
A brief sociological thesis studying the role of panties in Japanese society.
Blast From The Past... Who's Best In Bed? -  幼馴染みと3Pジャッジ!
"My two childhood friends want to use my body to compete via a threesome!? My eyes are covered and I'm being held down as they start! They're licking me down below while pinching my nipples. I'm losing my mind......! They're talking dirty as I get more and more turned on...!" Judge which of our dicks feels better...First, get a taste of my cock..." Their hot, throbbing members take turns to enter me...... How can I judge them like this......!?
尼罗河的女儿 -  Crest of the Royal Family -  Cute Mary -  Royal Emblem -  Daughter of the Nile
La famille de Carol découvre une ancienne tombe égyptienne inviolée depuis plus de trois mille ans. Mais ouvrir cette tombe réveille la malédiction millénaire qui la protège, plongeant la famille de Carol dans le chaos, et Carol elle-même est ramenée trois milles ans dans le passé. Elle y rencontre le pharaon Memhis, séduisant mais cruel. Grâce à ses énormes connaissances sur l'Égypte ancienne, Carol va aider l'Égypte à traverser de nombreuses épreuves et influencer sur le cours de l'histoire au point que les égyptiens vont bientôt la prendre pour la déesse du Nil elle-même.
Pandora x strip -  PanSt. -  ぱンすと。
The school nurse feared by everyone, with her white underwear peeking out of her black tights.And then she caught me peeping at it..... Thus began the s.e.c.r.e.t afterschool counseling
パペラキュウ, Paperakyuu
The tale of a young boy with an infectious disease called "Paperakyu."
水手服之槍, Parabellum -パラベラム-
On the very first day that Kuze Aoi transferred to Hinomiya Academy, he finds himself facing down the barrel of a gun. He is introduced to the campus and the student body by his childhood friend Miyabi and learns about the prince and princess among students, Shitara Sagiri and Hinomiya Kuon. Sagiri is a cool and beautiful while Kuon is elegant and magnificent. After school, Aoi gets lost on campus and Kuon begins shooting at him and he's barely saved by a random girl named Atarashi Sonoko. It seems that Aoi holds a secret that is critical in a feud between two old, powerful families.
Parareru Paradaisu
Un jour, alors qu'il est en cours, Youta se réveille dans un autre monde, dans lequel il découvre très vite qu'il est le seul homme dans ce monde. Il va très vite se rendre compte que les filles s'excitent très vite en sa présence.
ペットは美ニャン子。 ; Mi mascota es un lindo gatito ; My Pet is a Pretty Kitty ; Pet wa Bi Nyanshi. ; Pet wa Binyanshi. ; Petto Wa Binyanshi.
La jeune et timide Ruho a un secret. Tous les jours, elle va voir un chat du nom de Kuro, dans le jardin derrière l'école. Un jour, alors qu'elle cherchait après Kuro, un beau gosse est apparu devant elle en prétendant être Kuro.......
Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san -  Please Go Home, Akutsu-san! -  Kaette kudasai Akutsu-san! -  Please Go Home Akutsu-san! -  Yankee Musume -  ヤンキー娘 -  帰ってください! 阿久津さん -  请你回去吧!阿久津同学 - 
Ooyama-kun n'a normalement pas l'habitude de fréquenter Akutsu-san, une délinquante de sa classe, mais pour une raison ou une autre, elle fait de sa maison son lieu de prédilection ! Ooyama va-t-il lui faire quelque chose d'horrible derrière des portes closes ou va-t-il la chasser ? Mais faire face au comportement sexy et mignon d'Akutsu-san dans un espace aussi confiné... c'est sûr qu'il va s'énerver ! Il veut qu'elle rentre chez elle, mais pas lui ? Une comédie taquine sous un seul toit !
From the exciting new animated chapter of Ash and Pikachu! Shaymin, the peaceful Gratitude Pokémon, lives happily in forests and fields of flowers. But one day Shaymin is accidentally drawn into a battle between the Legendary Pokémon Giratina and Dialga. Whisked away far from home, Shaymin is found by Ash, Dawn and Brock, who soon discover that this new Pokémon is full of surprises! Of course Team Rocket wants to get their hands on Shaymin, and so does a mysterious man named Zero. Even Giratina is in hot pursuit of this little Pokémon—and just what do Giratina and Shaymin have to do with the dimension known as the Reverse World?

