
The official Ore no Imouto Anthology Comic


La série fantastique se déroule pendant la période des Royaumes combattants du Japon, où le Japon est dirigé par des démons. Un garçon de 15 ans nommé Musashi résistera aux démons avec l'aide d'un certain pouvoir spécial.
オーフェン, 魔術士オーフェン, 魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅, Orphen, Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
Orphen, the tough-talking sorcerer-for-hire, is putting his wand-wielding skills to use for quite a price, but with a boneheaded companion and a wide-eyed pupil tagging along, they can’t help but attract a little trouble! Magical mercenaries are all around, and the hair-triggered Orphen is no stranger to a good fight, so he’ll have to cast his spells in record time to stay in the game of magic in Orphen.
Don't Suppress It -  おさえられないっ!
Chapitres 1 à 3 - Haruka est la propriétaire d’un chien. Cependant ce n’est pas un chien ordinaire, c’est le garçon le plus sauvage de son lycée. Quelle est exactement leur relation ?Extra 1Extra 2
オトコのコはメイド服がお好き!? -  Otoko no Ko wa Maid Fuku ga Osuki!? -  Otosuki
Nao, Yuki, Tomo and Rio are four brothers working as maids in their family's maid cafe Cherry Girls.
王様ゲーム 起源 -  King's Game: Origi
"The King's orders are absolute. Fail to obey, and you will be punished." 30 years ago in the remote Yonaki Village, a black envelope is delivered to a single villager. The command inside threatens to draw the entire population into a terrible tragedy! Take a deep breath, steady your heart, and prepare for a shocking, terrifying survival horror adventure! The latest chapter in the wildly popular "King's Game: Origin" saga has begun. It all starts here! The prequel of Ou-sama Game (RENDA Hitori)
皇子と剣 -  Prince and Sword
[Summary by: Love_blossom] The prince is on the run. It is Chin's duty to protect him. One after one his guards die and soon she finds out what his secret is.
A mysterious command arrives from a "King"-----The life-threatening "Game" has now begun for the 32 students of the first year's B Class.One day, all of the students in Nobuaki's class received their first message from someone calling themselves the "King", in which was written a baffling command.That first command was very easy. However, the commands began to escalate until a life-threatening game had begun---Failing to obey the orders leads to death!! Their friendships are being undermined by a bottomless terror!!
国王游戏 (连打一人) -  王様ゲーム (RENDA Hitori)
A mysterious command arrives from a "King"----- The life-threatening "Game" has now begun for the 32 students of the first year's B Class. One day, all of the students in Nobuaki's class received their first message from someone calling themselves the "King", in which was written a baffling command. That first command was very easy. However, the commands began to escalate until a life-threatening game had begun--- Failing to obey the orders leads to death!! Their friendships are being undermined by a bottomless terror!!


Quand elle se réveille, Fuka ne se souvient de rien et se retrouve dans un endroit inconnu.Soudainement, un homme aux cheveux argentés apparaît et lui pointe son épée au visage pendant que la ville entière s'enfuit dans la confusion.Je suis sur le point d'être tuée — au moment où elle se résigne à cette pensée, une main lui est tendue afin de la sauver...
Nekota and Hoshino were always arguing at school, but in reality, Nekota actually has a crush on Hoshino. One day, he finally gets up his courage to tell Hoshino his true feelings, but she rejected him with mixed feelings. Feeling sad, Nekota goes home to find that his dad is remarrying another woman, but the catch is that Nekota has to live alone with the woman's daughter while the two parents goes to Europe. The daughter of the woman, however, is Hoshino... What will happen between the two while they live together?
パートナー, 伙伴
High school freshmen and twins, Nae and Moe, and Ken and Takeshi, enjoy their lives as students and close friends. Until Moe suddenly dies in a traffic accident...and her corpse disappears? Between the vanishing corpse and a pharmaceutical corporation, her three remaining friends are struck with the reality that something is amiss in their world... 


