
Strike Witches 1.5 is a manga currently being published in Nyantype magazine. It spans the time between the two seasons of the Anime. It covers the activites of the various members of the 501st after it is disbanded following te destruction of the Neuroi Hive above Gallia. The first chapter is set in Gallia, and follows Perrine and Lynne as they work to rebuild the ruined country. The second and third chapter are focused on Shirley and Lucchini as they travel across North Africa. The fourth chapter focuses on Eila and Sanya at the frontier of Suomus as they travel towards Orussia to search for Sanya's parents. In the fifth and sixth chapters, Erica, Trude and Minna investigate a disturbance over Karlsland. The seventh chapter will be released in late July.
Strike Witches - Shinyuu Ijou x Koibito Kyakka
Hi hi! This is Yumeko-chan! I used to be with the Fakku translation team, but as they’re on hiatus or something, I was invited to join the Soba team! I actually translated this doujin a little over a year ago, but nobody on Fakku wanted to play editor and by the time someone was interested, a different translation was put up, which…well…hurt. But anyway, Ziggy offered to edit it for me, and so finally I can show this off to the world! I hope you enjoy it! Here is Shinyuu Ijou x Koibito Kyakka (More Than A Friend, Rejected As A Lover), by Z-Less!
ストライクウィッチーズ キミとつながる空, Strike Witches - Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora, Strike Witches 1.5
Also referred to as Strike Witches 1.5, this takes place between the two anime series and shows what the cast of the first did after the first and introduces new witches that might show up in the next season
ストライクウィッチーズ零 1937 扶桑海事変, Strike Witches Zero: 1937 Fusou Sea Incident
ストライクウィッチーズ 片翼の魔女たち, One-Winged Witches, Strike Witches - Katayoku no Majotachi
AKA: One-Winged WitchesThe story centers around the Isle of Wight Detachment Group. One day a sergeant from the Britannian commonwealth, Wilma Bishop transfers to the group and their new adventures begin.
ストライクウィッチーズ -  ストライクウィッチーズ天空の乙女たち -  Strike Witches -  Strike Witches -Tenkuu no Otome-tachi-
Set in a world similar to Earth in the mid twentieth century, Strike Witches tells the story of a fight to protect that world using a combination of magic and technology. The titular Strike Witches, a group of young women with high magical potential, have been gathered together from various nations in a task force to fight against the enigmatic Neuroi. This puzzling enemy force has appeared frequently and without warning in many areas across the world. The weapons of the Neuroi mostly take on forms similar to propeller aircraft but their most troubling tactic is the spreading of a corrosive miasma. Not only do normal humans have no defense against this miasma, but the remnants of the land affected by it are processed by the Neuroi into new weapons, crumbling huge sections of former nations into the sea. As the miasma seems to be unable to spread across large bodies of water, humanity has designated such areas as their main lines of defense. In order to bring out their potential for use in battle, each Witch equips a unique machine onto their legs: the Striker Unit. With the Striker Unit equipped, they gain the ability to fly and their tapped magical potential provides the strength to utilize weapons far too heavy and powerful for a normal man. Also created is a defensive field that can protect the Witches from the Neuroi's miasma as well as other physical weaponry, making them humanity's trump card in the war. The franchise's main media focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, spearheading the counterattack in war-torn Europe.
ストリングス・ドールズ -  The Strings Dolls
One day, Shiro and his little sister, Koyori, who has been permanently crippled after an accident, download a peculiar game called "Strings Dolls." Whenever you have someone in your camera screen, the game allows you to move them around like a puppet. Shiro and Koyori are filled with joyl to realize that this magical game can, at least temporarily, restore her ability to walk! Other people, however, use it for much less noble purposes. Among the others who have downloaded the game is a mysterious player called Miyabi, who appears to be using the game to kill off his fellow players. Will Shiro be able to track down who is behind this game, and find the murderous Miyabi before it's too late?
