
Flag Time

フラグタイム, Flagtime
What would you do if you could stop time? Moritani for one is using her unusual ability to stop time for three minutes a day to observe the people around her. One day, she chooses to “observe” class idol Murakami’s panties – only to find herself in a very compromising situation when her classmate turns out to be immune to her power.
Ouka est le plus grand empire de nos jour. Toutefois pour éviter les conflit avec les autres nations, Un tournois est organisé tous les 8 ans. Chaque pays envois un groupe formé des 5 plus forts combattants du pays. Les membres de ces équipes sont appelés "Patriots". L'équipe gagnante apportera la gloire à sa nation (et aussi a eux même bien sur).Dans ce manga nous suivons les aventures de Kurou et de son équipe durant ce tournois, suivant les traces de son père. Mais cette année des changements sont au programme ...
flat ~ 友情平均值 -  flatシリーズ
Heisuke est un jeune homme à qui on a laissé la garde de son petit cousin Aki pour une journée. Etant fils unique, il reste normalement seul chez lui. Aki est un enfant calme et réservé qui fera tout son possible pour ne pas causer de problèmes aux autres. Plus ils passent de temps ensemble, plus Aki commence à s'attacher à Heisuke, surtout parce que le loisir de Heisuke est de cuisiner des friandises et des desserts. Le calme Aki finit par s'ouvrir à Heisuke, et en retour, Heisuke apprend à Aki que des fois, il est bon d'être égoïste et d'affirmer ce que l'on veut faire.
flat ~ 友情平均值, flatシリーズ
Heisuke is a young man who was left in charge of taking care of his little cousin Aki for a day. Being an only child who usually stays at home alone, Aki is quiet, reserved, and will go out of his way not to make trouble for others. As they spend more time together, Aki begins to grow very attached to Heisuke, especially since Heisuke's hobby is to make sweets and desserts. The quiet Aki eventually opens up to Heisuke, and Heisuke in return teaches Aki that sometimes it's all right to be selfish and say what you really want to do.
ふら・ふろ -  Flat & Flow
Meet Natsu and Hana, the two young women who are the managers of a beat-up apartment building, as they try to find tenants, upkeep the place, and generally have a good time.


Flawless 薬師寺涼子の怪奇事件簿イラスト集; Flawless - Ryoko's Case File Illustrations
Sarah rencontre accidentellement un type aveugle appelé Elios. Elios est si mystérieux que cela la rend curieuse. Sarah tombe-t-elle amoureuse? Ou peut-être qu'il y a quelque chose derrière tout cela?
Flesh and Blood
From Yes_Rhade: Kaname and Tooru have been lovers for three years, but Kaname just can't accept their love. Why? Kaname is Tooru's uncle, and no matter how much Kaname loves Tooru, he realizes that their relationship is wrong and should not continue.
Houkago, Anata to Fleurir -  放課後、あなたとフルリール
A two-chapter omnibus Yuri story about a coffee shop that have been making quite the rumors and the girls with various feelings that are visiting. Conversations and love blooms in this story!

Flic A Tokyo

Tokyo Deka
Kazuya KAGAMI, vingt ans, est un ex-voyou, chef d´une bande de motards. Cela ne l´a pas empêché de devenir un agent de police plein de coeur et de sens du devoir. Pourtant son comportement peu conventionnel et de fermes convictions morales ne sont pas très habituels dans la police japonaise. Paradoxal peut-être mais cela finira par produire son effet autour de lui. En devenant inspecteur de police, Kazuya va affronter le Tokyo du crime et même se permettre de faire le ménage dans la police. Mal vu de ses supérieurs, notre singulier héros va pourtant résoudre tous les délits et situations auxquelles il sera confronté.

Flip Turn

(The Candy Store)Elementary School Swimmer instructor Yeonsu meets superstar Cha Joohwan, who has started to learn how to swim in secret for a part in a movie.As Cha Joohwan approaches Yeonsu who thought his life was over, his life begins to take a 180 turn. "I like to be hit, and my partner likes to hit me"."Then do it with me.""Don't be sick and have a normal relationship. Do it with me."
Fluffy Cat -  Mofu Neko -  もふねこ
From the author of Wonder Cat Kyuu-chan comes a comic about a fluffy cat, who does his best to make everyone's lives a little better! Links: Author's Twitter Author's Instagram Raws on Tumblr
花鏡의달, 花鏡(화경)의달, 화경의 달
In the 24th generation of Kings of the Joseon Dynasty, a boatman known as Seo-mok unknowingly helped a mysterious woman and Japanese spies who were disguised as rich Korean men to cross a river. But after crossing the river, they tried to kill Seo-mok... Left with no choice, Seo-mok then took the woman hostage--and soon, secrets began to unfold.
In a future devastated by war and desertification... is unexpectedly, a flower shop!

