
「ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン」 足立透 コミックアンソロジー
A manga anthology released by ASCII Media Works about the popular Atlus game Persona 4. Includes stories by 16 authors including Tooyama Ema and Kasukabe Akira.

Persona 5

ペルソナ 5
Après avoir été accusé à tort d'une agression, Akira Kurusu se voit contraint de changer d'établissement scolaire, et déménage à Tokyo. Au lycée Shûjin, son nouvel établissement, les autres élèves l'évitent. Il rencontre ainsi Ryuji Sakamoto, autre marginal du lycée.Tandis que tous deux s'égarent pour aller en cours, un matin, ils atterrissent dans une dimension parallèle où le lycée a pris l'apparence d'un château, dirigé par le tyran professeur Kamoshida, leur professeur de sport dans le monde réel. Guidés par Morgana, un étrange chat doué de parole, Akira et Ryuji découvrent que ce monde parallèle abritent les "Palaces", des lieux crées par les désirs pervertis des individus les plus corrompus. Dans ce lieu, ceux qui crient leur insoumission au monde peuvent invoquer leurs Personae, des double psychiques nés de l'inconscient. Et en dérobant les trésors enfouis au fond des Palaces, il est possible de changer le cœur d'un individu...Ainsi, Akira, Ryuji et Morgana forment les Phantom Thieves, un groupe voué à soigner les maux de la société.
ペルソナ5 メメントスミッション
Ren Amamiya est sur le point d'entrer dans sa deuxième année après son transfert à l'Académie Shujin à Tokyo. Après un incident particulier, son Persona s'éveille, et avec ses amis ils forment les "Voleurs fantômes" pour réformer les cœurs des adultes corrompus en volant la source de leurs désirs déformés. Pendant ce temps, des crimes bizarres et inexplicables surgissent les uns après les autres...
ペルソナQ シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス Side:P3
L'histoire suit les personnages de Persona 3 dans Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth où le héros de P3 est aspiré au lycée Yasogami avec ses amis pendant le festival culturel. Ils y rencontrent Zen et Rei, deux étudiants qui semblent avoir perdu leurs souvenirs.
Persona Q - Shadow of the Labyrinth - Side:P4 -  Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - Side:P4
ペルソナ 罪と罰, Persona - Tsumi to Batsu, Persona: Crime & Punishment, Persona: Sin & Divine Punishment, Persona: Tsumi to Batsu
Kazumi thought he was good friends with a boy he had known for ten years, Rihito. One day, while they were out in town together looking for a shop selling masks for their school's masquerade ball, Rihito suddenly disappears. Kazumi drops out of school and starts looking for him, and will soon set foot in a totally new world.
"In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft werden die Städte von staatlich gelenkten Jugendbanden beherrscht. Wer keiner Gang angehört, ist als gesellschaftlicher Außenseiter gebrandmarkt. Der stille und geheimnisvolle Julian ist so ein Außenseiter, ebenso wie die hübsche Anna. Als Julian eines Tages Anna vor einer Abreibung durch eine der Gangs bewahrt, nimmt der Ärger seinen Lauf..."In a not too distant future, cities are controlled by government guided youth gangs. Those who are not in a gang are marked as outsiders. The silent and mysterious Julian is one of these outsiders, as well as the beautiful Anna. After Julian saved Anna from a beating at the hands of a gang, the story starts...
In the year 3333, everyone wears personants, technologically advanced masks, to maintain equality and peace, because they eliminate the "differences" in people that lead to discrimination and conflict. It has been 100 years since the government implemented this "personant system," so society has adapted. Yet one man exists as the only one in the world without a personant: the wanted criminal Damore!
Mizuki a préféré entrer dans la vie active plutôt que de demander à sa famille adoptive de lui payer l'université. Mais quand l'entreprise qui l'embauchait fait faillite, Mizuki n'a pas d'autres choix que de se tourner vers son grand frère pour l'aider. Sauf que son grand-frère vit dans un dortoir pour hommes célibataires ! !! Et que le colocataire du frangin ne semble pas très coopératif...
ペットショップ オブ ホラーズ, 恐怖宠物店, 恐怖寵物店, Petshop of Horrors
A smoke-filled alley in Chinatown harbors Count D's Pet Shop. The pets sold here aren't your everyday variety and the Count prides himself on selling Love and Dreams in the form of magical creatures that come with an exclusive contract. But buyers beware. If the contract is broken the Count cannot be held accountable for whatever may happen. A fascinating and macabre look into the very soul of human nature.
Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time -  Peter Grill and the Sage Time -  Time Of Peter Grill and The Sage -  Питер Грилл и время мудреца -  ピーター・グリルと賢者の時間 -  피터 그릴과 현자의 시간
Peter Grill is known throughout the land as the world's strongest fighter. He has a girlfriend who he's steadily trying to get closer with. Life is good for him. Until he realizes that dozens of women, who want to bear strong children, are all vying for his seed.[hr]
ピーターパン・症候群, 彼得潘症候群, Peter Pan Syndrome
Twelve-year-old junior high school girl Hasumi Kohaku moved into town in search of her mother. She is gifted with ESP and the ability to fly-- well, only when the sun is down. Otherwise the sun could make her power fade away. Kohaku soon uses her powers in front of her classmates, in order to save her friend Yuuro from falling out a window... but during the day!
쁘띠 아도니스
Iana Roberstein's new 4-cut adventure finally begins! Follow chibi Ianna's fun, mini journey as she makes slightly different choices along the way! Ianna, Arhad, Aelji, Herace, Taro... and even Lebony transform into small, cute chibis. Check out Petit Adonis' new story!
プチ フルール -  プチ・フルール -  プチ・フルール (フラワーコミックス)
Google Translate: I'm curious about the small heart flower, Katagiri-kun, who is tall and mature, who I often meet on the train. I want to make some progress during the summer vacation, but in reality, they are misunderstanding each other ...?A collection of gems filled with warm and gentle "love" drawn by a master of Ubukan!
Quick Plot Summary: A Japanese horror manga created by Matsuri Akino. The series focuses on the eccentric Count D, proprietor of a mysterious pet shop located in the heart of Chinatown, and the numerous patrons who visit his shop. Details: Count D is the mysterious caretaker of an exotic pet shop in Chinatown. Each pet purchased from the shop comes with a contract with three major points. These points differ for each animal sold, and breaking this contract usually results in dire (and sometimes disturbing) consequences for the buyer, for which the pet shop claims no liability. Individual chapters of Pet Shop of Horrors are often based on these consequences, and are each written as a stand-alone story, usually introducing one or more new characters in each chapter. With the exception of the main characters and their families, it is rare for a character to carry over to a later chapter, providing the series with a very episodic nature. The detective Leon Orcot is used to tie the chapters together into an ongoing plot, usually in the form of a subplot within each chapter. Initially he suspects Count D of malicious criminal activity and using the pet shop as a front for drug trafficking. As the series progresses, he learns more about the pet shop and Count D himself, entering into a strange friendship of sorts with the Count as he works to uncover the truth. A sequel is in the works to by released in the USA by Febuary 2008. TOKYOPOP has acquired the rights to this sequel and will call it "Pet Shop of Horrors – Tokyo"
Pet Shop of Horrors - Ark Adrift -  Pet Shop of Horrors - Hyouhaku no Hakobune-hen -  Pet Shop of Horrors - The Wandering Ark -  Petshop of Horrors 漂泊の箱舟編
Papa D is one of a mysterious species that never ages; this is his story, as he lives through time in search of a specialised piece of DNA, enclosed in amber, which will be used to fulfil his goals and ambitions. A prequel to "Petshop of Horrors" starring Papa D.
A prequel to "Petshop of Horrors" about Sofu D.