Pumpkin Night

Naoko Kirino, élève martyrisée par ses compagnons de classe, est envoyée dans un hôpital psychiatrique suite à une brimade qui a tourné au drame et lui a laissé des séquelles irréversibles. Un jour, elle tue ses médecins et s'évade dans un seul but : faire connaître l'enfer à ses bourreaux. Sous son masque de citrouille, elle va repousser les limites de la cruauté et se délecter de la souffrance de ses victimes sans épargner tous ceux qui se mettront sur son chemin.
At the Ozu Technical High School, students ranging from first years in their teens to fifth years already in their 20’s are bred to become engineers. Togawa Sumiji is the president of the Robotics Division and is just as gifted and passionate as all the other nerds in his school. But something about Sumiji makes him stand out from everyone else. And with the robot competition drawing close, it’s time for him to shine as the president and lead his members into building the greatest robot in history.
Le royaume de Bosse est en péril. Son fondateur, connu pour sa force herculéenne, est gravement malade, et l’héritier, le jeune prince Bojji, est loin d’avoir le profil pour prendre sa place... Sourd et muet et même incapable de se servir d'une épée pour enfant, un jour, il va faire la rencontre de son ami Ombre et vont vivre des aventures pour faire de Bojji un grand roi.
Raphaël est un jeune homme au passé tragique. Depuis le décès de sa mère quand il avait 12 ans, son seul refuge a été la musique. Désormais, à l'âge de 16 ans, Raphaël se trouve éperdument épris du magnifique et mystérieux Léonard, qui lui avait jadis appris à jouer du violon. Mais voilà que la tante de Raphaël meurt drainée de son sang, et que toute la maisonnée accuse Léonard...
恋想モード -  Delusional Mode
Nicknamed “The Prude,” Aizome Maiko is an misunderstood girl who actually has explicit fantasies. When a boy with a delinquent’s face, Yajima Keisuke, ruins her dream romantic encounter, she forces him into slavery by getting him to carry out her ridiculous plan to reach the man of her dreams. What has “The Prude” have in store for Yajima and will her ridiculous plan succeed?
One day, Matsui Sakura receives an invitation to a "Revenge Game," and decides to attend. At the location indicated, she ends up locked in a dorm-like building with four of her classmates. It appears that the Revenge Game is being run by a wealthy classmate, Saionji, who was bullied so badly by some of the students that it ruined his life. Now he is taking his revenge, in a brutal game that allows him to have one of his former tormentors killed each morning. However, Sakura--a lonely, quiet, orphan girl--does not understand why she is there, unless it was due to her inaction in stopping the bullying of others. She's also the only one who received an invitation, while the others were abducted or tricked into attending. What is the final purpose of this game?
Haruna Wakakusa and Yamada become friends after she saves him several times from her boyfriend's constant bullying. Through him she gets to know Kozue Yoshikawa, a fellow student who also models professionally. The three emotionally stunted teens' lives briefly yet intensely intertwine for one semester before splintering from the aftereffects of one disastrous night. For both Wakakusa and Yamada, their emotional awakening fosters an unlikely friendship between the two battered souls.
Angels (KINUTANI Yuu) -  Angels at the Planetarium -  Biting Summer Play -  Carogna -  Clash! Revenge of Hunk Kung Fu vs. Ugly Kung Fu! Find a Groom! -  Dragon'
Robot is a series of books containing the art of various Asian artists, created by Range Murata.

Rome Rome

Être une femme au foyer n'est pas facile, surtout si vous avez affaire à un mari imbécile, deux enfants téméraires, une mère dont le hobby est de décapiter les zombies qui, eux, essayent toujours de vous manger. Un conte hilarant et bizarre du roi de gag manga : Kenji Hamaoka !
龍宮殿, Castle of the Dragon, Ryuguden
Two brothers wearing bunnysuits hop on a phallic train and travel to a mysterious underwater brothel.
Castle of the Dragon -  Ryuguden
Two brothers wearing bunnysuits hop on a phallic train and travel to a mysterious underwater brothel.
サンタだった神谷君; Kamiya-kun -  autrefois Père Noël
Attristé de n'offrir que des jouets qui dépriment les enfants au lieu de leur donner le sourire, le Père Noël Kamiya démissionne et choisit de venir vivre sur Terre en tant qu'humain.
サプリ -  Complément affectif (French) -  Suppli
土星マンション, Saturn Apartments
Far in the future, humankind has evacuated the Earth in order to preserve it. Humans now reside in a gigantic structure that forms a ring around the Earth, thirty-five kilometers up in the sky. The society of the ring is highly stratified: the higher the floor, the greater the status. Mitsu, the lowly son of a window washer, has just graduated junior high. When his father disappears and is assumed dead, Mitsu must take on his father's occupation. As he struggles with the transition to working life, Mitsu's job treats him to an outsider's view into the various living-room dioramas of the Saturn Apartments.
School Tukuru -  Sukuuru x Tsukuuru -  スクール×ツクール
Nako Nakahara, a literary club member metKizuku Tachikawa, an art club who decides on garbage with a serious face, behind the building.I just came to look for a bookshelf that could be used in the club room, but before Iknew it, I was caught up in the grand plan of Kizuku ...!?A popular school DIY comedy presented by Riki Taoka from "My Room" and the new golden combination of popular illustrator wogura !Published in the Monthly Shōnen Sunday (Gessan)
The Best Bride in the West
星界の紋章 (米村孝一郎)
星界の紋章 -  Banner of the Stars -  Crest of the Stars -  Seikai no Monshou -  Seikai no Senki
From Tokyopop: After his home world is ruthlessly taken over by the Abh - a space-faring race that has conquered thousands of galaxies - a boy named Jinto begins an unforgettable journey that stretches the boundaries of the final frontier. With a beautiful princess at his side, he will attempt to unlock the secret behind the Abh domination and discover that all's fair in love and interplanetary war.

Sekai Oni

世界鬼 -  Sekaioni -  World Devil
Actuellement le manga le plus populaire du Urasunday Magazine, Sekai Oni suit l'histoire d'une petite fille, Shinonome Azuma, qui est abusée par sa famille, ce qui la rend instable au point de la pousser à ses limites, et est touchée par un mal rare : le syndrome d'Alice, qui lui fait voir des choses dans n'importe quel reflet, et qui n'existe pas en réalité. Tout commence lorsque les choses qu'elle voit commence à affecter directement le monde que tout le monde perçoit et que la barrière entre réalité et illusion se brise, comme un miroir tombant au sol.