
三國志 (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru), Records of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sangokushi (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru), The Records of the Three King
A manga adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Êtes-vous sûr que personne ne s’invite chez vous pendant votre absence ? Ne vous est-il jamais arrivé, en regagnant votre domicile à la fin de la journée, de remarquer d’infimes changements ? Un coussin qui aurait légèrement changé de place sur le canapé, une bouteille de jus de fruits un peu moins remplie que lorsque vous l’avez rangée dans le réfrigérateur le matin, une bouteille de shampoing que vous étiez persuadé d’avoir refermée mais que vous trouvez ouverte ? Vous vous êtes fait la remarque, puis vous êtes passé à autre chose, car après tout, c’est très probablement votre mémoire qui vous joue des tours, quoi d’autre…Pour Yoko, c’est la réalité. Ordinaire à premier vue, cette jeune fille de 21 ans s’est évaporée pour échapper à sa vie « d’avant ». Nous ne la voyons pas, mais elle est là, juste sous nos yeux : elle vit chez nous pendant notre absence, allant d’un appartement à un autre selon ses besoins et ses envies.Si cette nouvelle existence se déroule dans l’insouciance et l’enthousiasme, Yoko déchante rapidement. Elle se croit seule dans son cas, elle va découvrir toute une société parallèle où la violence est omniprésente. Immigrés clandestins, criminels en cavale ou simples citoyens ayant tourné le dos à la société pour des raisons plus ou moins avouables, les sangsues se disputent nos domiciles, qu’elles appellent des nids, s’affrontent dans de sanglantes guerres de territoire et se livrent à des vendettas qui tournent volontiers au massacre.
さんじんさどう -  散人左道
Fubuki, a man with silver hair and black eyebrows, is somewhat of an expert at taking care of people's monster problems, for a price of course. Yoru is a strange orphan girl who runs across one of his fights with a demon cat and insists on becoming his student. The two of them make an amazing team, whether they're fighting monsters or (as happens more often than Yoru would like) running from them!
三角 オペラ
Sadaki Kaoru, an earnest Literature professor who comes from a prestigious academy, hides in his heart the one-sided feelings he has for someone. One day, thanks to drawing the attention of the school troublemaker ‘Shou, the informant’ his secret is revealed. In exchange for Shou’s silence, he’ll have no choice but to have sex ‘till the point of exhaustion. The day-to-day of being raped by a young student begins!


Furuya est obsédé par les zombies. Il collectionne tout ce qui a un rapport avec les morts-vivants (figurines, jeux vidéo, films...), et est même intéressé par les filles zombies. A la mort de son chat, il essaya de le ressusciter grâce à un ancien livre. Pendant, une de ses expériences, il fit la rencontre de Sanka Rea, la fille du directeur de l'école pour filles. Cette dernière désire plus que tout renaître sous les traits d'une autre personne...
Sabbat of the Witch -  Sabbath of the Witch -  Son of a Witch -  Sonova Witch -  Sonovawitch -  サノバウィッチ
One day, high schooler Hoshina Shuuji, who can sense peoples' feelings through his ordinary five senses, accidentally sees the popular Ayachi Nene masturbating in the school library. Nene is a member of the Occult Club, and commonly offers her classmates advice through fortune-telling. When Shuuji goes to apologize to her, he learns two things: the Occult Club is going to be closed due to lack of members, and Nene is actually a witch that is collecting 'soul fragments' that come from strong emotions. After he accidentally absorbs her collection of soul fragments, he decides to join her club, help her collect more, and try to find a way to give back the ones he took.
三四郎2 -  铁拳娃娃 -  Sanshirou no Jijou -  Sanshirou no Jijyou -  Sanshirou2
Sugata Sanshirou has been studying martial arts in the wilderness, becoming strong and fast. When Sanshirou’s grandfather tells of a promise made long ago to a family friend he tells Sanshirou it is time to go to the city and meet the girl Sanshirou is engaged to. It’s a shock, but Sanshirou goes to the city. Toyotomi Sanshirou is a young man with some fighting experience in the city, and some training thanks to his grandfather’s doujo, but he’s not really into it – although he won’t back down from a fight or from defending his family’s honor. He comes home one day to find his sister Mifumi arguing with his grandfather about an arranged marraige to a boy with the same name as him. He believes this is his way out of being the top fighter in the doujo and he welcomes the pending arrival of this new Sanshirou as his ticket out of there. Okay, two problems (and you knew that they would be there). One, Sugata Sanshirou is a girl, and two, she’s determined and honor bound to become the wife of the only son at the Doujou – namely, Toyotomi Sanshirou. Oh, and one more thing – she’s stronger than everyone else at the Doujou combined. Perhaps stronger than everyone in the city combined…
山椒は小粒で -  Sansho wa Kotsubu de -  Sansho wa Kotsubude
Yayuka a toujours passé ses Noël seule... Le jour arrivant, elle décide de mouvementer sa journée et faisant appel à la compagnie "Père Noël en livraison" et s'attend à recevoir un gentil et vieux père noël...Mais bien entendu, rien ne se passe comme prévu lorsque à du vieux père noël et sa fidèle barbe blanche, arrive un Hôte plus que sexy...
