
Animal Road Rise Up! -  Animal Trail -  Different world pet shop life begins! -  Kemono Michi (AKATSUKI Natsume) -  Дорога зверя -  けものみち -  兽道
Pro-wrestler Shibata Genzo who's maniac pet animals suddenly was summoned to a different world. Genzo was asked by the princess to get rid of the evil beasts called monsters roaming in this world. Outraged that he was asked to kill monsters, he german suplexed the princess. Unable to get back to earth, he decided to live a slow peaceful life in this world. This is a story about an eccentric Japanese man who was a former pro wrestler and manages a "Monster Pet" shop. From the same author of [url=]Konosuba[/url] and [url=]Combatants Will Be Dispatched![/url]
獣の奏者, Kemono no Sōja, Kemono no Sou-ja, Kemono no Soujya, Kemono no Sousha, The Beast Player
Centered around a girl who can control the greatest of beasts as if she was playing a musical instrument. However, she gets embroiled in a war for supremacy between kingdoms.

Kemono Switch

ケモノスイッチ -  野兽开关 -  Beast Switch
Elle, c'est Aira, jeune lycéenne naïve et gentille vivant seule avec son père depuis que sa mère est décédée. Lui, c'est Kojika, jeune lycéen au tempérament brumeux qui vient tout juste de perdre sa mère et se retrouve seul. Faites en sorte de les obliger à se rencontrer, comme par exemple, le père d'Aira va prendre sous son aile (et son toit, hein ? sinon, on ne serait pas dans un shojo) ce jeune homme asocial, corsez le tout en lui donnant deux personnalités dont l'une d'elle va le rendre particulièrement entreprenant et pervers, et vous avez un shojo parfait où palpitations cardiaques, jeune fille naïve aux prises avec un loup et dark bisho se mêlent !
Smooth over his hurt feeling -  獣は愛で、癒される。
Vol.6 in Kemono Series As the son of the huge enterprise, Kazuki had always been starving for real affection and the appearance of Saijou Chiharu redeemed him from that miserable life. However, one day a suspicious document came saying that Chiharu had the plan to take over the whole group. Because of that document, Chiharu's unknown past was exposed...!?Introduces also Saiki Jun and Jin Kyoutaro.
獣は花の夢を見るか -  野獸的溫柔 -  Do Beasts Dream Of Flowers? -  Does A Beast Dream Of A Flower? -  Does The Beast Look At The Dream Of A Flower? -  Kemono Wa Hana No
Le jour où le père d'Hana à force d'abuser d'elle, la force à partir, elle est sauvée par Takaya. Celui-ci est le gigolo le plus populaire de son club d'hôtes. Hana se sent très vite attirée par lui, mais elle se demande si elle pourra être heureuse avec un homme, qui est payé pour sortir avec des femmes. Et qui plus est, elle ne sait même pas si elle compte pour lui.
妖獸之夜 -  獣たちの夜 -  Night of the Beasts
From Go! Comi: High school tough girl Aria is notorious for taking on her school’s worst bullies. But punching out jerks is nothing compared to what happens when she finds herself inexplicably drawn to the demonically possessed Sakura, a guy who would as readily rip apart his own parents as seek her healing embrace. Sakura says Aria has the power to save him, but will she be able – or even willing to?
けんえん。 -  Kenen
Sommés par un esprit maléfique de sacrifier une jeune fille à la divinité du temple local, des villageois font appel à Hayate, un chasseur de démons. À leur grande surprise, ce dernier n’est autre qu’un superbe chien blanc, doté de grands pouvoirs. Grâce à son aide, ils ne tardent pas à découvrir que la créature à l’origine de leurs ennuis n’est autre que le kakuen Mashira, un être mi-homme mi-singe, ayant pour habitude d’enlever des humaines. Ce dernier, peu déstabilisé par sa rencontre avec le chien, décide de l’adopter... Ainsi commencent les relations tumultueuses, "comme chien et singe", de ces deux êtres surnaturels au gré des saisons du Japon légendaire !
Meguro Mito est une jeune fille qui aime les jeux vidéos où l’on rencontre le prince charmant mais elle ne l’a pas encore trouvé dans la vraie vie et désespère de tomber un jour amoureuse. A cause de son physique peu attirant, elle est victime de brimades mais un jour un garçon va venir l’aider et Meguro décide enfin de faire changer les choses…

Kengan Ashura

Kengan Asura
Manga dans lequel on va suivre les combats de Kazuo Yamashita et Uma Tokitaô, deux hommes qui possède du talent pour la baston.

