
UA Démon/AngeCouple : US x UK
Spain gets turned into his younger self by drunken England and Romano tries to make him turn back to normal.
ヘタメン, Heta Men, Hetare Men
Satoko has had enough – she’s not going to be a slave to her family and friends anymore! Determined, she leaves her house and demands her friend set up a couple’s mixer for her. But she still can’t break her habit of wanting to help everyone around her! Maybe meeting the clumsy, disheveled genius scientist Shinguuji will change her mind…or will it be the handsome and respectful Kenji?
ヘタレ女神, ヘタレ女神(ヴィーナス), 害羞维纳斯, Elevator That Takes You Into Darkness, My Venus Lady, Yami e Hakobu Elevator
Her classmates were always intimidated by her height, hence she received the nickname of "Big Sister" for sixteen years. But this is far from the truth! She not only is a coward who doesn't dare to say what's on her mind, she's also super scared of horror movies! Like every girl in love, for the sake of the guy she likes, she volunteered to be on the committee of the school's cultural festival.Unfortunately, her class then chose "haunted house" as their theme; how will she get through this now?Contents:• Hetare Venus• 1 Day, 1 kiss• Tsuki ni Todokutou • Yami e Hakobu Elevator -"There's something coming from the other side of the darkness..."A teenage girl is recommended by her friend to take the test of courage at an unused hospital, but something sinister is going on there...• Watashi no Sweet Love Taiken
Heterogeneous Linguistics ~Introduction to heterogeneous linguistics ~ -  Heterogenia Linguistico ~Ishuzoku Gengogaku Nyuumon~ -  Heterogenia Linguistico: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics -  Heterogenia Linguistics -  Гетерогенная Лингвистика -  ヘテロゲニア リ
A linguist travels among the world of monsters, learning how each species communicates.
ヘウレーカ, 神鬼攻略, Eureka, Heureeka
Heureka is a manga set in antiquity, during the Second Punic War between the small city state of Syracuse and the Roman Empire. The comic is based around the life and times of the famous mathematician Archimedes.Archimedes was not only a gifted mathematician but also an engineer of repute. During the conflict with the Romans, Archimedes was supposedly responsible for creating a number of war machines that devastated the Roman legions before they eventually got the upper hand. The exact nature and use of these devices is controversial, and exists more in the realm of legend than actual historical fact.

Hey, Handsome

醫美奇雞 -  미남이시네요
Park Young-hoon est un chirurgien plastique que ses patients évitent à cause de son apparence laide. Après avoir eu le cœur brisé par la femme pour laquelle il avait le béguin, il décide de changer de vie en se faisant opérer du corps entier.Après l'opération, Young-hoon est devenu très beau et les femmes de son entourage ont commencé à s'intéresser à lui.Docteur Park... . Est-ce que je peux aussi devenir plus beau ?
이봐요, 아기 공작님 누나만 믿어!
日が暮れても歩いてる -  陪我走到日落
All her life Hajime, Ishii is called "crybaby Hajime" but in the spring of her 15 year of life she fell in love with her classmate, Uehara. She promised never to cry again after hearing Uehara say "girls like to cry" and asked him out. Can she not be a crybaby anymore? Will their relationship last? *oneshot
日出処の天子, Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun, Heaven's Son in the Land of the Rising Sun, Hi Izuru Tokorono Tenshi, The Son of Heaven, The Son of Hea
This is one of the most well-known titles by Yamagishi Ryouko. It shocked the public immensely when first published, because the story depicted how the legendary regent of Japan, Prince Shoutoku - who also supported the spread of the new religion; Buddhism - fell in love with a man, suffering because of it, and acting on his unrequited love. This is no ordinary shounen-ai manga, but its homoerotic theme is the biggest motivating force behind this convoluted story with complicated language and plot-line. 'Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi' is regarded as a masterpiece in the manga world.Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi won the 1983 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo.
ヒメコイ -  ヒ・メ・コ・イ -  Hi.Me.Ko.I
The various short stories including one title series of secret romance between young actor and his manager (Sagami is a very popular fashion model and his first drama acquired a favorable reputation. He becomes very busy and can not have enough time for date with his lover, his manager, Takumi Toba. They enjoy very short date but Takumi is shocked to see Sagami's scandalous photo on the tabloid / The prequel of the 1st story. Takumi feels jealous of the actress of Sagami's first drama / American classmate always expresses his love to hero very frankly. But Hero is too proud to accept it and offers very difficult challenge. The american can not resolve it, then wears female costume / The students of NPO wonder their homosexual relationship is natural or not. One student decides to part but another one appeals they are not extinct species / The public detective takes in the poor prostitute boy. The boy tries to return a favor to detective's selfless love but the detective never allows it. Then the boy is involved into the incident of his old group...).
ヒのカグツチ -  Hi-no-Kagutsuchi
On a trip to look for his brother, a hungry Hachiya Rei stops at a shrine to pray. It is just his luck that he is accused of stealing money from the shrine and forced to work to pay off the amount stolen. However, the real thief turns out to be a daemon, or a god turned evil! An encounter with the daemon unleashes Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, concealed in Rei. As Kagutsuchi's proxy, Rei can use the god's holy fire to purify daemons, but there's a side effect...
ハイスコアガール, High Score Girl
Beautiful Sunshine -  Hoa nắng -  Sunlight All Around -  陽あたり良好!
15 year old Kasumi Kishimoto arranged to stay with her aunt when she entered high school. Upon ariving she is surprised to learn that there are four other people boarding there, all of whom are male and attending the same high school. And when one of them walks in on her bathing on her first night there, she wonders what she's gotten herself into.