Pastel raconte l'histoire de Mugi Tadano, jeune adolescent dont le père, photographe, le laisse souvent seul.Mugi rencontre un jour une jeune fille, Yuuu Tsukiyaki. Il apprend en rentrant chez lui qu'elle et sa petite sœur, Tsukasa, vont habiter avec lui car devenues orphelines.De là, Mugi, amoureux de Yuuu, tentera de protéger leur bien-être et de les rendre heureuses, tout en cherchant une solution pour se rapprocherd'elle.
ペリドット, 狂乱天使, 페리도트, PERIODOT 巨乳バツイチ救出大作戦!!
Akira Shindo has been transferred to Fuga High School where she is almost raped by a group of young thugs. She meets Mahiru Suruga, a mysterious but beautiful girl with both arms in bandages. Mahiru is aloof and cold. Her motto is, "I will neither rely on others nor have anything to do with others." The two girls get caught up in a series of incidents at school and Mahiru, a strong fighter, always manages to sort them out. Mahiru starts to soften up, as she becomes friends with Akira, who loves to stick her nose into other people's business.Mahiru's school life is turned upside-down as many people approach her. Kaede is a high school student training as a swordmaster under a senile old man, who turns out to be a real pervert and a fake. Mahiru's father also comes into the story and things get chaotic.One day, Satoru Tsunami, a high school student and an aspiring reporter starts following Mahiru. He deeply respects Mahiru and considers her the strongest high school student and a rebel against adults. Why is Mahiru so strong? Satoru tries to find out her secret. Why has Mahiru shut herself out? What is going on inside Mahiru's mind?
ペルソナQ シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス Side:P3
L'histoire suit les personnages de Persona 3 dans Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth où le héros de P3 est aspiré au lycée Yasogami avec ses amis pendant le festival culturel. Ils y rencontrent Zen et Rei, deux étudiants qui semblent avoir perdu leurs souvenirs.
"In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft werden die Städte von staatlich gelenkten Jugendbanden beherrscht. Wer keiner Gang angehört, ist als gesellschaftlicher Außenseiter gebrandmarkt. Der stille und geheimnisvolle Julian ist so ein Außenseiter, ebenso wie die hübsche Anna. Als Julian eines Tages Anna vor einer Abreibung durch eine der Gangs bewahrt, nimmt der Ärger seinen Lauf..."In a not too distant future, cities are controlled by government guided youth gangs. Those who are not in a gang are marked as outsiders. The silent and mysterious Julian is one of these outsiders, as well as the beautiful Anna. After Julian saved Anna from a beating at the hands of a gang, the story starts...
POCHI 〜MIKE編〜 -  Pochi: Mike-hen -  ポチ -  ポチ〜MIKE編〜 -  波奇 -  阳光男孩
Cheerful middle-schooler Miku lives on a mountain farm with her grandpa, where they keep a large number of animals. When Aruga- a senpai at Miku's school- concocts a plan to help some local stray animals that are causing a nuisance, fellow animal lover Miku seems like a natural choice to help out. As the two of them become closer, Miku finds herself falling in love... but will dense Aruga ever figure it out?
Pocket Monsters dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt -  Pokémon - Pacaran dengan Anggota Team Magma -  Pokémon - Sortir avec une sbire de la Team Magma -  Pokémon dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt -  Pokémon dj - Saliendo con una recluta del E -  마그마단 조무래기랑 사귀는 만화
About dating a Team Magma Grunt.
Pokémon Diamond Pearl: Regigigas Hokaku Daisakusen!!
마그마단 조무래기랑 사귀는 만화 ; Pocket Monsters dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt ; Pokémon - Pacaran dengan Anggota Team Magma ; Pokémon dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt ; Pokémon dj - Saliendo con una recluta del Equipo Magma
En cour....
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 炎の探検隊 -  Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Honoo no Tankentai
姫様“拷問”の時間です / Hime-sama -  "Goumon" no Jikan desu
Capturée par l'armée du Seigneur Démon, l'épée sacrée Ex a rejoint la princesse dans sa prison. Afin de la forcer à divulguer ses secrets, le bourreau des démons est prête à lui faire subir les pires supplices. C'est l'heure de la "torture", princesse !


ぷりしら -  The Adventures of Priscilla -  Girls of Akihabara
Trois jeunes chanteuses pop essayent de trouver un moyen de se faire connaître, et a un moment elles ont fini par arriver à la conclusion qu'elles n'ont pas le bon sex-appeal...
囚人リク -  Jail Time Ricky -  Shuujin Riku
"Born into a world beyond imagination, imprisoned for a crime he never commited. Young Riku's life couldn't sink any lower...or so he thought. Determined to survive no matter the circumstances, Riku now faces the impossible task of outliving a prison sentence in Earth's worst penitentiary." - Courtesy of Project Bite Me! Scans
Shûjin Riku
Dix ans déjà qu'une météorite s'est écrasé sur Tokyo, séparant la métropole en deux : d'un côté, une ville réservée aux riches, de l'autre, un terrible bidonville, véritable zone sinistrée et de non-droit. C'est là que vit le jeune Riku. Malgré un quotidien difficile, il prend la vie comme elle vient, aux côtés de son grand-père. Mais quand ce dernier est assassiné, car il voulait révéler au peuple les magouilles et trafics des grandes institutions, le quotidien du pauvre Riku bascule... en enfer !! Accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis, on l'envoie dans une prison de haute sécurité, aux côtés de terribles gangsters et autres chefs de gang. Il y devient très vite la tête de turc de ses co-détenus. Et pourtant... grâce à sa rage, à son envie de survivre, mais surtout celle de venger son grand-père en dévoilant au monde la réalité du système, il devra trouver en lui la force pour faire sa place au sein de la prison... et peut-être même de s'en évader ?
이 시국에 개인교습
灵能力者小田雾响子之谎言 -  霊能力者小田霧響子の嘘 -  Lie of the Clairvoyant Odagiri Kyoko -  Odagiri Kyouko no Uso -  Odakyo -  Psychic Odagiri Kyouko's Lies -  Reinouryokusha Odagiri
Story of a buxom and no-nonsense crime-fighting mentalist.
Just a sweet, well-drawn little one-shot that's a joint with Manga At The End Of Time concerning a girl preparing for a puppet-show, that...goes rather unexpectedly.
天使机器娃娃 -  PURE まりおねーしょん
Pure Marionation is the story of Anon, a "marionette" or android cute girl. Ostensibly, she is enrolled in Waffle High (no, seriously, that's the name) to test out her AI, codenamed ALIS. Immediately, Anon's secret is discovered by classmate Miamo, who is sworn to secrecy and determines to protect Anon from...I'm not sure what. Taken from ozaku
クイーンズブレイド Hide & Seek
In the tradition, it is only the strongest women that can rule this kingdom. The battle that decides the strongest woman done once every four years. This battle is called Queen's Blade. Erina is ordered to bring back her runaway sister, Reina, who's participating in the Queen's Blade tournament.