Flower Flower

ふらわー ふらわー
Princesse Nina a été envoyé dans un pays étranger pour épouser le prince, seulement, elle préfère la princesse à la place. Shuurei n'est pas sûr à ce sujet - en particulier lorsque Nina se révèle de plus être un peu cruel et sadique. Nina faisant preuve de bonté , Shuurei commence à voir l'autre côté de Nina.
Flower of Fate -  연화
Quand le roi Hasana entend parler de la prophétie selon laquelle il mourra par quelqu'un de la tribu Sui, afin de contrecarrer la prophétie, il cherche le tueur potentiel, pour découvrir ensuite que son "meurtrier" n'était qu'un enfant. Au lieu de le tuer, Hasana reprend l'enfant comme esclave.
フラワノイドの修復師 -  花的修复师 -  花的修理师 -  The Repair of Flowernoid
From AQUA Scans: "Flowernoid", dolls created with the special nature of flowers, and who devotes themselves to a master. This is the story of Satsuki, a master flowernoid repair specialist whose daily life changes by happening upon a lovely flowernoid. "From now on, I belong to you" the flowernoid claims.
From Lililicious: "Flowers Dwelling in a Forest Manor," by Yuzuha Seiro, is about two girls who are in the process of being converted to vampires.
악의 꽃 -  Ak-eui Kkot -  Blumen des Bösen -  Les Fleurs du Mal -  Flower of evil -  The Evil Flowers -  The Flowers of Evil -  Цветята на злото (Bulgarian) -  Kwiaty Zł
Se-Joon and Se-Wa are siblings with a dark, complex relationship. Se-Wa, a girl considered psychotic by others, is attached to her brother... a little too attached. In her eyes, there is only Se-Joon, and no one else. And what of Se-Joon's feelings? This manhwa contains incest themes. Read from left to right (the official reading directions is wrong so it is L>R)
악의 꽃, Ak-eui Kkot, The Flower of Evil, Les Fleurs du mal, The Evil Flowers, The Flowers of Evil
Se-Joon and Se-Wa are siblings with a dark, complex relationship. Se-Wa, a girl considered psychotic by others, is attached to her brother... a little too attached. In her eyes, there is only Se-Joon, and no one else. And what of Se-Joon's feelings?This manhwa contains incest themes.Title comes from French poet Beaudelaire's compilation of poems, Les Fleurs du mal.
꽃은 썩고 너는 남는다
La beauté de Raymond s'accompagne de relations compliquées avec les femmes. Au début, Helen a essayé de rester à l'écart de lui, mais elle a lentement commencé à tomber sous le charme de sa gentillesse sans savoir ce qui se cache derrière son beau visage.
Nakamura-kun no Kinpa wa Yawarakai -  中村くんの金パは柔らかい
Seemingly delinquent high schooler Nakamura-kun is actually shy at heart with dexterous hands and as skilled as any domestic goddess. He falls for fellow student Hayashi-san, a beautiful ojousan and honors student at their school but...A moe gap love comedy about Nakamura-kun's cute handmade goods and using overflowing feelings for sweets making and plush toy production!
A la rentrée universitaire, Kim No-Rae, étudiante légèrement immature rencontre la captivante Baek Seol-A. Une forte amitié se développe entre les deux jeunes femmes qui deviennent de plus en plus proches jusqu’au point où elles doivent faire face à ce que représente réellement leur relation…
Meru Tachibana, 12 years old. She’s just returned back to Tokyo after 12 years of training with her father, who thought she was a boy! Now Meru is stronger than most guys, and she’s doing her best to make sure that people don’t find out, or else her chances of making friends is ruined! However, a group of eighth graders seem insistent on making that impossible, as they break the rules and pick on the weak. Will Meru be able to stop them as the new student council president without appearing to be a “Monster Melt King” as her mother has warned?
Asuka, the ace of the volleyball club is training to become the best. But there’s the devil coach, Nagano…
Butterfly Sting -  나비처럼 날아 벌처럼 쏘다
Le regard pécheur ( ?) de Ranju est toujours concentré sur la gentille et populaire beauté angélique de l'école, Jiha. Lorsque Ranju entend dire que Jiha va avoir un rendez-vous galant, elle est déterminée à la séduire avant que cela n'arrive !
フライ、ダディ、フライ, フライ,ダディ,フライ, 老爹向前衝
A salaryman's life gets turned upside down due to a dramatic tragedy, and now he is going to have a summer adventure the entire city will never forget.
From Aerandria Scans: When Aida Minami was little, she fell in love with the long-distance runner Manabe Keiichi. He was in the club that her school teacher mother supervised. But all her hopes were dashed when Manabe confessed to her that he was in love with her mother! Worse yet, he promised to take care of both her mother and her! Talk about instant love defeat! But it seems that the worse is not over yet because after a few years, Minami finds out that Manabe is now a teacher at her high school and the supervisor of the track and field club in which she belongs! Will her heart have a chance this time?
Parmi les cygnes du Lac Des Cygnes d’Angleterre mais je suis différente. Je suis un cygne noir, et la dernière à être capable de se transformer en forme humaine. Une fois, alors que je sortais ma tête du lac, un anneau a été lancé devant moi. C'est grâce à cette bague que j'ai rencontrée un homme ! Une fois que j'ai découvert sa véritable identité, je suis devenu son disciple, et en quelque sorte aussi sa centième petite amie !