サンタだった神谷君; Kamiya-kun -  autrefois Père Noël
Attristé de n'offrir que des jouets qui dépriment les enfants au lieu de leur donner le sourire, le Père Noël Kamiya démissionne et choisit de venir vivre sur Terre en tant qu'humain.
Good boys and girls make Santa come.
サファイア リボンの騎士 -  サファイアリボンの騎士 -  Sapphire: Princess Knight -  Sapphire: Ribbon Knight
Description [Edit] summary by Divine Sanctuary Sapphire was supposed to be a tomboyish junior high school girl who's not interested in boys, but it all changed on her 14th birthday. Not only did she find out that she's princess Sapphire, the Ribbon Knight, but she also has to protect a country called Silver Land!? Based on the original work by Tezuka Osamu. Rad thia manga from right to left
さらフてわたしのナイト -  含骑士王子 -  春之物语 -  紫花情梦番外篇 -  ลักพาฉันไปสิ! ที่รัก -  騎士王子 -  Take Me Away -  My Dear Knight
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Saratte Watashi No Knight,- 02 - Honoka Ni Purple - Extra Story,- 03 - Wedding to Yuu,- 04 - Haruru Yoruru.
The Sand Prison's Captive -  砂牢の虜囚
A collection of oneshots some which are related with a final chapter linking all the dashing guys together.1) Prisoner of the DesertBusinessman lackey Hibiki thought his one night stand with Prince Zyad in Japan would be the last time he would see the handsome sheik. But when he visits Zyad's country and is falsely imprisoned as a spy, there's only one man he can turn to.2) Embraced by GuiltinessWhen there's a press leak at the ministry, everyone falls under suspicion. When ladies man Yura discovers Shirase's lover is a man and a member of the press he decides to use the information to get Shirase into bed. But Shirase still has a much more damaging secret...3) The Long NightPoliceman Kayano is investigating the spy in the ministry. His no. one suspect: ex-college friend and current lover Takashina. Can there be a relationship without trust? What is Takashina hiding?4) EscortWith frequent violent attacks on his person, analyst Asami Shinobu is assigned a 24 hour bodyguard to keep him safe. Unfortunatly his bodyguard is a former one night stand named Saeki Yuuji. With Saeki in his personal space at all times, Asami's feelings are getting more tangled up.5) Suite LoveHotel attendant Kuga is assigned to serve Japanese-American businessman Touno. But this isn't the first time they've met, they have a past together as college students in America that Touno isn't about to let Kuga forget about.6) The Morning SceneEach couple is observed at 6 a.m. from Kayano and Takashina in Tokyo, to Kuga and Touno in Los Angeles.
I am Sarutobi! -  Ore wa Sarutobi da! -  おれは猿飛だ!
Sasaki And Miyano
Miyano est un lycéen avec un secret, c'est un fan de BL. Il est passionné par son hobby mais ne le partage pas facilement avec les autres, jusqu'à ce qu'une rencontre fortuite avec un sempai bizarre nommé Sasaki apporte une nouvelle amitié. Sasaki ne sait pas ce qu'est un "seme" ou un "uke", ni pourquoi il devrait s'inquiéter quand Miyano menace de dessiner des doujinshi avec lui, mais il est impatient de découvrir le passe-temps de son nouvel ami mignon !
