
エマと伯爵, 엠마와 백작, Emma and the Earl
The penniless Miss Emma Lawrence has no choice about accepting the post of governess to the young daughter of Dominic Hastings, the Earl of Chard. But what unkind twist of fate has her working for the man she might have married when she was the rich Miss Emilia Lincoln? And -- more disconcerting -- will he recognise her? In ten years they have both changed so much -- except for Emma's abiding love for Dominic . . . .
꽃은 썩고 너는 남는다
La beauté de Raymond s'accompagne de relations compliquées avec les femmes. Au début, Helen a essayé de rester à l'écart de lui, mais elle a lentement commencé à tomber sous le charme de sa gentillesse sans savoir ce qui se cache derrière son beau visage.