
Bota bota

Botabota -  drip drip -  Кап кап -  ボタボタ
A new miniseries by the author of Beastars.Mako Higari is an ordinary woman who works in a food container factory. She has a reputation for sleeping with every man she works with. However, she harbors a dirty little secret...
Woohyun’s life isn’t great, but it isn’t terrible either. Sure his boss gives him a hard time, but he’s got a stable corporate job that pays the bills. He can’t exactly remember what made him fall for his boyfriend, Seok-il, but hey, he’s handsome. But when Woohyun bumps into his high school love, Minhyuk, he realizes that the magnetic spark is still there, even after a decade. And for the first time in a long time, Woohyun feels totally alive.
Le joueur Xiao Xiao ne dépense pas d'argent pour jouer et se retrouve dans un autre monde pendant qu'il jouait. Est-il logique de monter de niveau seul ? Mais il semble que la pensée de ce grand gars soit très spéciale, il n'essaie même pas de monter de niveau mais veut devenir un profiteur. Ce brave héros, s'il te plaît sois plus respectueux, bonjour, hé, tu me comprends ?
Eul's Rage -  Wrath of the Underdog -  을의 분노
Due to the greed and wicked desires of the human heart, a huge evil force is formed. This power was absorbed by the demon king who was originally sealed under the Kunlun Mountains. All kinds of demons gradually awakened from the sealed land. They broke the agreement made after the battle of the fairy and demons six hundred years ago and was a disaster for the world. For this reason, Lu Qingchuan, the young master of Buried Jianmen, went down the mountain to eliminate demons and went to school in a private high school in G City. Started out on a funny and bumpy journey of slaying demons and finding salvation.
Cette histoire parle de la lutte acharnée entre les forces de l'ordre et ceux qui veulent bouleverser le monde.Au siècle de Cᵗʰ, le bureau central de la municipalité, Graymark, condamne à mort toute personne, quelle que soit la gravité de l'infraction, afin de réduire le taux de criminalité et la population proportionnellement à l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie due aux progrès de la médecine.Il s'agit d'un conflit entre le bureau central et l'armée révolutionnaire qui tente de renverser ce système.
The third World War is nearing. Each super power country is going through a communications war to prepare for it, a war to obtain the top profiles' information of enemy countries using the Russian's secret weapon BEAR, China's Hao Long, and the United State's Confidential Assasination Troop, a.k.a. CAT.
Huang Liang et sa sœur Nan Ke sont des orphelins aux origines obscures. Depuis leur enfance, ils étaient tourmentés par des cauchemars bizarres/étranges. Après une expérience secrète menée avec son instructeur/professeur/conseiller académique, Nan Ke est devenue un légume humain. La disparition soudaine de sa sœur, les espaces/dimensions qui se répètent et s'étendent sans cesse, les monstres dérangés/chaotiques, tordus... ... En enquêtant sur les circonstances derrière l'expérience, Huang Liang a rencontré une série de questions au-delà des limites de la compréhension. Et derrière ces choses étranges semblait se cacher une sorte de secret bouleversant...
천사들이 이래도 돼요?
Two years ago, Shibuya was ravaged by a biological terrorist attack using the deadly Ua virus. Maria Osawa was saved when her father inoculated her against the virus, but is left with partial amnesia from the shock. Now working as a cameraman, she reunited with her friend Canaan in Hong Kong. Canaan is an assassin gifted with synesthesia, and she's being targeted by the terrorist squad Snake. Meanwhile, numerous groups converge on Hong Kong, all after either Canaan or Maria.