Kengan Omega

Kengan Ashura 2
Deux ans après le dernier tournoi Kengan (tournois de Baston Underground et illégaux), nous suivons le parcours d'un jeune talentueux pratiquant d'arts martiaux, Koga Narushima, qui a envie de se tester et qui va vouloir participer à ces tournois voir jusqu'où il pourra aller...
Она представилась как ученик мудреца -  She Professed Herself the Pupil of the Wise Man -  賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者
Dans l'un des mondes qui existent dans la réalité virtuelle, Kagami détenait le titre d'un des Neuf Sages, une position qui le plaçait au sommet des magiciens. Un jour, il s'est endormi en jeu après une nuit blanche. Quand il a ouvert les yeux, il a découvert un monde différent de celui d'avant... Plus important que tout, c'est que le corps grizzli et digne de l'ancien combattant auquel il était habitué s'était maintenant transformé en celui d'une innocente petite fille. Si sa véritable identité était divulguée, honnêtement, il était très possible que l'image solennelle qu'il s'était construite jusqu'à présent soit détruite. Et pour faire face à ce problème, l'excuse qu'il a trouvée était...

kenja no mago

賢者の孫; 賢者之孫; 현자의 손자; Magi's Grandson
Un jeune homme qui est mort dans un accident s'est réincarné dans un autre monde dans la peau d'un bébé ! Après cela, il a été recueilli et élevé par le héros national "le Sage Merlin Walford" ("le magi Merlin Walford") qui l'a nommé Shin . Il a été élevé comme un petit-fils par merlin et a absorbé les enseignements de merlin ainsi gagnant un énorme pouvoir. Cependant, hoqué cependant à ses 15 ans, Merlin se rendit compte il avait oublié de lui enseigner le bon sens.
Kenji is a manga about a Japanese teenager named Kenji, who practices the martial art Bajiquan, and his encounters with other martial artists, some of which are from real life, e.g. Adam Hsu and Liu Chia-Liang. This series primarily features Baji Quan, but also gets into Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Bagua Zhang, Chen Taiji Quan, Pi Quan, Xingyi Quan, Xin Yi Liu He Quan, Shaolin Quan, Hung Ga, Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu, Shotokan Karate and numerous other styles. Kenji`s nemesis is a gangster named Tony Tan who practices Hung Gar and later Xinyiliuhequan.
Angel Gunfighter, 拳銃天使
The rogue cop Ham Egg is plotting to take over a small town on the border region between New Mexico and Arizona. Only one thing stands in his way: a Native American sharpshooter known as "Monster". Aiding Monster are two other young sharpshooters, Anna and Jim, who combat Ham Egg and his gang to end corruption and liberate the town.Cover image shown is from the edition published 1993.
喧嘩商売, 斗阵小子, Fight Shop
Satoh Jubei, a pervert and fighting expert, has moved to a new home again started off his ridiculous school life with other interesting people. The first one he met was a girl called Ayako, who has unrealistic expectations in Tokyo life. They had some extra-ordinarily close body contact. The series is full of ridiculous and perverted ideas. It also features some combat skills, traditional Judo vs open fighting.
Mes salutations à Kenshirô -  Give My Regards to Kenshirou -  Regards to Kenshirou -  Send My Regards to Kenshiro -  ケンシロウによろしく -  穴界风云
Cette histoire " d'amour, de vengeance et d'un soupçon d'euphorie " est celle d'un jeune homme qui jure de se venger des yakuzas. Il étudie l'art du " Hokuto Shinken " avec assiduité jusqu'à devenir adulte. Mais l'homme qui est un génie des arts martiaux réalise que ses techniques ne peuvent pas réellement être utilisées pour tuer.
拳闘暗黒伝セスタス -  Cestus -  Cestus - The Legend of Boxing in the Dark Ages -  Cestvs
健全ロボ ダイミダラー -  Daimidaier Prince v.s. Penguin Empire -  Daimidaler - The Sound Robot -  Healthy Robot Daimidaier -  Kenzen Robo Daimidaraa
A high school boy named Kōichi Madanbashi who has Hi-ERo particles, the power source to operate the robotic weapon Daimidaler. With the help of Kyōko Sonan from the mysterious Prince Beauty Parlor organization, he stands up against the Penguin Empire that troubles humanity.
Kiyomiya-kun is too cleanliness boy -  潔癖すぎるよ 清宮くん
犬狼伝説, Kerberos Panzer Cop
