du jeune homme, mais son bonheur est éphémère puisqu’un peu plus tard dans la soirée, il est enlevé par le pirate Skulls. Elle se jure alors de retrouver son amour. Huit ans plus tard, déguisée en garçon, Armelia, qui se fait désormais appeler Alto, rejoint l'équipage de Skulls.
缉你, Cherry Blossoms in Spring, Haru wa Sakura
Shou wants to be a doctor, but female doctors are forbidden. Takao is a delinquent, whose bad reputation is known by many. Somehow these two people cross paths and a connection is made. Was it just a chance meeting or will something more come out of it?
ワークワーク, Wāq Wāq, WaqWaq
The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be god, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for God begin!
Pas de synopsis.
Laugh Lady Kanoko, The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko, Warau Kanoko sama
Although she doesn't get along with people very well Kanoko considers herself a perfect "observer". Her hobby is observing the students in her third year junior high class and keeping a journal of the classroom drama. But what will happen when Kanoko becomes involved with some of her classmates? 
ハライソ 笑う吸血鬼2, 笑う吸血鬼, Baraiso: Warau Kyuuketsuki 2, The Laughing Vampire, The Laughing Vampire 2: Paradise, Vampyre I, Vampyre II
Volume 1 : The Laughing Vampire.While a young boy, just resurrected as a vampire, commits acts of awful ferocity, the city around him shows all its perversion. The adults abuse their power, the boys degenerate and use all the available means to achieve their goal to give vent to their low instincts. Whoever can't understand and make opposition is doomed to change or becoming crazy. So which is the real horror? The vampire who kills in order to feed himself or the crawling disease hidden in society, which slowy corrupts without being noticed?Volume 2 : Paradise.Following the events narrated in the first volume, Luna and Konosuke are now living together with the old woman vampire as fellows, as lovers, in a diabolic innocence, killing for quieting their thirst for blood, joining death and love under the dream of eternal youth. Meanwhile, a young boy named Makoto is looking for his lost sister Miko, who disappeared years ago in mysterious circumstances. But what really happened to that girl who liked eating grubs and dreamed of becoming one of them? And is there really a terrible secret that someone is hiding? The paths of all the characters will dramatically collide, bringing unexpected consequences after the things are gradually revealed. A story suspended between weirdness and decadence, showing a clear nostalgia for German cinematography and Federico Fellini, where blood is used to trace a great and only apparently amoral story.
われは剣王っ!!, われは剣王っ!!, Ware wa Ken-Ō!!, Ware wa Ken-oh!!
Yoshiaki is entering a school that is famous for its fights and violence. He chose to go there for just that reason, and he intends to be the strongest one there. When he first arrives, he helps out a girl called Homura, who is being picked on by some guys. When she asks him to be her "sword" afterward, Yoshiaki doesn't know how to respond. Apparently, students of the school team up in pairs; a "sword" and a "master". Others advise him not to associate with the girl, who is a "Rank F", as she probably won't live very long. However, Yoshiake is not thrilled with the idea of abandoning her to die.