ストロボエッジ 閃爍的愛情 闪烁的爱情 스트롭 애지 Colorless Dreamer Strobe edge สโตรบ เอดจ์ Strobe Edge - Another Light Strobe Edge -Unfinished Map
Ninako is a meek, gentle high school student. She has never been in love. Ninako asks Daiki, who has emotions towards her, about what being in love feels like. She thinks he is a good guy but…? One day, on the train home from school, she bumps into Ren, a popular guy at school. With just a short conversation and his smile, she experiences a new feeling. Just what is this feeling…!? Ninako’s first love is starting!
Chain Gang -  Devil's Thoroughbred -  Good Morning -  Bad Day -  Strobo Scope -  ストロボスコープ -  戀情觀測站
Collection de oneshot.1 - Stroboscope2 - Chain Gang3 - Good Morning, Bad Day - Deux anciens camarades de classe se retrouvent par hasard dans la même université. L'un demande à l'autre s'il veut habiter avec lui. S'en suit une relation ambigue entre les deux jeunes hommes.4 - Devil's Thoroughbred
発情マテリアル -  Estrogenic Material -  Hatsujou Material -  Stroke Material - My Fuckin' Lover
Very funny story with a title we could NOT resist! People have gone so far as to call Kaname-kun a "sex machine" and "a man who exists solely for obscenity and sin." But now he's fallen in love for the first time with the super cool beauty Yumi-sama. Even when his only reward is her cold gaze, he persists in his desire to win her love--but he's struggling and suffering because his wooing technique gets incredibly clumsy when he actually cares about the result!
Monsieur loup, est-ce que vous voudriez bien me manger ?
Quand Ye Mo s'est soudainement réveillé, il s'est rendu compte que tout autour de lui semblait avoir changé : il a été transmigré dans la Terre moderne où l'énergie spirituelle est rare. Son joli maître de son ancien monde n'était nulle part où aller. Plus important encore, il s'est retrouvé dans le corps d'un jeune homme qui a été abandonné par son clan pour une raison embarrassante.......
Bluffing Master -  Ultimate Scheming System -  Zui Qiang Fan Taolu Xìtong -  最强反套路系统
Escroquer toute la journée, tous les jours, souvent en s'aventurant seul. Il bluffe pour obtenir le pouvoir ultime dans ce monde de culture ! Le voyageur du monde Xue Que ne bluffe pas toujours, mais il en a besoin.Terme : META signifie (Most Effective Tactic Available) Metagaming est la stratégie, l'action ou la méthode utilisée dans un jeu qui transcende un ensemble de règles prescrites, utilise des facteurs externes pour affecter le jeu, ou va au-delà des limites supposées ou l'environnement établi par le jeu. Une autre définition fait référence à l'univers du jeu en dehors du jeu lui-même.
Tang Feng, who had lived in the village since he was a child, was poor, white, and handsome. He was not loved at his age. He also owed usury for treating his parents' illness. Just when he was forced to desperate by the creditor, he accidentally scanned a mysterious QR code. Didn't expect to add the gods in the sky as friends in the circle of friends? ! Not only did the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming teach him to get rich, but also Yue Lao helped him solve the object problem. His life has been smooth from then on...
最强NPC, O Grande NPC
In this era of national martial arts, Chen Ji originally thought that as long as he worked hard to practice martial arts he would be able to get rid of campus bullying, stay with school flowers and live together, and reach the pinnacle of life. However, he discovered that this world is not what he imagined. It's that simple...Nesta era de artes marciais nacionais, Chen Ji Portuguêsoriginalmente pensava que enquanto trabalhasse duro para praticar as artes marciais, ele seria capaz de se livrar do bullying no campus, ficar com as flores da escola e permanecer no auge de sua vida. No entanto, ele descobriu que este mundo não é o que ele imaginou. Não era tão simples quanto pensava…
Contains one main story, and a few oneshots. Story 1 - A girl who has always put studying as her main focus in life, now finds she wants a boyfriend. But will her high scores make the guy she likes feel inferior...? And this guy seems to be the ex-boyfriend of the most popular girl at school! Is he really a player...?!

Study group

Gamin Yoon, un étudiant de 17 ans, fréquente une école connue pour abriter de futurs criminels. Coincé dans un environnement féroce où seuls les plus forts survivent, il lutte pour obtenir de bonnes notes afin d'entrer dans une université de 4 ans. Mais, pourra-t-il étudier suffisamment bien pour entrer à l'université, ou se retrouvera-t-il impliqué dans les interminables bagarres autour de l'école ?