Years after the country defeat and occupation period, Japan is still recovering. Although they are on the road back to mass industrialization and prosperity, strong handed economic and political policies have turned many areas into dilapidated slums. Anarchists and anti-government student protesters have taken up arms, stirring up violent social revolution riots. In order to combat this growing threat, the Japanese government has nationalized a division of the police, creating the Capital Police Organization (CAPO). The CAPO consists of hard-trained panzer troopers carrying heavy firearms and wearing special armor suits called Protect Gear, this specialized unit is feared by anti-government groups, criminals and civilians alike.
Sergeant Keroro is the Captain of the Space Invasion Forces Special Advance Team of the 58th Planet of the Gamma Storm Cloud System, sent to the planet Pokopen (aka Earth) to collect intelligence for his planet's invasion force. He is also a frog. After his ship crash-lands in the planet earth, he takes shelter in the Hinata household, but the two kids, Fuyuki and Natsume, find him and take away his alien weapons. When his people discover that the Pokopenians are aware of him, Keroro is abandoned - left to fend for himself in this hostile world. But he's not alone - four other pre-invasion agents were are also lurking on Earth.In 2005 Sgt. Frog received the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga.
Meiou Hades
*Also included is a short story called Meiou Hades published in volume 1 of this manga: Amano Yuuichirou was hit by a car, and when he next opened his eyes he found himself in a dark world full of monsters. The only living thing there seems to be a miraculous young man with snow-white hair and jet-black eyes. A short story published in "Key Jack" Vol.01 by the same mangaka... - From Storm in Heaven
That girl becomes a tree
Kisaki a une maladie mystérieuse depuis son enfance qui la transforme en mi-arbre, mi-humaine.
牙の旅商人, 牙之旅商人, Kiba no Tabiakindo, Kiba no Tabiakindo - The Arms Peddler, Kiba no Tabishounin, Kiba no Tabishounin ~The Arms Peddler~
The world has become a desolate, lawless land where bandits roam free, innocent people suffer, and demons lurk around every corner. Souna Yuuki is traveling with his family when they are attacked by bandits. His entire family is murdered, and he is left with a snake mark on his hand. As he is about to die, a women comes up to him and gives him an option: continue to live in this harsh environment or die peacefully now. Yuuki chooses life and Garami, the woman, gives him a second chance at life in exchange for his servitude. Garami is a weapons merchant and a gun for hire that travels from town to town for clients. Yuuki sees how brutal and unforgiving this world can truly be.
鬼畜眼鏡 克哉×御堂編 -  鬼畜眼鏡 御堂×克哉編 -  鬼畜眼鏡 本多×克哉編 -  Brutal Glasses -  Brute Glasses -  Kichiku Megane - Honda x Katsuya Hen -  Kichiku Megane - Midou x Katsuya Hen
from Blissful Sin: Whatever he does, it always backfires, a salaryman who always fails, Saeki Katsuya. Facing restructing, a guy appeared before him when he wanted to give up. “From the moment you put these on, your life will alter drastically.” The glasses which were handed to him, seemed to be a forbidden item that will change its wearer into a dominant brute... Having obtained the glasses and on the road to being a beast, will Katsuya obtain real love?
Akagi Taichi is high school troublemaker who transfers to a new school. He enjoys Martial Arts, and he decides to visit the new dojo. What he doesn't know is that the school has a ghost story: if you look at the picture of the dojo's founder, Chiba Shunsuke, he moves. But not only does Chiba move, he inhabits Akagi's body!
Acting tough is the last thing that hell-raising street thugs must worry about when suddenly an orphaned baby lands in their care.
機動旅団八福神, Mechanized Infantries 8 Fukujin, Mechanized Infantry Eight Gods of Fortune, MI-8 Fukujin
Follows new recruits in the army of Japan, in a war torn future. An eccentric girl, a pacifistic guy, an advanced suit of armor impervious to all weapons figure in a story about war, violence, and militaristic subservience.