Sasaki-kun ga Juudan Tometa -  Sasaki-kun Has Stopped the Bullet -  佐々木くんが銃弾止めた
Pour Sasaki, son professeur Kawaguchi est un Dieu. Elle lui a appris à ne pas avoir honte de ses propres rêves et l'a fait se sentir pleinement capable d'aller de l'avant et de les réaliser, quelles que soient les chances de réussite. Pourtant, un jour, des problèmes du passé de Kawaguchi la suivent dans la classe. Alors que son dieu risque d'être totalement humilié, Sasaki entreprend de protéger son professeur en se servant de ses propres enseignements : se battre pour l'impossible.
ササクレ・メモリアル -  Barbed Memories -  Sasakure Memoriaru
Yajima Shigeru realized himself falling for straight boys and has repeated one-night stand to flee from his failing love. This time, his bad decision force him to kiss his current love who is a married junior from his work place! The train conductor happened to see the drunken Yajima planting a kiss on his junior. After being denied by his junior, he's picked up by the conductor, Mita Yuusuke, who claims that that he fell in love at first sight?!
ササメケ, 好想踢波
Rakuichi was a better soccer player than anyone when he was in elementary school. But after 3 unsuccessful years in Italy, he returns home in defeat. Upon arrival he's confronted by a host of different characters; his cousin Biwako, who is now a teacher despite her uncontrollable personality; his childhood friend Inae who is cute and nice, but who turns into a crazed stalker when it comes to cool, attractive guys; Touzan who is cool, mysterious and seems to be good at everything; and Maiko, who is incredibly beautiful, but turns violent on the slightest whim. Great artwork, hilarious comedy and a unique style are the hallmarks of this manga. 
ささめきこと, 心語心願, Sasamekikoto (French), Whispered Words
This manga is about two best friends - Sumika Murasame and Ushio Kazama. Sumika is constantly and painfully beat over the head with Ushios love of -cute- girls. -Uncute-, athletic and sarcastic Sumika is in love with Ushio, however, the latter oblivious to it no matter what the former does - and outright stating that Sumika is not her type. When they spy a couple of girls in their class realize their feelings and form a club just for girls who like girls, things begin to seem like they are improving...
I love you like whispering -  Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau -  Whisper Me a Love Song -  Whispering Love Song -  Whispering You a Love Song -  ささやくように恋を唄う - 
Himari, une lycéenne de première année pleine d'énergie et pleine d'entrain, tombe follement amoureuse de son senpai Yori après avoir entendu son groupe se produire le premier jour de l'école. Himari dit à Yori qu'elle l'aime et, à la surprise d'Himari, Yori lui répond qu'elle l'aime en retour ! Mais quand Himari réalise qu'elle et son senpai ressentent deux sortes d'amour différentes, elle commence à se demander ce que "amour" veut vraiment dire...
A Demotion Isn't That Bad; 左遷も悪くない
Ulises est un brillant mais inflexible soldat. Rejeté par ses supérieurs et rétrogradé à un poste dans une zone rurale il rencontre sa nouvelle épouse : Lea. La punition qui aurais dut être une chose terrible ce transforme en une bénédiction où Lea et sa famille inculque l’amour d’un foyer à Ulises. La vie quotidienne apaisante d’un militaire et de sa jeune épouse maladroite.
Rintarou is deeply judgmental of women, and hates that his dad has been cheating on his mom with a female neighbor. He does not want to be like his dad, and his thoughts are full of gendered sexual slurs towards his female classmates. The only exception is the most modest girl in his class, Yatsugi Azusa. A mosquito-borne disease seems to be spreading around among the women in his city, whose symptoms are fever and extreme sexual aggressiveness. Will he and Azusa make it through the epidemic?
サーシャちゃんとクラスメイトオタクくん -  Саша и её одноклассник Отаку -  Sasha and Her Otaku Classmate -  Sasha-chan to Classmate Otaku-kun
サーシャちゃんとクラスメイトオタクくん -  Саша и её одноклассник Отаку -  Sasha and Her Otaku Classmate (Pre-Serialization) -  Sasha-chan to Classmate Otaku-kun -  Sasha et son camarade Otaku
さすがの猿飛 -  Amazing Sarutobi -  Clever Sarutobi -  L'Académie des Ninjas -  The Academy of Ninjas
Nikumaru, meaning "meatball" in Japanese, is a seventeen-year-old student at Ninja High School, a special school for the training of ninja. He is short and chubby, but he possesses a super technique known as the "kamikaze", where he stirs up a whirlwind with his feet. The series introduces his many adventures and pranks as Nikumaru meets with his rivals both in and out of school.
さすらいエマノン, Emanon's Wanderings, Sasurai Emanon 2
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