Adar est un jeune esclave en fuite qui veut rejoindre le sud en embarquant sur un bateau. Sans argent et désespéré, il accepte de monter à bord d'un navire en tant que "yeaorang", un prostitué pour marins.Il fait alors la connaissance de Claude Weil, le capitaine qui semble le prendre en grippe.Comment va se passer la traversée ?Cette histoire est une adaptation d'un roman du même nom.
ファントムブレイブ イヴォワール物語 -  Phantom Brave Ivoire Monogatari -  Phantom Brave Ivoire Story -  Phantom Brave Ivowaru Monogatari
Official manga adaptation of Phantom Brave, by Dowman Sayman.
幻影夢想 (TAKAYA Natsuki), Gen'ei Musou, Geneimuso, Phantom Dream
Tamaki Otoya is the last in a line of ancient summoners tasked to battle evil forces that threaten mankind. Burdened by his duty as a summoner, Tamaki has always found strength from his childhood friend, Asahi, with whom he has a deep, emotional bond. So when Asahi's friend is found out to be possessed by a demon, he awakens--as the one destined to exorcise demons out of tortured human souls.
A male concubine climbs his way up in the imperial harem of Phantom Paradise, hiding an ulterior motive.
Bakemono no Yawazukushi -  ばけもの夜話づくし
"Your secret now belongs to me."Welcome to Murakumo Inn, a curious establishment that opens its doors to the troubled masses, human or otherwise. But to pay for the stay, the equally curious innkeeper takes payment only in the form of one's deepest secrets...Who will come calling today?
砂与海之歌 -  Sand and Song of the Seas
Elle ne peut pas parler de l'amour qu'elle éprouve pour son frère parce qu'il aime déjà quelqu'un d'autre. Dans le désespoir, elle est entraînée dans l'Égypte ancienne par un bracelet en forme de serpent qui est gravé avec un serment d'amour de trois mille ans. La, elle rencontre l'héritier du pharaon, un homme aimant faire la fête .........
Aboard the luxury liner Phase 20, a girl named Ran finds herself and the rest of the crew taken hostage by the illusive and nefarious "20 Faces."
Un androïde domestique a été infecté par un virus de phéromone excessif ! Sera-t-il capable de réaliser son rêve de devenir un androïde amoureux ?!


La rencontre entre deux beautés froides - l'ambitieuse Ai et l'impulsive Tomo - et la relation complexe qui s'épanouit entre elles.
フェティッシュ (HINO Garasu) -  只为你痴狂 -  Beautiful Days (HINO Garasu) -  One My Star -  Fetish (HINO Garasu)
From Blissful Sin • Beautiful Days Reo is an average, hardworking salary-man. He shares an apartment with his boyfriend, Shinri, whose life couldn't be more different than his own. Reo is sick of Shinri's attitude. He is a lazy, demanding man who speaks of little but the filth of the world and the importance of beauty. When two men on different paths find themselves in a relationship which is more straining than nurturing, can it last? • Photograph The story begins where we left Reo and Shinri from Beautiful Days - each deeply absorbed by their contradictive relationship. Shinri's strong attachment to Reo is unveiled, but is it too late to save their troubled love? * Fetish * One My Star * Torawarebito
フォトン, Photon: The Idiot Adventures
Guy with a 70-word vocabulary doodles on sleeping Naked Chick in a fit of sheer immaturity, Naked Chick wakes up and attacks Guy, Guy accidentally marries Naked Chick, and then the two gang up with Noisy Girl while trying to avoid Perverted Villain and his moronic minions. Meanwhile, Perverted Villain's fiancée, Naïve Princess, disobeys her father's word and goes off in search for her love.Got all that, or should I run it by you again?