Do you think that a pokemon has nothing to do while in the PC? Well, you're wrong. Join Eve, Glaceon, Umbreon and the 100+ more eevees in the PSS as they do really stupid stuff.Updates Saturdays!!
Ariyuki se tient sur le pas de son ancien foyer qui a été détruit par une météorite. Parmi les ruines, il trouve une pierre précieuse qui libère une jeune fille. Celle-ci déclare alors être alors une déesse et est disposée à exaucer ses voeux les plus chers.
素晴らしい世界 -  What a Wonderful World -  What a Wonderful World!
Being his first series, What a Wonderful World remains Asano’s most representative and successful work to date. Composed of vignettes from the daily lives of a group of people inhabiting an ordinary neighborhood somewhere in Tokyo, the series is actually a comment about modern life itself and how we can survive in it despite all its rigors. Amusing, melancholic, funny, strange, thought-provoking—Asano effortlessly shifts from one mood to another, creating stories and characters that are profoundly human and thus always involving. It’s a shame that not everyone will find the subjects the author describes equally appealing since some of them are distinctly Japanese. But overall, it’s a great collection that any discerning manga reader should check out.
The Strange Life of Subaru -  昴とスーさん -  根号昴的奇异人生 -  스바루와 스 씨
Mio and Subaru live together in a small apartment avoiding attention. While they masquerade as siblings with an age gap, Subaru holds a secret.
Dance Subaru
Subaru est une petite fille. Mais contrairement aux autres enfants de son âge, elle prend rarement le temps de jouer. A la fin de ses cours, elle se rend à l'hôpital où elle retrouve son frère, atteint d'une tumeur au cerveau. Chaque jour, la petite Subaru danse pour redonner le sourire à son frère jumeau. Mais très vite, la danse va prendre une importance primordiale dans la vie de la petite fille. Elle lui permet d´extérioriser tout son mal-être. Les bases de l´histoire posée, on retrouve une Subaru qui a bien grandi. Désormais adolescente, elle ne jure plus que par la danse et espère un jour devenir professionnelle. Mais la route est encore longue...
森田まさのり短編集 スベルヲイトワズ, Setting Up to Fail, Suberuo Itowazu
A collection of seven short stories and a collection of color pages from Rokudenashi Blues from Morita Masanori's career.- Suberu o Itowazu (Setting Up to Fail)A story of two stand-up comedians preparing to participate in a school festival.- Bachi-Atari RockThe pilot oneshot that would eventually lead to the creation of the one volume series under the same name, Bachi-Atari Rock.- Let's Spend The Night TogetherThe story of Tatsumi Shindo, a wrestler coming from a Yakuza family. While he has no interest of having the life of a Yakuza, Tatsumi is stuck having his matches watch by his father and the rest of the yakuza and scaring his opponents. - Jumpin' Jack Flash- Synchronicity- Mysterious Kid- Stay Here
すべてがちょっとずつ優しい世界 -  一切渐渐变得温柔的世界 -  Subete ga Chotto Zutsu Yasashii Sekai -  The Kindly World
すべてに射矢ガール -  Subeteni Iya Girl -  The Hating Girl
From Zombie Scans: Hating girl is a manga about a girl with an arrow stuck through her head named Asumi, and the boy interested in her, named Ryouji. It's full of goofy humor and silly storylines, yet the relationship aspect of it touches on real life at times, and ends up quite endearing. Check out this silly-sweet manga and laugh at the insanity that is life with a girl that has an arrow through her head.
Aion soul weapon
Akohito is a simple guy who wants to find a perfect girl, until he met Agate who was a marble turn into a human. He thought his life was turn into a Shōjo manga but he didnt know his life turn into a Shounen manga instead and he will discover that Agate is not just marble girl but is an aion soul weapon.
재앙은 미묘하게
Un auteur de bandes dessinées, Songshin Ha, vit dans l'appartement, au sommet de la colline, qui a de sérieux problèmes avec le bruit du voisin ; et il veut désespérément résoudre le problème avec ses voisins.