Hibari no Asa

Hibari's Morning -  ひばりの朝 -  日波里的清晨
Teshima Hibari est une jeune fille de 14 ans au corps plus sensuel que la plupart des filles de son âge. Son histoire inclut les opinions et les réactions de toutes les personnes autour d'elle, ainsi que les actions de sa propre vie. Les chapitres explorent les pensées et les sentiments des camarades de classe et des adultes, hommes et femmes. Les hommes ont souvent des sentiments romantiques ou sexuels envers Hibari, tandis que les femmes ont parfois des sentiments d'infériorité ou de jalousie. Qu'elle soit positive ou négative, il semblerait que tout le monde ait une réaction envers Hibari.
无口之恋, 日々蝶々, 日日蝶蝶, Hibi Choucho, Hibi Choujou
Upon entering high school, the very quiet but extremely cute Suiren becomes the immediate center of attention among the boys…but one particular boy does not look her way.The story of a quiet girl and a quiet boy. A short, refreshing love story.
日々蝶々 x ひるなかの流星 -  Hibi Ryuusei -  Hirunaka no Chouchou
Hibi Chouchou and Hirunaka no Ryuusei crossover bundled with Margaret 2014 #11 as separate-volume supplement. Hirunaka no Chouchou: Shopping Biyori no Shinhakken (A Shocking Day for New Discoveries) a Hibi Ryuusei: Suzume no Parallel Koukou Nikki(Suzume’s Parallel School Diary) The Suzume who steals everybody’s attention at the high school entrance ceremony. Though she's no great beauty, she does things at her own pace and is a hot topic amongst everyone. In the middle of this, the only person who doesn’t notice her, Kawasumi – will he become interested?! Related Series Hibi Chouchou (Adapted From) Hirunaka no Ryuusei (Adapted From)
"El día de ceremonia de entrada de preparatoria, el estudiante de tercer año Sora recibe una confesión súbita de un chico de nuevo ingreso. Sora confundido, se da cuenta que él es Oto, un amigo con el que jugaba cuando eran niños y además acepta la propuesta de Oto cuando éste le dice: “Permite que me quede a tu lado tanto como sea posible este año”. Aunque Sora no tuvo más que aceptar pasar el tiempo junto a su amigo Oto, poco a poco Sora se siente atraído hacia él. Pero ¿a Sora le preocupa el hecho que el “gustar” de su amigo sea una prolongación de su amor de infancia…? El cómic début de Kon Shouta, una historia de amor juvenil."
陽だまりの樹, El Árbol que da Sombra, Tezuka's Ancestor Dr. Ryoan, The Shade-giving Tree, The Tree in the Sunlight
Hidamari no Ki is about a friendship between a samurai and a doctor in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate.It received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1984 for general manga.

Hidan no Aria

L'histoire prend place dans l'école Tokyo Butei High School ayant pour but de former des détectives nommés les Butei.Kinji Tôyama est en deuxième année et possède une habilité hors du commun. Cependant il préfère la garder secrète afin de vivre une vie normale. Cependant, lorsqu'une explosion survient au sein de l'établissement, il se retrouve face à H. Aria Kanzaki, la plus puissante étudiante de la section Assault. Une rivalité qui mènera nos deux personnages à prouver qui est meilleur que qui.
緋弾のアリアAA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A
左の二人, The Leftmost Pair
B&W oneshot about an awkward couple.
Hide Out
It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...

Hidoi Otoko

ヒドイ男; A Terrible Man; Cruel Guy; Yuushu
Quand récemment divorcé Asou Katsumi est pris dans un bar par un homme plus jeune, Nagao Daisuke, il n'a aucune idée de pourquoi il est là...
冷え性男子攻略法, 畏冷男子攻略法, Hieshou Danshi Kouryakubou
She can not stand the hot weather and does not want to live in Hokkaido. He, the ice man who loves the high temperatures and wants to live in Okinawa. They are a harmonious pair but this does not prevent them to have different for the good of another?
Hieshô Danshi Kôryakubô
Chaleur et damnation, l'été au Japon n'est vraiment pas fait pour les personnes ne résistants par au 41 degré avec humidité au maximum et lourdeur absolue. Des personnes comme Azusa qui ont juste l'impression de suffoquer alors que des gens comme Honjo se porte merveilleusement bien et en plus appuie là ou ça fait mal. Mais rira bien qui rira le dernier, ce grand garçon ne supporte pas le froid au contraire de notre héroïne, et même si ces deux là sont aux opposés de température, il sortent ensemble. Reste à savoir où ils vivront quand ils seront mariés, serait-ce les plages d'Okinawa ? Ou bien peut être le grand froid d'Hokkaido, dans tous les cas ils ne sont pas d'accord. Pour la jeune fille hors de question de se laisser abattre, elle trouvera bien un moyen de résister à la chaleur, mais à force de concession on ne peut que finir dans le mur.
学校妖怪纪行 -  On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms -  The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms -  The Un
Marie est de retour pour le meilleur, mais surtout le pire! La pauvre petite espère toujours se venger. Toutefois, de nombreuses embuches l'attendent : la fin n'est pas pour tout de suite! Ses souffrances ne partiront pas de si tôt...