
Future You

Suite à un incident, Renna se retrouve piégée dans le passé sans pouvoir revenir à son époque. Elle jure de garder son identité secrète et de ne jamais s'attacher à quelqu'un, jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre un homme... L'histoire d'amour interdite d'une agent secret venant du futur vient de commencer.


A venir...
有风子在的店, 風子のいる店, Fuuko in the Cafe
Fuuko is a shy girl—so shy that she has trouble talking to strangers. Determined to change herself, she starts working as a waitress at Café Rhodos. The people she meets on and off the job will lead her through the often frightful world of adolescence, and beyond.
Hakuo Gakuin, l’académie renommée pour les arts martiaux, est en pleine décadence à cause de l’école rival Seishikan qui attire lâchement ses meilleurs étudiants. Pour faire face à la crise, le directeur de l’école cherche de l’aide dans le clan ninja Fuma. Kojiro du clan Fuma est envoyé à Hakuo où il va faire face au clan Yasha, qui se bat pour Seishikan guidé par Asuka Musashi.
Dix années après "Fuuma no Kojiro", le village du vent où vivait le clan Fuuma est dévasté et seul Komomo, Tora et Kojiro y vivent plus ou moins en paix, loin des querelles. Mais cette tranquilité ne durera plus et Kojiro va devoir de nouveau se battre en tant que ninja...
I Became the Beloved Child of Winter Fenrir: A Story of Being Healed From Despair -  冬フェンリルの愛子となった私が、絶望から癒されていく話 -  Je suis devenu l'enfant bien-aimé de Winter Fenrir: L'histoire d'un être guéri du désespoir
"Quand j'ai été licenciée de mon travail, je suis allée dans un autre monde."Fujioka Noel est une travailleuse acharnée pour une entreprise noire, mais ses efforts ne sont pas récompensés lorsqu'elle reçoit un jour un avis de licenciement. Frustrée et sombrant dans le désespoir, elle fut soudainement transportée dans un autre monde.Quand soudain apparut Fenrir, le grand loup blanc argenté.
I Became the Beloved Child of Winter Fenrir: A Story of Being Healed From Despair 冬フェンリルの愛子となった私が、絶望から癒されていく話

Fuyu no Hana

وردة الشتاء -  冬の花 -  Winter Flower (YUMEKA Sumomo)
Une histoire douce sur l'amitié et l'amour des jeunes.
Winter Poem -  冬の詩
A-chan a toujours eu un corps plus chaud, attirant les autres vers elle en hiver tant dis que l’été les autres l’évitent. Ils la quittent tous quand l’été arrive, tous sauf Minami.
Divers oneshots réalisé par Fuyumushi Kaiko, publiés sur pixiv et twitter.
ジー -  Jii~
Racing cars are machines made purely for power and speed and, even from a young age, Manaka Mao has always had a fascination with them. When Mao was 5, fate brings him together with Tsuji Yoshiki, the best F1 racer in Japan where Mao gets his first look at a F1 car and, right then and there, he decides that professional racing is where his life is. Tsuji takes a special interest in him because of his exceptional concentration skills and observation capabilities, both crucial for the best racers. Several years later, Mao gets an invite from Tsuji to apply for FRS, a training camp / school for young racers where only the most talented racers are even accepted. There, Mao starts his journey of being nothing less than number 1 and becoming the first Japanese F1 champion.
G BattlefieldG戦場ヘヴンズドア
L'histoire est celle de Machizo et TetsuoPendant que Machizo, fils d'un mangaka celebre doit vivre dans l'ombre de celui ci, le meprisant de plus en plus.Tetsuo quand a lui essaye d'aider sa famille a payer les soins de sa mere.Malgré une rencontre explosive, du au fait que le mangaka preferé de Tetsuo soit le pere de Machizo, les deux vont se rapprocher pour accomplir leur quete : Faire un manga ensemble.Le tout accompagnés de Kimiko, une fille disont...explosif, qui ferait tout pour Tetsuo.Mais la route ne sera pas facile, car chacun a sa part sombre.
GA -  GA Geijutsu-ka Art Design Class -  GA芸術家アートデザインクラス -  GA芸術科アートデザインクラス
From Yen Press: Follow the lives of five senior art students as they learn color theory and technique…and have some cute and colorful life lessons along the way. With full color illustrations scattered throughout, this volume will teach the reader some art basics as well. Art class was never this fun!
While many of us will probably scream at even the thought of a ghost being near us, Freshman Nimura Kensuke just thinks of it as a common everyday thing, seeing as how he has the uncanny ability to see so many of them on a daily basis. Things soon heat up for him when he meets a girl who changes his life from then on. Her name's Kagura, and she has the power to summon a mighty "spirit devourer"-otherwise known as a "Ga-rei"-called Byakuei. So, what's Nimura to do? Chase down the evil spirits and and have Kagura summon the Ga-rei to devour them, of course! Now, come feast on their adventures like some ravenous Ga-rei! 
喰霊 ~追儺の章~ -  The Soul Eater Cursed Girl [GA-REI]
The stage is Kyoto. Takiguchi Tsuina is a girl possessed by a curse that brings misfortune upon all those she falls in love with. Such a girl falls in love at first sight with the newly transfered Mikado-sempai, who is in fact an exorcist of the Department of Prevention of Supernatural Disasters. In order to walk along the same path as the one she loves, Tsuina becomes an apprentice of the wandering exorcist, Izuna. A story linked to Ga-rei, Segawa Hajime presents to you another Ga-rei world. Notes: This is the story of the two newly appeared characters, Takiguchi Tsuina, and Mikado Mine (who make their debut in volume 8 of the original series).
ガチャガチャ -  恋爱风波 -  GachaGacha -  GachaX2
Do not confuse with Gaccha Gacha. Lately, Kouhei can't get his friend Kurara out of his mind. Even though he has known her since elementary school, all of a sudden, ever since she came back from summer vacation, he has been crushing on her . . . hard. But something is different about Kurara-she's acting very oddly. Sometimes she seems wholesome, pure, and innocent, and at other times she is extremely forward and unabashed. Kouhei soon learns that Kurara has multiple personalities-and decides to help her keep her secret from their classmates. But Kouhei finds himself struggling between helping Kurara as a friend and trying to win her heart . . . which is a challenge, since she has many! Volumes 1-5 are the first story arc. Starting from volume 6, a whole new set of characters take the story off in another direction. Because of this, the chapter numbers were restarted back to 1 for the first chapter of volume 6. From Taruby: There are two stories, "Capsule" and "Secret", so far in the GachaGacha series. This summary is about the 6 volumes of the"Secret" story arc. Hatsushiba Akira, an awkward senior highschool boy, has a strong crush on classmate Sakuraba Yurika. But when he gets close to her he always says or does something stupid. At the suggestion of his best friend, Kikuchi, Akira enters the GachaGacha machine to play a game, but the machine fritzes out and malfunctions. That night he sneezes while going to bed, and when he wakes up he looks like the female avatar he saw in the GachaX2. He soon learns that sneezing will change him back and forth from his normal self to a female form. As a girl, Akira-chan is able to get close to Sakuraba and become her friend.
Gacha Gacha ~Capsule~
Lately, Kouhei can't get his friend Kurara out of his mind. Even though he has known her since elementary school, all of a sudden, ever since she came back from summer vacation, he has been crushing on her... hard.
Gacha Gacha ~Secret~
Hatsushiba Akira, an awkward high school senior boy, has a strong crush on classmate Sakuraba Yurika. But when he gets close to her, he always says or does something stupid.At the suggestion of his best friend, Kikuchi, Akira enters the GachaGacha machine to play a game, but the machine fritzes out and malfunctions. That night, he sneezes while going to bed, and when he wakes up, he looks like the female avatar he saw in the GachaX2. He soon learns that sneezing will change him back and forth from his normal self to a female form. As a girl, Akira-chan is able to get close to Sakuraba and to become her friend.


