
月夜がくれた贈り物 -  Blue Moon Bride
Hannah threw her letter of resignation at her boss, who called her "below average." Still full of hurt, she visits the Blue Moon Inn, where the inn owner suggests she take a walk in the garden. That night was the night of the blue moon�the second full moon of the month. Under the magical moonlight reflected on the derelict stone-walled church, a rude yet sexy man suddenly appears. To Hannah's astonishment, it is her offensive former boss, Roth Jerric! Why would fate punish her like this?
運命のお相手は? -  To Marry a Stranger
"My dream is to be happily married!" Helen, filled with the desire to fall in love, visits the Love Mansion, where a legend claims that if any unmarried woman stays at the mansion on her birthday, the next man she meets will be the man of her destiny! However hearing strange noises in the darkness, Helen starts to regret her idea. "It was reckless for me to come here on my own." Suddenly a large shadow appears in front of her! Who could this be...?