
Despite the title this manga has nothing to do with sex, just young people rebelling against the world.The manga is about the adventures of a girl, Kaho. In the first chapter she goes on holiday to Okinawa and falls in love with Yuki, a car-stealing punk.Often considered Kamijo's best work.
Wagaya no Chika ni -  H Kaisuu = Level no Dungeon ga Shutsugen shita!?SEX&迷宫!!~在我家地下出现了H次数=等级的迷宫!?~セックス&ダンジョン! ! ~我が家の地下にH回数=レベルのダンジョンが出現した!?~
Souhei se retrouve dans un labyrinthe géant apparu soudainement dans sa grotte. Mais c'est undonjon bien singulier où le seul moyen de se renforcer est de faire des choses perverses avecle sexe opposé pour augmenter son "LV" (Love) ! Voici l'histoire d'un garçon explorateur... etpervers !
바디 컴플렉스
Un nouveau spin-off sexy de Boby Complex !! Profitez de cette compilation torride des scènes matures de la série originale, maintenant rendue encore plus intime.
L'amour et le sexe sont deux notions liées et dissociées à la fois. Certaines personnes voient le sexe avant l'amour et d'autres l'inverse. Pour chaque être humain, chaque couple, l'expérience du jeu de couple devient vite complexe.Sex Nanka Kyouminai est une série de oneshots mettant en scène ce questionnement.
Balance of Love -  Butterfly's Bed -  Love You Madly -  Passion's Prison -  SEXとキスと切なさの間 -  The Rose Lock
Contains five oneshots which involve love blooming from physical attraction. 1) Love You Madly: One day, Ami suddenly got her feelings acknowledged by Kawano. Originally a guy beyond her reach, their bodies touched, Ami felt like she was in a dream. But, she found that this is a dream without love declarations, without kisses, and only comprising of sex. Ami was thrown into confusion...and what are Kawano's real intentions...? 2) Butterfly's Bed: A schoolgirl's parents die, and she goes to live with her handsome young uncle she has never met. He is very cold and distant to her, but as they grow more comfortable with each other, she discovers a dangerous side to him. 3) The Rose Lock: A spoiled young rich girl has a bodyguard her own age. She orders him around, but she can only push him so far before she finds out who's really in charge. 4) Passion's Prison: Yurino's arranged marriage is to a Rei, a nice older man, but she's secretly in love with his wicked younger brother, Kai. And Kai's not about to let her go. 5) Balance of Love. She's always been too tall, and too nice, unlike her pretty older sister. Now she has a crush on the only guy taller than her. Can she trust that he's not just using her? And an omake: The Rose Lock extra.
섹스토이:왕가슴 신입 교육법 ; Sex Toys: How to Educate Big Chested Newcomers
Un nouvel employé mince a rejoint une entreprise de jouets sexuels. Hyunseo, un puceau aux tétons inversés, se voit confier le rôle de testeur de sex toys. Peu familier avec le sex toy qu'il voit pour la première fois, Hyunseo demande de l'aide à Seongho, un célèbre acteur audiovisuel
Dangerous Equation, Sex=Love2, Sex=Love^2
All Kumiko wants is to become a teacher; however her father is dead set against it. He is giving her one chance to prove herself as a teacher before forbidding her from pursuing this career forever. Meet her newest student, Ryu-kun. He has NO desire to LEARN anything from his tutors, rather he is an expert at teaching THEM about...SEX?!Note: The story was originally released as a single short story, but it later became a series.


Sex Exercise -  섹서사이즈
Bae Woong était autrefois un athlète fort et en pleine forme - du moins dans son esprit. Désireux de retrouver son ancien physique, il se met en quête d'une salle de sport dans le quartier. Il en trouve une qui semble étrangement chère et discrète. Il n'est même pas autorisé à entendre parler des entraînements spécifiques qu'ils proposent avant d'avoir signé un accord de non-divulgation. Il trouve cela étrange, mais les femmes qui y travaillent sont très attirantes et Woong n'a rien à perdre. Après avoir signé l'accord, il apprend le secret de leur corps : le sexe.
セクシャル・ハンター・ライオット -  你的内裤拯救世界
Sekshi Kommando, Sekushī Komandō Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san, Sekushii Komandoo Gaiden: Sugoi yo! Masaru-san, Sexy Commando Anecdotes: That's Amazin
The story revolves around Wakame High School's extracurricular club, "Sexy Commando Club," which consists of 5-6 male members (one being the high school principal himself), a female manager, and a small mysterious pet (that may be extraterrestrial in origin). The strange and ancient art of Sexy Commando (the roots of which extend back into Japan's Muromachi period) is a martial one; however, instead of focusing on how to defeat an opponent with punches, kicks, or grappling, it focuses on how to distract the opponent. The logic follows that any distracted opponent is unable to fight, and therefore the art of Sexy Commando trumps any other form of martial arts. There are as many techniques as there are ways to distract, though Wakame High School's Sexy Command Club tends to favor the unzipping of the trousers (Elize no Yuutsu).
Comment peut-on être chef quand on perd le sens du goût ? Ce n'est pas grave ! Vous pouvez obtenir le monde entier si vous avez le couteau à pirater ! Le système de loterie gourmande, la belle maîtresse féminine et l'espace spirituel ! " Instructeur, je veux être chef ! "Depuis lors, Fu Yanze a officiellement marché pour devenir le Dieu de la Nourriture (Dieu de l'Arrière-Palais) !