DATE Tsunehiro
Hazama Shunichi rêve de devenir photographe, mais son père père souhaite qu'il reprenne la poissonnerie familiale. Un jour, il tombe amoureux d'une fille en l'observant à travers son appareil....
ガッド スフォルトゥナート, 刺青师加德
What is being sought after cannot be felt even on the fingertips. This is a series about the extravagant lifestyle of a tattoo artist named Gad, and the circle of people who revolve in it.Contains the stories: prologo, macch ia nera, il mio lavoro, balcone, esitanza, Sfortunato, ingranaggio, and epilogo.

Gadget Space

Published in Quarterly Comickers 2003/8 Summer Issue
ギャグマンガ日和, 増田こうすけ劇場 ギャグマンガ日和, 搞笑漫画日和, Gyagu Manga Biyori
Gyagu Manga Biyori is hyperactive, random, and nonsensical, revolving around various plots and characters throughout the series.
The Muromachi Period was a time when nightfall brought true darkness. Set in this era of gloom, the tale of GAGOZE, a violent demon feared even by the monsters, is about to begin!
鎧亜騎譚, Gaiakitan
A period drama set in 17th century Japan ten years after the Battle of Sekigahara, Gaiakitan tells the tale of of Sanada Yukimura assembling his team of ninja, the "Sanada Ten Braves." The story follows a mysterious and talented ninja, Kirigakure, who is reluctantly drawn into Yukimura's rebellion against the Tokugawa clan.
骸骨と恋はできるのか? -  Can You Fall In Love With The Skeleton?
餓鬼地獄 -  Hell Baby
From Blast Books: This graphic novel by one of Japan's most accomplished artists tells the unsettling saga of twin sisters born on a dark and stormy night in Tokyo: one normal, and one a demon baby with a taste for blood--a Hell Baby. Tossed into a garbage dump in a plastic bag, Hell Baby dies, but is brought back to life by an unworldly bolt of lightning. Hell Baby develops hard-earned hunting techniques to survive life among the wild animals who roam the dump. After struggling along for seven years, she seeks revenge for her fate and returns to the city, where she applies her hunting skills for survival--this time against the good citizens of Tokyo. Replete with Hino's trademark black humor and unflinching imagery, HELL BABY is a classic horror tour de force.
Scary School Rumors -  โรงเรียนเฮี้ยน -  学校の怖い噂 -  校园恐怖传说 -  우리학교 괴담괴설
An anthology manga on strange rumors and mysterious experiences that continue to be whispered at schools all over Japan. It was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" from the 15th issue of 1994 to the 3rd and 4th issues of 1995.