
Avec l'épée pointée vers le ciel pour remuer le monde, je veux monter au ciel et me battre contre tous les héros. Je suis l'empereur de ce monde, et je vais écrire ma propre épopée !
Gikou Taichi no Torikaeshi ~ Toichi tte Saisho ni itta yo na ~
Martz, qui possède la compétence unique [compétence empruntée = compétence du prêteur], prête les compétences acquises et contribue à l'équipe. Cependant, après avoir été trahi par ses amis, Martz reprend les compétences qu'il leur a prêtées. Martz qui est devenu le plus faible au plus fort commence à prendre le chemin de la vengeance et de la contre-attaque !

Skill of Lure

유혹의 기술 -  Yoo Hog-ui Gi Sool
Jang sung-gi lways est un étudiant, qui n'arrive pas à réagir normalement en présence de femmes et il est donc continuellement pris pour un pervers... Sa rencontre avec son "mentor" va-t-elle changer sa vie ?
スキップ・キス -  Skip Kiss
Hamura is a sheltered and very friendly high school student. He has always admired Miyake from afar who is very reserved and troubled. An incident in the locker room has finally opened up a chance for Hamura to be friends with Miyake. But does Miyake want a friend... or could they even be friends? Between Miyake's troubled past, Hamura's jealous close friend and preverted tutor, how will these two make any type of relationship...
Skip & Loafer -  Skip and Loafer -  Долой безделье! -  スキップとローファー
Iwakura Mitsumi always had big dreams, of leaving her small town, advancing to a top tier university, and then contributing to the country before retiring back to her home town. So focused is she on her goal that she is oblivious to all the other ways she comes up short, much to the chagrin and concern of her friends and family. Can a naive country girl make it in Tokyo?Nominated for the 2020 Manga Taisho Award, came in third behind the winner Blue Period and second place, Spy x Family.
スカルマン, Skullman, The Skullman
In the loom of the Cold War shrouding Japan, mysterious murders have been reported in the country. The suspect is a man with a skull-like helmet while being dressed in black with a cape of the same color. Accompanied by a shape shifting beast named Garo, the duo terrify Japanese society without a clear reason why.
From ADV: Jih-Ro is destined to become the conqueror of the land, but there is one problem—another man shares his fate. This other man will become the conqueror as a result of Jih-Ro’s death unless he can be found and stopped. A search must commence, one that will ultimately become a hunt, but Jih-Ro’s expedition will not be a lonely one. He stumbles upon a man called Il-Geum, who joins the future conqueror in his quest. Their meeting will prove to be more than a coincidence, though, as it becomes clear that Il-Geum is quite possibly the man Jih-Ro has sought. Together, the two begin a new journey and a new rivalry. As the stakes are heightened through kidnappings, deceit and magic, trust becomes a distant memory, and the two begin a feud that could ultimately lead to death, or worse…

Sky Claw

L'histoire suit Shirou, un garçon sans ailes qui vit dans le monde des anges, mais cela ne l'empêchera pas de vouloir devenir un archange, c'est-à-dire des guerriers qui purifient les démons infâmes.
From Bliss: On the first day of school, university student, Ban Ritsuki, felt disgusted when a man who bumped into him told Ritsuki that he has the “type of face he likes”. However, that man was actually the lecturer, Takagi Shoutarou who, somehow after that day, kept clinging on to Ritsuki. Ritsuki gets more and more pissed off, until one day, he saw Takagi’s miserable expression while gazing up into the sky. Suddenly, he starts to care for Takagi…
Lord Zeus Mecha Blitz 天火大道
A serial-murderer is on the loose who just so happens to also be removing the hearts of his victims and taking them with him. His victims however, are not merely random humans as thought by the police. They are in fact, the past and present guardians of the gateway of the afterlife.On the day he is to be married, Detective Kanzaki, who happens to be on the case, discovers that his fiancé Mina has been murdered with her heart also missing. He also learns that the killers are Kudo, a geneticist, and his evil secretary Rei. The two are trying to obtain six hearts from the guardians so that they may call forth a horde of demons from the Gate of Rage and have their every desire granted. Only problem is, once they open the gate the entire world will be covered in darkness.Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Mina encounters Izuko, the Guardian of the Gate. Izuko gives her three options: Mina can choose to ascend to heaven and be reborn, she can choose to forever walk the earth as a ghost or she can choose to curse one of the living to death and as a result be cursed to descend to hell. Mina has 12 days to make her choice.- Wikipedia.
スカイハイ4 -  Skyhigh IV -  Skyhigh4
New installment of the Skyhigh series.
スカイハイ・カルマ, Skyhigh: Karma
Life, death, it is all the same. Think you've heard this before? Skyhigh is back again with this sequel.
スカイハイ・新章 -  Skyhigh New Chapter
From Evil Flowers: Similar the Skyhigh 1, Skyhigh Shinshou presents the stories of those souls who get to the Gate of Grudges. Izuko, keeper of the Gate of Grudges presents each soul with three choices: pass through the Gate of Grudges to heaven and be reborn, refuse to admit death and remain as a ghost on earth, or haunt and kill one person and then proceed to hell and eternal suffering. What does each soul choose and why? A collection of various stories done by Takahashi Tsutomu.