Candy Flurry

Candy Flurry
Les bonbons Toy Toy - mangez un de ces bonbons magiques et gagnez des pouvoirs de bonbons. Ce n'est pas un rêve, c'est la réalité. Et à cause de cela, Tokyo a été détruite. Tsumugi est une utilisatrice de sucettes, le même bonbon qui a amené Tokyo à la ruine. Et elle ne peut pas laisser quiconque le découvrir ! Mais que fera-t-elle lorsqu'elle tombera sur un utilisateur de sucettes criminel qui est hors de contrôle ! Ce manga unique de comédie de combat enrobé de bonbons est maintenant prêt à être grignoté !
CCS Clear Card Arc -  カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編; Card Captor Sakura - Clear Card Arc
C'est le mois d'avril, les cerisiers sont en fleur et Sakura entame son année de cinquième. Tout semble se passer pour le mieux : Shaolan est de retour comme promis et fréquente le même collègue ! Mais une nuit, elle fait un rêve étrange.... À son réveil, toutes ses cartes sont devenues transparentes et inutilisables ! Guidée par une clef apparue en rêve, Sakura est sur le point de débuter une nouvelle aventure !
1. Crowns and a Cradle (TAKAYAMA Mayu), 2. The Baron and the Bodyguard (MINATO Yoriko), 3. The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be (TSUJI Rikako), Koi wo Was
In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called "The Carramer Legacy" series:
密殺戰群, C.A.T., Confidential Assassination Troop
he third World War is nearing. Each super power country is going through a communications war to prepare for it, a war to obtain the top profiles' information of enemy countries using the Russian's secret weapon BEAR, China's Hao Long, and the United State's Confidential Assasination Troop, a.k.a. CAT.
Suivez les aventures de Cat Loaf et autres pâtisseries !
Cat Tango
A fan series inspired by Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Histoire complémentaire à « Ichalove Car Sex Book. »
Celestin, a young man abandoned as a baby and found wrapped in a fine cloth, tries to marry his way into the aristocratic lifestyle he considers his birthright while popular revolution is beginning to stir in the streets...
カオスヘッド ブルーコンプレックス
Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens...Takumi Nishijo suffers from intense delusions as a result of his apparent schizophrenia and the extremely secluded lifestyle he lives as a hikkikomori. One day he accidentally stumbles upon a gruesome murder scene, a part of a chain of events called "New Generation." After this, his life gets caught up in these events, and he meets a bunch of increasingly insane anime girls with swords.
Chaos -  HEAd (SAKAKI Nagako)
Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Takumi Nishijo suffers from intense delusions as a result of his apparent schizophrenia and the extremely secluded lifestyle he lives as a hikkikomori. One day he accidentally stumbles upon a gruesome murder scene, a part of a chain of events called "New Generation." After this, his life gets caught up in these events, and he meets a bunch of increasingly insane anime girls with swords.
夏洛特的道听途说 -  Xia Luo te de -  daotingtushuo - 
Tomo, a son of a rich family, allows himself to be picked up by a stranger in a bar. After going to a hotel, Tomo tried to steal money from the person's wallet but got caught. Just when Tomo was certain he was going to be killed, he was rescued by another stranger.
Checkmate (Daewon) -  체크메이트
From a place in a different dimension from Earth, a world called 'Lote'. It is a world of androids, comprising of a queen, princess, rook, bishop, and knights under the command of a main computer. However, one of the main computer, the princess suddenly disappeared and the world of Lote falls into chaos. In order to find the princess, the head of secretary, Dion, travels to our world, Earth. There, he meets a high school student SeoYoon, and from this incident the life of SeoYoon takes a 180 degree turn...!!
Cherish (Shoujo-Ai)
[From Lililicious]: In "Cherish" a girl struggles to come to terms with how her friend has changed.
ちぎれたハート, The Patient Nurse
Dr. Ramon Cortero's patient, Nurse Noreen Kensington, has a serious case of heartache. Maybe the only remedy is a dose of old-fashioned tender loving care from the seductive doctor! But Ramon's stormy history with Noreen made him the one man she didn't want rescuing her now that she was ill.When truths about the past are revealed, Ramon is determined to make things right with the woman who's haunted his dreams for so long. But will this patient doctor be able to mend Noreen's broken heart before it's too late?
Basement Dungeon: Poor Brother and Sister Become the Strongest in Search of Entertainment -  Подземелье в подвале: Нищие брат с сестрой становятся сильнейшими в поисках приключений -  地下室ダンジョン ~貧乏兄妹は娯楽を求めて最強へ~
Countless dungeons that suddenly appeared all over the world. And the mysterious creatures that live there.The government of each country were making every effort to investigate and manage "dungeons".Meanwhile, a new dungeon suddenly appeared in the basement of the Boro family where Touka and Haruka, brother and sister living in poverty!They begin to explore this dungeon on their own, looking for treasures and meat that monsters will drop ...(Google Translate)
One day Hyun gets chosen to test out a parenting game called Childminder. He thought the game would be easy because all he had to do was be a good father to a very cute child named Mir. Childminder is a tale of the hardships of parenting, even in a game.


Dans un monde où les robots humanoïdes sont devenus les compagnons d'une bonne partie de la population, Hideki Motosuwa, jeune étudiant de 19 ans sans le sou, passe devant les vitrines des magasins proposant les nouveaux modèles d'ordinateurs avec envie. Sa vie bascule le soir où, rentrant chez lui, il trouve une jeune fille aux longs cheveux blonds affalée dans un tas d'ordures. D'abord paniqué, Hideki s'aperçoit rapidement qu'il vient de trouver non pas un cadavre (ouf !), mais un robot abandonné. Lui qui en rêvait ne se pose pas de questions : il le ramène chez lui. Ce sera le début d'une relation hors normes et d'un apprentissage bien curieux pour la petite Tchii...
チョコストロベリー バニラ -  草莓的忧郁 -  Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla
From Yaoi Is Life: Hiroi always shared what he liked, things and people alike, with his childhood friend Take. Take always returned Hiroi's affections. Mine, who because of his deep love for Hiroi, accepts both of them. The relationship of these three classmates was in a good balance, but because of a subtle change in their feelings, this balance slowly gets unhinged...?! The popular and sweet love triangle story series in six parts from Reijin Magazine, and a new side story, are published in this author's first Reijin Comic book! *The Oneshot "Strawberry no Yuuutsu" is chapter number 2 in this volume