Sexy Guardian

A peine arrivée dans sa nouvelle école, Junna est agressée par un groupe de garçons.Heureusement pour elle survient un certain Shibuki qui la sauve.Junna va de surprise en surprise lorsqu'elle apprend par son oncle qu'elle a été transférée dans un établissement pour garçons et qu'elle aura pour garde du corps, le beau et troublant Shibuki...
SEXYルパン・3 -  SEXYルパンIII -  SEXYルパン三世
SEXY Lupin III is a 5 chapter side story of Lupin III published to promote the airing of Lupin III Part 3 (anime). It features stories written by writers of Lupin III Part 3.
A collection of science fiction stories Osamu Tezuka did in boy magazines during the 1960's.
Nekota is a Company Slave -  Nekota Is a Shachiku Cat -  社畜ねこ
"It's already morning ... I want to go home already ..."An office worker, Nekota, arrives an hour early to avoid a colleague who is not good at it.In response to his unreasonable boss, he is living a hearty company-slave life while thinking about the meaning of working today .Give to all workers-social cat comedy!
The Corporate Slave Office Lady and the Demon Shota -  The Corporate Slave OL and the Demon Shota -  社畜OLと悪魔ショタ
Extremely wholesome onee x shota comedy manga by Shirano Akihiro.
At the order of his black-hearted boss, corporate slave, Niwa, works overtime every day without a day off. His heart is without rest these days without a cute girlfriend…However, after passing out drunk, he wakes up in the embrace of his easygoing kouhai, Nagase!? Niwa tries to keep his distance from Nagase, but his body has already been exploited by him <3
Tales of the Corporate Slave Succubus
Voici Lily. Succube, elle est chargée de trouver des hommes tous les jours, de prendre le contrôle de leurs rêves pour leur voler leur vitalité. En retour, Lily comblera tous leurs désirs, aussi pervers soient-ils. Et à mesure que le taux de population de succubes diminue, Lily se retrouve de plus en plus surmenée afin d'atteindre son quota croissant.... Un jour, elle entre dans le domicile d'une esclave épuisée des salaires d'entreprise. Lily promet de réaliser les rêves les plus fous de l'homme, mais ce qu'il lui demande la choque.
社長と私 -  The President & I
from Blissful Sin: The president of my company caught me, Chisato, kissing another man somewhere. Luckily, my company ranking is so low he shouldn’t be able to recognize my face! I desperately tried to convince myself of that, but several days later, I was selected to be the president’s secretary. This is horrible, it seems like the president knows about my relationship with men!


Shinichi Akamine is an ordinary college student in Japan who makes manga in his spare time but he never thought this would completely change his life.One day, Shinichi realizes that the main characters of his manga came to life, but they are not quite the way he imagined them to be. While in the manga they love each other, in life they are each other’s deadly enemy.What are they going to do with this bizarre situation together?
Geurimja Sinbu, 그림자 신부

Shadow Cat

Naji est un chat ordinaire qui vit dans un petit village. Sa personnalité égoïste lui fait commettre des méfait qui lui apporte régulièrement des problèmes. Un jour, Naji mange l'offrande sacrificielle, le Shrimpfish (traduction : crevette mais vu que c'est un poisson, je garde Shrimpfish) qui était destinné au monstre Taowu. Celui-la même qui a apporté la désolation sur le villages plusieurs années plus tôt. Pour se repentir de son crime, on lui confie la mission de trouver un autre Shrimpfish. Cependant, la legend dirait... que tous les chats ayant mangé un Shrimpfish seraient destinés à devenir des monstres.
The story is about Fumi Sekijyou, a well-meaning but very jittery and nervous girl. This is due to a past trauma that also makes she can't touch anyone, because she will get a nose bleed. One day the store she works for asks her to get rid of a customer that keeps occupying the roof. Once on the roof she sees the customer dancing by himself; the young man ends up introducing her to the world of ballroom dancing and awakens her passion for it. Will Fumi Sekijyou overcome her past trauma and advance in the world of ballroom dancing?

Shadows House

シャドーハウス -  影宅 - 
Des nobles de l'ombre sans visage vivent dans un vaste manoir, en compagnie de poupées vivantes qui passent une grande partie de leur temps à nettoyer la suie sans cesse émise par leurs mystérieux maîtres... Suivez l'histoire d'Emilyko, une jeune et joyeuse poupée vivante, qui apprend ses devoirs en tant que préposée de Kate Shadow-sama. Quels sont les dangers et les sombres secrets que Kate et elle vont rencontrer, alors qu'elles s'impliquent de plus en plus dans les rouages de la société des ombres ?