Suivez l'histoire de Skylar et Katherine ( katie)
さぼリーマン 飴谷甘太朗

Slave B

슬레이브 B
La paix du monde dans lequel vit "Nilo", un Demi-Elfe, Demi-Humain ayant perdu ces parents étant bébé et sauvé par un couple d'esclave, a été détruite par le Lord des ombres, "Secneum". Dans ce monde, les esclaves ne sont pas traités comme des humains à part entière. Puisque les parents adoptifs de Nilo sont esclaves, ils sont maltraités et ne finissent pas par mourir. Nilo se retrouve seul encore une fois, et doit porter le poids de sa famille sur ses épaules en protégeant ses jeunes sœurs jumelles. Si Nilo veut pouvoir échapper à son destin, il ne lui reste qu'une chose à faire. Il doit obtenir sur diplôme de l'académie "Exacnum", comme l'a fait l'Empereur actuel "Muren", autrefois esclave !
Slayers dj - First
A series of short gags about the Slayers casts’ various experience with “firsts”. (First impressions, first spells, etc.)
Slayers Revolution-R, -  スレイヤーズEVOLUTION-R
The continuation of Slayers Revolution. After the defeat of Zanaffar, Lina, Gourry, Zelgadis, Amelia, and Pocota, the prince of Taforasia, continue their hunt for Rezo’s urn, each with their own motivations for doing so. Pocota to revive his people from Rezo’s well-intentioned sleeping spell, and Zelgadis to regain his former body. However, something deeper is circling around the intrigue behind Rezo’s urn, and all will come to a head in the bustling city of Vezendi……
スレイヤーズ ライト・マジック, スレイヤーズふゅ~ちゃ~(仮), Slayers Future, Slayers Light Magic
In the distant future, mankind has advanced into an age of technological supremacy, where magic is a lost art only mentioned in fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Living in such a world is Light Inverse, a youth who dreams of sorcery…. but suddenly, his home is attacked by demons! With modern weaponry proven to be ineffective against the monsters, all hope seems to be lost…. Until Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev are suddenly transported to the future from a mysterious shrine in their time. Can Lina bring magic back to this land…!?*Previously named as Slayers Future.
From Boku-Tachi: One day Kanna comes home from school to find that the grandpa she hasn't seen in many years has sent her a huge package! On the box it says that it's a new invention. What could it be? Kanna reluctantly opens the package and inside finds what seems to be...a boy?!
スリーピングビューティーの見た夢 -  Sleeping Beauty's Dream
A collection of one-shots: • Sleeping Beauty no Mita Yume (Sleeping Beauty's Dream) Tsukasa gets a kiss from the girl she likes, but she's not happy about it. • Hakushi (Blank) The protagonist loses some of her memories and can't remember a girl who was very important to her. • Rokujouhan Shuukai Okure • A Witch's Hand • 20, 21 • Hakushi, Continued (Blank, Continued)
"The Sixth Dimension Experiment." This experiment, in attempting to open one of the eleven dimensions in our reality, the sixth dimension (Secht), resulted in a catastrophic explosion that killed 110 million people and left 12 countries in ruins. The originator of this experiment, Himeka Yuki, bearing the total responsibility for the failure of this experiment, has been banished from reality for eternity. In response to this event, the world leaders in sciences formed a monitoring agency known as "Zeien" to keep control of all scientists and technology in order to prevent another Sixth Dimension Experiment. 10 years have passed since the incident. Takaomi Yuki, the younger brother of Himeka, notices a change in the "Time Machine Destination" that his sister has given him before her banishment. Suddenly, the device summons a lively girl armored with metals he has never seen. "Takaomi-san! To save Earth, pull out your lance and ride me!" To uncover the truth, the two will begin an adventure that crosses time and space.
S.L.H, S.L.H - Stray Love Hearts!, Stray Love Hearts!, SLH
On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Kozue Hiyoki is visited in her dreams by a man who steals her heart- literally! Determined to find him and retrieve her stolen heart, Hiyoki enrolls in the S-Hall dormitories of St. Nazareth Academy, but quickly realizes that its residents are not at all like she expected... For starters, they are all guys.
Слизняк и Драконы

Slime life

Les histoires de la vie quotidienne d'une mage noire et d'un Slime qui tiennent ensemble un magasin de magie en tant que maîtresse et serviteur.
I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My LevelSlime Taoshite 300-nen -  Shiranai Uchi ni Level MAX ni Natteshimattaスライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました打了三百年的史莱姆,不知不觉就练到了满等슬라임을 잡은지 300년 -  모르는 사이에 레벨 MAX가 되었습니다
Azusa Aizawa, une femme de bureau très ordinaire, est morte de surmenage.Pour cette raison, elle a décidé de vivre une vie paisible dans une maison dans les montagnes comme une sorcière immortelle de 17 ans dans sa prochaine vie.Sa principale source de revenus est de défaire les boues dans le champ voisin pour acquérir des pierres magiques, qu'elle vend à la guilde du village voisin. En dehors de cela, elle passe son temps à ramasser des herbes médicinales, et est connue comme la "Sorcière des Highlands" respectée et digne de confiance.Cependant, à la suite de l'agriculture de boue tous les jours pendant 300 ans, elle a acquis trop d'expérience, et sans le savoir est devenu le niveau 99 - la sorcière la plus forte du monde.La sorcière de niveau max vit maintenant avec son apprentie dragon-girl, prenant la vie avec modération, tout en aidant tout le monde dans le village.
Slime Reincarnation. The Great Sage is Hugged by His Adopted Elf Daughter -  スライム転生。大賢者が養女エルフに抱きしめられてます
The Great Sage becomes his daughter's pet!?The Great Sage Marlin Endlight on the moment of his death, reincarnated into a [Slime that can evolve endlessly] and became his daughter's familiar. And then, he left on a journey with his daughters to take back his mansion. The everyday story of Slime unfolds!